This is my "why"!

tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
Over the holidays I saw how sick and fat my mom and sister are. I could easily become there--and not in the too distant future, either. I had enough. I want to live long and well. I want to play and enjoy life...and who am I kidding, I want to look super sexy, too! ha.

I'm doing P90X, running/walking (5K training), watching my caloric intake (mostly healthy foods, too!). I love to cook so inventing healthy recipe alternatives to my previous junk is so much fun!

Over the years, I've struggled: depression, infertility, illnesses, and I believe it is all related to my weight. I'm changing that. Now.

I'm currently on day 5 of P90X, and have been back to MFP for about a week. Since I first joined until now, I'm down 7 lbs.


  • shanematthews2
    shanematthews2 Posts: 40 Member

    That is AMAZING.

    I applaud you for your commitment and your desire to change!
    If you have any healthy recipes you love, mind posting them here? I love cooking too and I would love to try some of them!

    You are just the inspiration this country needs to get back on track and get healthy!

    Here's to a happier, healthier, more productive you!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I have lots of healthy recipes! I'll start a thread! :)
  • Jessmahka
    Jessmahka Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys!

    My whole life I've been chunky, not fat, but probably around 10-20 pounds overweight (which is quite noticeable on me as I stand at 5'1). Not only that, but I was extremely large chested (my bra size was a 34G, which is insane on such a small frame). I was never comfortable in my own skin, I always covered up and didn't like how I looked in clothes. In December of 2010, I opted to have breast reduction surgery. To this day I can say it was the best decision I've ever made. I went from a 34G to a 34B. It also made me look like I'd lost 10 pounds. It was also the first time I actually felt like I could be physically active.

    Since then, I've started playing ultimate frisbee, I've done Insanity (only for a month, I had to stop because my life became too hectic with a friend's wedding that I was in), I walk everywhere because I don't have a car, I'm conscious of what I eat (my mum instilled that into me from a very young age, and I'm in love with my organic foods!), and now I've started Turbo Fire (Friday will be the last day of the first month for me!).

    My goal over the next few months is to not give up on completing Turbo Fire (I find I give up on things too easily), I want to complete the two advanced months of it as well. I'd also like to lose 12 pounds (go from being 132 to 120 pounds), go down a pant size (from a 6 to a 4), and to start firming/toning/sculpting my body.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Great to have you here Jess!! Congratulations on your progress so far! Kudos to you onyour reduction surgery, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!