Chik-fil-A Hate

I posted a note on the food section posting heading about people praising Chik-fil-A and informed them that they contribute their profits to hate groups. Do any LGBT still go there? I do not. I can't support a chain that works directly against our interests. I'm new here, so maybe this topic was already covered when this was in the news. Just irks me that so many were praising the food and not caring about the LGBT issues this brings up.


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Luckily we don't have that chain in Canada. It's not even an option here :)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Ugh. I made the mistake of reading some of the replies to your post. Ugh ugh ugh :mad:
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Sorry I still go to Chick-Fil-A :(

    They have the best chicken sandwiches on Earth.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    there's a reason we have an LGBT+ group. Stay off the main forums. Its not pretty out there.

    I love chik-fil-a food too, but I won't give them my money Day. You can find recipes to mimic their food online though.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hmm interesting...I'll have to look those up, thanks :)
  • Doesn't exist in the UK, but of course we know all about them now, having never heard of them before the news...
  • Hah, I just searched the forums for posts on chik-fil-a, and this comment made me laugh because what else can ya do:

    "I believe that same sex marriage is completely a lifestyle choice and that it's a sin. However, I don't hate LGBT people. Just like other sinners, like drunkards, liars, and stealers, I still treat them with respect."

    Sigh. And I suppose that person "chose" to be straight, right?
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    Hah, I just searched the forums for posts on chik-fil-a, and this comment made me laugh because what else can ya do:

    "I believe that same sex marriage is completely a lifestyle choice and that it's a sin. However, I don't hate LGBT people. Just like other sinners, like drunkards, liars, and stealers, I still treat them with respect."

    Sigh. And I suppose that person "chose" to be straight, right?
    and they never ever ever sin either :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hah, I just searched the forums for posts on chik-fil-a, and this comment made me laugh because what else can ya do:

    "I believe that same sex marriage is completely a lifestyle choice and that it's a sin. However, I don't hate LGBT people. Just like other sinners, like drunkards, liars, and stealers, I still treat them with respect."

    Sigh. And I suppose that person "chose" to be straight, right?

    and they never ever ever sin either :laugh:

    I wish I knew what about that statement constitutes "respect" in their mind. Respectful behavior would be thinking it but saying nothing.
  • Well, I guess I've been drunk, lied and stolen over the last few years. Maybe they're right about me :-o
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    Well, I guess I've been drunk, lied and stolen over the last few years. Maybe they're right about me :-o
    and a 100% people do to lol it kind me makes me sad though cause they are giving alot of good christains a bad name. i am not christian but i know a ton and they are all loving and supporting people. Sure they have their views and as do i but we get along and care about each other
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Well, I guess I've been drunk, lied and stolen over the last few years. Maybe they're right about me :-o
    and a 100% people do to lol it kind me makes me sad though cause they are giving alot of good christains a bad name. i am not christian but i know a ton and they are all loving and supporting people. Sure they have their views and as do i but we get along and care about each other

    That's ...ridiculous. I've never done ANY of those things. :drinker:
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    Well, I guess I've been drunk, lied and stolen over the last few years. Maybe they're right about me :-o
    and a 100% people do to lol it kind me makes me sad though cause they are giving alot of good christains a bad name. i am not christian but i know a ton and they are all loving and supporting people. Sure they have their views and as do i but we get along and care about each other

    That's ...ridiculous. I've never done ANY of those things. :drinker:
    i should have phrased it better, i should have said sinned in one way or an other lol my bad
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Yeah if you want to tie your food chain business to your religious beliefs in a destructive way, you don't get my money. It doesn't really matter how good the food is.
  • ideliver
    ideliver Posts: 114 Member
    I have seen them in the US, but have never gone.

    I think what is really interesting is that this isn't really anything new, and yet people only came to the realisation about their beliefs in 2012. And, since Chick-fil-A, I have yet to see progress or organization in outing these hatemongering family businesses. HRC has some report cards - there are no Canadian resources that I know of that are similar.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    "I believe that same sex marriage is completely a lifestyle choice and that it's a sin. However, I don't hate LGBT people. Just like other sinners, like drunkards, liars, and stealers, I still treat them with respect."

    Head. Asplodes.
  • wait_loss
    wait_loss Posts: 117 Member
    I have seen them in the US, but have never gone.

    I think what is really interesting is that this isn't really anything new, and yet people only came to the realisation about their beliefs in 2012. And, since Chick-fil-A, I have yet to see progress or organization in outing these hatemongering family businesses. HRC has some report cards - there are no Canadian resources that I know of that are similar.

    I find it interesting that fast food is more important than lifestyle to get healthy. Ashley Furniture in the States also has a hate on for LGBT groups and has fired people open to marriage equality. It is important to note. That a little bit of hatred goes along way. When you are warned of such hate groups it is our right to stand up as consumers and say this is not right. To cop out and say well they make really good this or that. Is okay because something is made with hate and not love. We need to look at the bigger picture. Just like companies that say I cannot afford to give my employees health benefits but I can give away 2 million pizza's that is okay. It is not okay. As consumers we have a large voice. We need to remind our politicians they are there to represent us and that hate is hate wrong is wrong. Sitting their saying their is nothing I can do. As I am afraid of not getting voted back into office is like giving a four year old a loaded hand gun and saying now don't shoot it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I *think* I get what you're saying, but maybe you could clarify? Its sort of reading like ...well. I 'm not sure what we're supposed to be telling our congress people in your scenario.

    really the only thing we can ask the government to do is to make it so these organizations can't apply for tax exempt status. Which I THINK means you have to take away the 'advancement of religion' clause. Which, I'm personally all for but it becomes a much bigger debate.

    Alternately, (this might be easier), request that they add 'disqualifiers' - so even if you qualify under 'advancement of religion' you are DISqualified if you are identifiable as promoting something that opposes one of the below. So like you get disqualified for working AGAINST eliminating discrimination even if you qualify under another clause.

    It won't eliminate groups but it will disincentivize people to give them money over ANOTHER organization that does qualify and that will still help.

    The types of charitable organization that are considered by the IRS to be organized for the public benefit include those that are organized for:
    Relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged,
    Advancement of religion,
    Advancement of education or science,
    Erection or maintenance of public buildings, monuments, or works,
    Lessening the burdens of government,
    Lessening of neighborhood tensions,
    Elimination of prejudice and discrimination,
    Defense of human and civil rights secured by law, and
    Combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Yeah. Losing my $7 every few months isn't exactly gonna keep them from being hatemongers. Unfortunately.
  • Blogmarkblog
    Blogmarkblog Posts: 11 Member
    I got a message from Olivia -- a MFP Community Manager-- alerting me that my original message on the Food board responding to the people raving over how wonderful Chik-fil-A is, was a violation of the policy. I love how she signs it, "Peace." See below:

    From: Olivia
    Received: Wed 01/23/13 08:03 PM
    Subject: Please make sure to follow the forum rules

    Thank you for participating in the MFP Community! I am writing to let you know that you recently made the following forum post which violates MyFitnessPal community guidelines:


    Chick-fil-A profits fund documented hate groups that aggressively work against gay people, advocating for their criminalization, psychological abuse, or death. Chick-fil-A profits come from you. When you choose Chick-fil-A, you help fund hate groups. I'm not a fan.

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    If you had posted this as a new topic in the chit chat section, I would not have had the same response.

    Thank you for your understanding and help in keeping MFP a supportive, friendly community.

    MFP Community Manager