Roll Call

My name is Barbara and I'm the founder of this group. I'm tired of seeing all these groups that never want to do anything. You either want to join, or you want to talk about if you could. I'm going to join, no if ands or buts.

I founded this group so I would have better accountability and have contact with those who are going through the same steps I am. I have to lose 70lbs to enlist in the United States Marine Corps, and I want to follow that path with others like me. It's hard talking about joining with those already fit and ready because they look at me like I'm stupid for wanting to do this. I'm not stupid, I'm determined, and I will be in bootcamp by the end of this year.

My MOS is going to be something in regards to the financial aspect.


  • KalaMakaKoa
    KalaMakaKoa Posts: 25 Member
    I have 106lbs left to lose to join the Marine Corps. It will happen!

    Hopefully my MOS will be something hands on like Aviation Maintenance or Aviation Ordnance. (I like aviation, what can I say?)
  • I am trying to join the Army, I only have 45 left to lose.
    I am hoping to go into the medical field. Its nice to see a group for this!
  • You are not stupid for wanting to join! Don't let them make you feel like that ever! Use it as fuel to keep you moving in the right direction :) I was over weight for the VAST majority of my life and i honestly never believed that joining the NAVY would be something that would never be within my reach. I weighed 205 pounds at my heaviest. I have since then lost 40 pounds which i truly believed was damn near impossible and, being in the requirements, am set to ship out in the next couple of months! You can totally do this!!!!
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Grats Caroline!

    Im gunning for Navy as well :) 97 lbs to lose though :( will hopefully hit that by next year.
  • pooleebarbara
    pooleebarbara Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Caroline. I am glad to see people who all have a common dream, and a common roadblock to it. I had met up with some Marine Corps Poolees for breakfast a few months ago after I attended a PT session with them that week, and I got so much crap from almost all of them I couldn't even stomach my breakfast. A few of them were really supportive, and the other girl who came back from basic was super supportive. She had lost 70lbs to join, and then lost another 20 in bootcamp. She lifted me up so much! But for the majority of the rest, they were not understanding or supportive at all.

    I'm glad to be around supportive people right here, and when I get down to where I need to be, I will be that inspriation for thsoe in the same boat as I am now. We can do this, We will do this, and it will be done!
  • I'm so excited for you all :) I definitely think we can do it as long as we work together to motivate, encourage and give constructive advice. I believe in you all!
  • AirFury
    AirFury Posts: 5 Member
    Barbara, I love your attitude. I agree, too many people in these kinds of groups are too passive. I love this aggressive, active approach, and I feel like everyone here is already putting in the work to make their "dream" of joining the military into an inevitability.

    I'm Sarah, and I am joining the USAF by the end of July 2013. I am 5'9", so I have 75 pounds to lose to meet weight at 185. Besides losing the weight, my two biggest challenges are building up my speed and running routine without killing my knees, and also learning to do the monkey bars for the obstacle course. I have NEVER in my life been able to do them, and when I do the Air Force course, I will have to do I think 20 feet of monkey bars over a 10-foot drop into water. I will not fail due to a lack of preparation.

    I am really excited to be a part of this group. Please feel free to add/message me.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I'm Jay, looking to become either a soldier or a sailor. Not sure if active or reserve. I want to be enlisted, gain some experience, then go to OCS. I'm 31, currently, but by the time I graduate college I will be nearly 34. I haven't determined which branch yet and I am looking to lose 104 lbs by January 2015 and become stupid ripped (t-shirts should just tear off me when I'm walking kinda stuff.)
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Welcome Jay :) Good to see someone my age planning to enlist as well!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    Well, about the age thing. Back in the day, high school era, I took 4 years of AFJROTC (made cadet Chief Master Sergeant). Problem was, when I tried to enlist in the Air Force in the summer of 1999, well, I was told by an AF recruiter, that they were cutting back and weren't actively recruiting as much, or something something.

    Bottom line. They didn't want me, so I didn't go.

    I didn't try any other branches, like I probably should have then. I was just dead set on the Air Force back then.

    For the moment, I am still researching either Army or Navy.

    Soldier or Sailor, not sure which is better at the moment, but i'll keep looking into it.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Hey future members of the military fam :) My name is Hannah, I am an operations specialist in the Coast Guard and I want to loose 20 more lbs.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    My name is Melissa, and I'm trying to do everything in my power to enlist in the Army. I did 2 years JROTC while living in Germany and was on track to go into the Air Force Academy out of high school. I had the grades, recommendations, and paralyzing fear of failing the PT test, so I sat out the test and didn't try.

    Flash forward to late January after half a lifetime of decisions...I needed to feel good about myself and I re-examined my first real failure in life, not joining the military. I'm an Army Brat, my sister was a Captain in the AF, my husband is a 9 year disabled combat vet; I know exactly what serving means. I turn 35 in May and officially become to old to enlist in any branch of the service. My short-term goal is to be on the way to BCT by the beginning of May.

    I either had to lose 44# or 13% body fat in just over two months. I'm focusing on the body fat. Since January 26, I've lost 15# and 7-8% body fat. This translates out to approximately 4" from both my waist & hips, as well as 5" from my belly. Two more inches from both my waist & hips puts me in compliance with 1% to spare.

    I work out a minimum of 13 hours a week, doing cardio sculpting & aqua zumba classes 3x week and water aerobics the other two days. Then I add swimming laps, Zombies 5k training, kettlebells, HIIT, and a 100 push-up challenge around my gym time.

    I've had ZERO help/support/advice/encouragement from the Army recruiter, so I've stopped trying to talk to him. He's completely not interested in taking any time away from the pot smoking kids sitting in the office with their feet on the desk to help someone he sees as too old. I'm doing the best I can, and if I don't make it, it won't be because I didn't try this time.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Love your spirit, Melissa! You seem so damn determined. I can totally empathize with you being one of the "older" folks trying to get in.
  • My name is Jordan, and I have to lose 10 lbs by April 24 for the Coast Guard! Haha. We can do it. c:
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    My name is Jordan, and I have to lose 10 lbs by April 24 for the Coast Guard! Haha. We can do it. c:

    I smell another imposter... and you were so much in a rush, you couldn't even spell my name, right. Imposters these days. Back in my day? They had sophistication, you know no one takes the time to do a real, good imposter-ing these days, anymore. So sad.

    Heh heh, welcome, Mega Deuce.
  • feliciaradams
    feliciaradams Posts: 7 Member
    hello I am Felicia,
    I am an army brat and have decided to join the army as of four months ago!! So far I have lost 31 pounds and am 5'2. I just met tape with 32% body fat but need to loose a little more to make sure I meet the requirements at meps. I have only 16 pounds to meet weight requirements and work out every morning except Saturday and Sunday with a recruiter trying to help me drop the weight. Glad I have found this group....its good to know I'm not the only one!! :)
  • yesynena1
    yesynena1 Posts: 2

    Its nice to see you Felicia getting help from a recruiter! I spoke to a recruiter about 25 pounds heavier and they basically told me to talk to them once I loose the weight -_-. I am so glad to see this group I started about 6 months ago and have lost a total of 40lbs. for my height of 5'2 I have to loose 20 more pounds. It seems like I have lost motivation the last two months so I hope me joining keeps me a lil more accountable.
  • feliciaradams
    feliciaradams Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, our recruiters here are awesome. Some are not. Being short sucks for the weight. But if your motivated it will happen I am going to meps in two weeks. If you ever want to talk about it add me yesynena1. Motivation is key and everyone has it just have to get it out and keep it out it has taken me months going on 6 months now and im finally there. You will get there, twenty pounds is nothing you got this and congratulations on the 40lbs lost way to go. Good luck to you.
  • yesynena1
    yesynena1 Posts: 2
    Felicia its so great to meet someone in the same boat as me that has meet their goal! Good luck at meps ! I cant wait to be there soon. It was easier in the beginning when I was not working but now that I am I have lost motivation and energy -_- . what kind of routines does your recruiter make you do?
  • feliciaradams
    feliciaradams Posts: 7 Member
    Well we meet Monday through Friday 6 am Mondays we run Tuesdays we lift weights do abs and squats, in cadence style wed. we do short distance running along with lunges more squats and box jumps. Thursday we do more abs pushups over head clappers and more stuff he just thinks of and Fridays we run again. Then I also go to the gym after work for like 30 mins to an hour of cardio. I have been working the whole time. Havent lost motivation cause my results keep me motivated just did a pt test last night and ran my 2 mile in 18:32 situps was 77 and pushups was 32. In the beginning those were all horrible couldn't even run it in 25 mins. I go to meps in the beginning of june. You will be there soon enough just stayed motivated and get it done. Its hard but well worth it.