Pregnant. Goals.

Bibop10 Posts: 6 Member
I am 28 weeks pregnant due in April.... and am looking to 'stay' on track for these last 12 weeks of pregnancy... for my first pregnancy I did not begin to take on water weight, or any weight, until my 40th week.

I have never been a 'clean' eater but have recently gotten very interested in it and am hoping to follow a no wheat (at least... after birth), and possibly no dairy format at some point. I have a long road ahead of me and have never been a thin woman (in fact, obese since age 14)... and am just looking for a support system.

I have a 2 year old and tend to, also as a result of my pregnancy, log in more sporadically. I found out I was pregnant a week after I joined MFP. I would like to share goals, ideas, and most importantly encouragement.


  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    My name is Georgie, I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old. I'm not pregnant or anything, but you're welcome to add me for some support and encouragement. :) I've been overweight or obese for most of my life, and I understand the struggles that come with it. I can't really help with wheat free (I've never personally tried it), but I can help with dairy free... my children and I are all dairy free (well, we occasionally cheat with cheese) because they are allergic.
  • Bibop10
    Bibop10 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much. I love cheese. its already a bit much with just the thought of scrambles eggs with no cheese. No one is allergic to cheese on this end... but I know that 'I' feel better when I go without dairy.

    I just want to set a good example for my kids... and be the healthiest I can be.
  • raynavee
    I just had my baby boy on December 18th. On November 25th, I was put on a low-fat diet for a failed gallbladder and could only consume 20g of fat or less a day. I was 310 on November 29th when I saw my ob/gyn, and when I left the hospital December 19th after giving birth I was 293; that's -17lbs in a little over 4 weeks (-4.25lb/w) on top of being pregnant. So, I can honestly say that eating hardly any fat helped me.
  • Bibop10
    Bibop10 Posts: 6 Member
    I can see that... I've been trying to keep my fats as healthy as possible... (unfortunately avocado is not cheap!) but I 'oven' fry quite a bit and switched to skim milk half way though my pregnancy to keep my sugar consumption down. Congratulations on your baby boy!