Not eating that!!!

care_jako Posts: 12 Member
edited January 8 in Social Groups
Has anyone completely cut certain foods or drinks out of their diet to get to their weight loss goal??
I have cut soda and coffee completely.
I hear a lot of people cut carbs, but I just cant do it!
I figure as long as I am counting the calories I am eating it really shouldn't matter.

What do you think?


  • BonjourAmelia
    BonjourAmelia Posts: 70 Member
    What I did at the start of my weightloss was, I "cut back" on sodas and coffee. Putting the restriction there made me feel punished (for lack of a better word). I heard in a documentary, the name of which escapes me, that in order to be successful, you have to change the idea of
    "I want that but I can't have it"
    "I can have it but I don't want it"

    That really sums up and explains the ways that I was able to cut back on the foods that were causing me to gain weight. Its a control thing, you will start to feel empowered, and once you see results, you wont want to stop. Hope that makes sense!

    As for the your macros (Carbohydrates, Fats and, Protein), it does matter to an extent.
    There's a reason why low-carb works so fast, and a reason why there is such a rebound weightgain once you come off a low-carb diet. (I can explain if you want, but its wordy haha).
    What you should be watching is the types of carbs you are eating. Simple carbs, sugars, starches (in fruits, and white breads for example) are quickly turned into fat by the body. The body can only store so much energy from carbs (as glycogen) and once the stores are filled, the excess is converted to fat for energy storage. Try to keep your carbohydrates as complex as possible, carbohydrate sources such as whole grains are the better choice, they are more slowly digested and contribute to so many other health benefits!

    As for fats, again, its the types! limit saturated (animal) and trans fats, while I'm not aware of any reasons they might affect your weight loss, the impact these fats can have on your health in higher amounts is scary!

    As for protein, its important that you get enough! The recommendation on MFP is a little low. but if you eat close to it (+10-20g?) you should be ok. Just watch the saturated fats associated with meats (choose lean cuts!). don't skimp on the protein either, its digested slowly, you it will keep you fuller longer, and keep cravings at bay!

    Sorry for the novel-length post, I tend to ramble haha :)

    Edit: Also I feel obliged to mention that although I said everything to the best of my knowledge, I didn't consult any sources and purely shared some things I picked up in class over the years. This is what worked for me and I am in not qualified to make any nutrition recommendations (though I will hopefully be in the next couple years haha).
  • What I have started doing was getting all my carbs in before 3:00 pm, that way I have the rest of the day and night to burn them off , along with drinking 80 ozs. of water (to start, trying to reach 120 ozs.). But I find that I don't feel deprived, I stay within my calorie limit and don't feel full right before bed because of the carbs I ate at dinner. My dinner only consists of a meat and vegetable, whereas my lunch will have pasta or potatoes. Just a different take to get it off and keep that way.
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    I almost completely gave up fast food. It was hard at first, but now, it's just nasty to me (Burgers and chicken sandwhiches are anyway.). I still get suckered into it every once in a while, but it's been less than once a month for the last few months.

    If I do go, i try to do things like chicken nuggest and a side salad or a baked potato......stuff like that.

    I can't do the no carbs or sugars yet.
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    I haven't told myself there's nothing I can't eat. I know the second I do that, I will obsess about it until I get it. But I have started taking the time to really think about what it is that I'm eyeballing. Example: yesterday afternoon I ran into the grocery store with my 6yr old. She wanted to get some chocolate donuts. I looove chocolate donuts! I let her get them and when she had one in the car, I could smell it. I really wanted one and I wasn't telling myself that I couldn't have it - I just thought about what it would do for me. Sure, it would taste good - for about 2 minutes - then it would be gone. I had to decide if it would be worth it. It wasn't, so I didn't and today I feel great about having the willpower to not eat that donut. It's a small thing but I've got to start somewhere :smile:
  • I found a good trick for those not eating pasta (and maybe you've done it or heard of it but I'm going to share anyway). I steam off about 2 cups of cauliflower, chop it up and then put about 3/4 cup of marinara sauce that I made with ground turkey and wild mushrooms. So filling and so delicious and only about 200 calories....feels more like 500 calories. I made the marinara sauce using the lowest carb sauce I could find in the aisle and then added 8 oz of extra lean ground turkey and 1/2 cup of chopped up rehydrated wild mushrooms. Delish!
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