Healthy & Fit by 50

1sikan Posts: 13 Member

My name is Sydney and I started on my weight loss journey (again & for the last time) January 2011 at 246 lbs with a goal of being at my goal weight (changes often) and healthier by the time I'm 50 (2014). I joined Weight Watchers and took up running with a C25k podcast (now I LOVE running)! I have lost 50 lbs since I started and feel I should be further along, but life is what it is, as long as I'm not gaining a ridiculous amount I feel like I'm approaching it in a safe and healthy way. I am currently a Beachbody member & coach (although I need to put a little more time and energy into the coaching part) and a licensed Zumba instructor which again, I need to get busy with - LOL! I'm a wife and mother of two boys 13 & 10, so my main focus is not only my health, but caring for my family, seeing that homework is getting done and turned in and being there for my 86 yo mother. My kids & family motivate me and I want to be around for my boys for as along as I possibly can, but still able to get around and have fun and be a good example for them. I currently coordinate a Family Biggest Loser Challenge among some of my family members to help encourage & motivate them to get healthy and fit and have toyed with the thought of becoming a personal trainer...

My workouts currently consist of Insanity (completed round 1, 2nd round starting in about 4 weeks), Turbo Jam and currently I'm in my first week of Brazil Butt Lift (it's gonna take a miracle :laugh: ). I also try to get a run in on the weekends and occasional during my lunch break depending on the weather, Zumba, Walk Away the Pounds, roller skating and bowling. I'm debating on whether to purchase P90X or ChaLEAN Extreme next, but first want to lose a few more pounds before I get heavier into the sculpting/defining/enlarging of my muscles. I've always dreamed of participating in a body sculpting competition or at least looking like I do, so who knows, maybe one day I'll get to do that too for the silver fox category!

I currently struggle with cooking what is best for me/us and dealing with the picky horrible eaters in my house. I tried the cooking my dinner and then cooking something else for everyone else, but it was exhausting and lame. So now I pretty much cook what I want and leave them all to their own devices if they don't want to eat it.

Whew! OK enough about me! L:OL! (sorry)


  • 1sikan
    1sikan Posts: 13 Member
    P.S. I did join MFP in July, but never set up my account or added any info until last week. Now I'm kind of liking seeing how many calories I'm consuming and earning!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome! So glad to have your expertise and knowledge of the programs here! :) Another mom of boys! You look great and I know you'll do awesome from here on out!
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Great to have you here.. U r an inspiration :)
  • 1sikan
    1sikan Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you Tiffany and Niharika!
  • shanematthews2
    shanematthews2 Posts: 40 Member

    Welcome to the group! Nice to have a fellow coach in the group! :) Looks like you've come a long way! We're lucky to have you!

    - Shane
  • 1sikan
    1sikan Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!