no periods for over a year, then Bam!!

I know some people may say this is normal or they had the same experience but still it is an Ugh! I started my period in the middle of December then it stopped after 3 days. Now the same thing happened in January. How do I know it is my period? I still see the signs of ovulating, cramping, putting on extra weight, etc.. As much as I dread it I will be scheduling an appointment to see the doctor.


  • apocosi
    apocosi Posts: 8 Member

    I haven't had a period since Oct. That period was just as you described "three day light". I had always been a 7 day'er. I too wonder what is up with my cycles. I wonder if anyone has some good reading material to recommend.

    So many factors and so many possiblities/symptoms, it is hard to tell exactly what is going on.

    If I run into any info, I will post it.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Make sure you see your doctor ASAP. It might be a period, but it also may be a symptom of something else. Far better to be safe than sorry.