Day 1 Cold Turkey...OMG!!

nellyett Posts: 436 Member
LOL....So I've decided to give up my nasty habit. Have spent weeks reading about quitting, telling myself how horrible it is, trying to focus on how disgusting every puff is, etc.

I had my last cigarette last night, and wasn't too bad this morning, but OMG this afternoon has been a struggle!! It's like a constant nagging poke!

Please tell me day 2 is easier???? :)


  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    The first three days are the worst. I've heard a lot of people say the 3rd is. For me personally, it was the first because on the second day I was able to say "You did it one day. You can do it again." It took about a week before I stopped automatically reaching into my purse for my pack though.

    But think about it this way- if you smoke, you're just prolonging "the first week." If you stick with it, you can get the worse behind you. One thing I tell myself is that I never, ever want to go through the quitting process again and the only way to never go through it again is to stop for good.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    You are absolutely right!! no way I want to struggle through day 1 again!! :)
    I think it'll be an early night for me and then can put this day behind me as victorious!! Haha!!

    I'm looking forward to smoother sailing shortly! congrats to you on your success!!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks! I'm only on Day 6 but a year ago I quit for 3 months...not THAT long compared to a lot of people but long enough to feel the difference. I've totally been kicking myself for starting again.

    Congrats on getting through Day 1!!!! As long as you stick with it, it can only go up from here :smile:
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Let's hope it gets easier quickly!! haha

    Congrats on your one week today!! :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The first three days are the worst. I've heard a lot of people say the 3rd is. For me personally, it was the first because on the second day I was able to say "You did it one day. You can do it again." It took about a week before I stopped automatically reaching into my purse for my pack though.

    But think about it this way- if you smoke, you're just prolonging "the first week." If you stick with it, you can get the worse behind you. One thing I tell myself is that I never, ever want to go through the quitting process again and the only way to never go through it again is to stop for good.

    I agree with all of this!

    I quit cold turkey and the first 3 days were definitely the worst (Day 3 was the worst for me). After 3 days the cravings would come and go but not be so intense or often. After a week I noticed I was having an easier time dealing with the cravings. After two weeks I was getting pretty confident about the whole thing and haven't looked back since. It truly does get easier with time, that I can promise you (I quit 6 months ago).

    I know it sucks now, but as Moxie said you will only have to go through this hell once. We are all nonsmokers now!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Thank you for the words of encouragement! This afternoon has been especially difficult. Lots of anger, lots of irritation and the threat of tears! LOL

    I just had to go out and walk around my office building. Actually feel a little better after doing that. Hopefully my 'peak anxiety' day is day 2 and will be smooth sailing from tomorrow on.....:)
  • jkwpdx
    jkwpdx Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats! I am on day two. Day one was pretty good, I worked out with my trainer last night, and am going to spin class tonight. Anything that takes up that dead time for me in the evening is a good thing, that when I want to smoke the most. Cheers! we can do it!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    That's fantastic good for you!! I was hoping to go for a run tonight but I wasn't able to work one in. will maybe do some lunges and push ups just to keep me out of the kitchen and divert my cravings....been a bit of a rough day for those...:)

    Let's keep up the great work and the support! Hopefully soon all of this withdrawl discomfort will be a distant memory!!
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Excellent! If you wanna be angry or cry just do it :D Your now a non smoker :D
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Yep, so far so good!

    Day 4 today!! :)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,448 Member
    Mean and witchy for one week when I quit one year ago! Now I can breathe!!!!! I didn't know what it felt like to take a deep breath until now!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Only a week? My family will be happy to hear that :)

    I am slowly but surely starting to feel like a human being again, but definitely have my moments where my temper flares up completely out of nowhere!!

    Each day seems a little better since I got past day 2...that one was brutal!!! lol
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    Only a week? My family will be happy to hear that :)

    I am slowly but surely starting to feel like a human being again, but definitely have my moments where my temper flares up completely out of nowhere!!

    Each day seems a little better since I got past day 2...that one was brutal!!! lol

    I think the First 7 days was bad I was flat on my Back in a hospital bed with my chest cut open Had 4 by passes.
    You Can do this you are past the worst of it. You Have made it throught the addiction. The rest is just your habit.
    If you need to cry by all means do so. Lash out if you must just warn everyone it is because of your habit. They should understand.I am Proud of you Keep up the good work!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Wow, that's quite a procedure! Congratulations on quitting smoking and your recovery from surgery!

    And yes, I've warned everyone that I haven't been feeling like 'myself' these past several 8 year old daughter still asks me every morning if I'm 'mad from not smoking still'. haha