my 2013 Goal

star0205 Posts: 6 Member
My goal is to lose 52lbs this year. If I lose more that is awesome but if I lose more then that, then I am fine with that. I am very embarrassed to say this but my dad officially weighs less then I do. I am happy for him and proud of him but feel bad that I dont have any weight loss. I started off 2012 good and losing weight but sadly things changed and by the end of 2012 my life was flipped upside down, and I gained. I have my mind cleared so now I am ready to focus and get healthier for myself,a nd for my family. I am ready to start 2013 off on the right foot.


  • eckabad
    eckabad Posts: 49
    My dad doesn't weigh less then me yet, but he's LOST more then me! Sometimes all you need is the right motivation! here's to 2013! that's almost the EXACT number of pounds I want to loose! Good luck to us!
  • my 2013 goal is to lose 40 lbs i've got a bad reputation for quitting diets and not exercising when i should be..
    so i joined MFP for moral support from others like me. my boyfriend is a marathon runner and i want to be able to keep up with him when we play sports together, i cant get to the gym but i do own an elliptical machine and a set of free weights if that counts,
    i know its only two sets of 20 lbs but this might be the hardest thing i have ever done i wish you all good luck
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    my goal is to lose 40 pounds in 2013!
  • star0205
    star0205 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry I have not responded sooner. I know that we can all reach our goals this year. I decided to save $5 for every lb I lose so that January 2014 I can spend the $ on me to do whatever I want. I am thinking that if I lose the full 52lbs then I will get me a few outfits. It wont be a huge amount but I love to go to consignment shops and so can get a whole new wardrobe with that amount. I was rewarding myself for every 10lbs and didnt make it to many of my rewards. This year I decided I would reward myself for every lb instead of waiting. I am going to stay out of the $ till January 2014 so that it will be for a years worth of work. I am excited to be rewarding myself for every lb because I feel seeing that will help me stay focused better. I hope to hear from others who are reaching their goals. We have almost made it through the 1st month and I hope that all is on track. I have steered clear of the scale because I was dealing with a few personal issues and so tomorrow is going to be my 1st day back on the scale. I am not sure what I will see but will accept it for what it is and just keep going. :happy:
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    Haven't really given much thought to goals this year.
    The only one I have is to be as close to where I want to be as possible by September / October when I hopefully start University :). Good luck to everyone with their goals, I'm sure you'll get there :)