
Jillathia Posts: 12 Member

This forum is quite motivating so I figured I would post for the first time and see if I can convince myself. You guys almost make me think this is possible for me too. Running has always been the bane of my existence. When I do run, I run so slowly and I am winded in no time. I love walking but running seems to cross an unseen border I just can't do.

I will turn 40 in March and this summer we are going to be in the US in July. There is this very well-thought-of 5K run there that everyone says is such a kick to do. I think it would be so fun to participate. What a way to celebrate being 40 years young. I should be able to do this right? Even if running is the bane of my existence?

I downloaded an app. I bought some running shoes. The next step is "starting". Haven't quite gotten there.

It is -15C here. I don't know if this is the right time to start? Just an excuse?

Anyone have the perfect motivating thought? :):)



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    The only person who can truly motivate you to start is you.

    I was inspired by my MFPals who run - the calorie burns, distances and times they recorded. That and seeing the runners while I was out on First Aid duty at the local annual marathon - they're all ages, shapes and sizes.

    I have no idea what weather conditions are usually like for you, but where I live, the snow we've had has stopped me completing week 2 of the C25k programme I'm following. Hasn't stopped other runners tho and as soon as the ice clears up, I'll be back out there. :flowerforyou:
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I always said the only reason to run is if you were being chased. If I had to run to make the bus I was winded and miserable.

    Then ... I discovered runDisney. Being a HUGE Disney freak, discovering something Disney I had never done and Disney bling I could never have unless I participated in a runDisney event got me looking into how does a 42 year old woman who hates running, train top be a runner.

    I got active.com's Couch to 5k app on my Android. Those first 60 second runs redefined hell for me. But each week as the runs got longer, they also got easier. The dreaded W5D3 was not bad. I finished the program the last weekend in December and went right into active.com's 5k to 10k program. I am on Week 3 now. When I complete this I will find a 10k to 10 miles program.

    I am training for the runDisney Tower of Terror 10 Miler the first weekend of OCtober. My goal is to be able to complete at least one 10k in under 70 minutes before July. That will qualify me to be in the under 2 hour starting corral for "the big race".

    I'm not sure what 15C translates into in fahrenheit. I will run outside down to about 30 defrees F. This week and into next week we will be in single digits with wind chills bringing us below zero. Winter in New England. BAH!! :angry:

    You can definately do this. You will be so proud of yourself when you do.
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    You can totally do this. I'm 41, quite a bit heavier than you and on week 6 of the program. I'm loving it! The trick is to find a regular rhythm to your workouts. I do my run at night, after I put my kids to bed on a track nearby in my neighborhood. Part of what helps me is that I take my dog along and now it's such a part of HER habit she won't leave me alone until after we go out. Annoying but at least it keeps me going.

    It's been cold here, too, but I'm actually not minding it. I just make sure I gear up before I go out. Hat, gloves, fleece and down vest with nice big pockets for holding my phone, lip balm, etc.

    I think running on a track has made all the difference for me, too. I like that it's flat and familiar. One of these days I'll set off on the hills around my house, but for now I'll stick with my flat track.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Speed is not the issue and you should not worry about it at all. C25K is about time and distance. Speed can come later if you want it to.

    Good luck!
  • Jillathia
    Jillathia Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys! I did day 1 yesterday and I am pleased with myself even tho I was pretty sure I was going to die there for a while. It's pretty hars to believe I will be able to double or triple the minute of runnnig - not to mention 30!! - but we will see where it goes ;-)

    I think I redefined jogging as the slowest pace ever but no matter.
  • mylla013
    mylla013 Posts: 25 Member
    I am feeling you on the slowest pace ever. I actually walked faster than I jogged. I had my 6 year old running with me. she said Mom, can we stop running now? I told her she can walk because she walks as fast as I run. So she started walking 'Wow Mom, you DO run slow!'. It's pretty sad ;-)
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Yep...I would not start running outside in negative degree weather for sure...LOL. When it is that cold I will jog in place with the Wii Fit indoors :).

    Before I started the C25K program I could run 1 mile and then I would be winded. After 12 weeks of C25K (extended it out) I was amazed that I could run for 3 miles and then some. You CAN do it. You can extend the program out for however many weeks is suitable for you. Happy Running to you!!
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    You can do it, believe in yourself! I felt like I was going to die on my first C25k day. I finished C25k last year and now run 5k regularly. I'm not fast but am getting faster gradually, wouldn't give up running now as I enjoy it so much. I always considered myself as not a runner and a person who would never be able to run, how wrong I was lol
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Jill - it's too bad we can't run together so you can see what *slow* really looks like. And I'm on W7D3. Congratulations for starting! Reflectively, I'd say go slow and rely on the program. They really know what they're doing and will get you there without you realizing it. Also, I'll be 41 in April and am the "only if they're chasing me" camp.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you can do this, i am 41 and just started a year ago, LOVE IT!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You can do this. Just take your time and if/when you feel tired or winded, slow down. Speed will come later. Just stick with the timing of the program.
    I'm over 40 and have never run. I made it through the program just last week. If I can do it, you can, too. Keep posting here for encouragement and, for some added fun, join our Rivendell running game, which keeps track of the distance you're running and really shows you how far you've come.

    Stick with it and keep letting us know how great you're doing.
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    You can totally do it! I'm 38 years old and currently 220 lbs. I'm not very fast but that will come eventually. Best of luck to you!
  • veganashley
    veganashley Posts: 70 Member
    I run as slow as I possibly can while maintaining a running motion. It's not about speed when you're starting out. I just finished week 4, so I'm still fairly new to this, but I have no interest in speeding up yet. Getting through the program is what matters to me.

    You can totally do it. I literally spent all day, every day sitting on the couch or at my desk. Completely sedentary. The program is working for me, and I know it can work for you too! All you need is dedication. MFP helps a lot for motivation, too. :)
  • Jillathia
    Jillathia Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys! What great responses!

    I just got back from trying Week 1, Day 2 and I felt like there was already improvement in the first three runs or so -- I was as dead (or deader?) at the end as I was the other day, though. I can't imagine going on and on -- but I did find several great comments here on MFP. I really liked "running isn't a speed, it's a stride." I keep thinking that when I felt I was walking faster than I ran.

    I really appreciate all the support. I am geared up to do the Packer 5k at Lambeau Field in July. The goal of a lifetime! :D

  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Nice to see there are so many of us around 40 on here. I've found a few friends here on MFP but am always looking for more that I have lots in common with. If anyone else is looking for friends, add me!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Good job!

    Believe in the program, believe in yourself and it's amazing what you can do. Don't worry about what's next, because they have the program geared to where each next day is an achievable challenge. Looking ahead will freak you out for no reason. Just focus on running at a pace where you can complete the run you're doing.