Updates? More than 3 weeks in....

It's been more than 3 weeks since most of us started (or restarted) our goals. We've passed most of the people who have given up on "New Year's Resolutions". What have you accomplished? What are you struggling with? What new recipes to do you have?


  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    Since January 1st,

    :smile: I walked walked 40 miles.
    :smile: I've walked through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua and half of Judges. (When I walk, I listen to the audio Bible on my YouVersion app.)
    :smile: I've lost at least 6 1/2 pounds
    :smile: I've averaged 1 can of Pepsi a day
    :smile: I've drank at least 120 ounces of water a day
    :smile: I've stayed under calories every day. (1800---I occasionally eat back up 2-300 exercise calories)
    :smile: I completed one day of C25K
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    I've lost 15 lbs.
    a little over 5% of my starting weight.
    I've gone down a pants size
    I've done p90x a couple times
    Addicted to the gym!
    Eating healthier is influencing my whole family :)
    My confidence is up.
    BMI is down from 41.6 to 39.6
    I ran on the treamill
    oh and I've met all my amazing MFP friends!
  • I've lost 11 lbs since Jan 1st and 16 total from my heaviest weight.
    After 2 days of migraines, I accomplished giving up Dr Pepper and switched to lightly sweetened iced tea.
    I cut out 2 high calorie meals a week and replaced it with low cal low fat fish meals.
    I've gone from only being able to do 10 minutes on the elliptical to 25 minutes.
    I haven't put on my size 24s in over a week. I'm not even sure where they are. My 22s are fitting just fine, if not a little loose.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    This year has been a slow start for me, but I've been staying under my calorie goal everyday but once or twice; I have not been out to lunch at all, I've lost inches, I've started back on the elliptical at the gym (which is my mountain!)

    I am still struggling with trying to go to the gym or work out everyday. I work full time and I'm always tired at the end of the day and don't have time in the morning. I am hoping the more I make myself go the easier it will get.

    I have made some delicious smoothies for breakfast! This morning was Chocolate Strawberry!

    1 cup vanilla Chobani yogurt
    1 cup fresh strawberries
    2 scoops chocolate protein powder
    1 cup chocolate almond milk

    Recipe comes in under 420 total calories, and is delicious!!
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    I am down 21lbs :)
    I treat myself to one half a cup of coke every 7 days.
    I drink 64+ oz of water a day.
    Its much easier to eat healthy snacks then it was 3 weeks ago.
    I am down a size in jeans. :)

    We're rocking this ladies!!!!
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    Oh....I forgot to add....I am under the 100lb to lose:) I have 97lbs to go. YAY
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    I lost 14 pounds.
    I don't get out of breath walking my kid to his classroom.
    I have been going to the gym regularly.
    I have been under my calorie goal every day.
    I have inspired others to live more healthy.
    I have been more active with my family and have been instrumental in helping my family make healthier food choices.

    I have met great people here. This is a big one for me as I am more of a lurker than a talker. I sometimes have to force myself to speak up in the forums. But you guys are all pretty awesome.
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Oh....I forgot to add....I am under the 100lb to lose:) I have 97lbs to go. YAY

    That is amazing!!! WTG!!!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I've lost a little over 5 pounds.
    I've left the 210's- finally.
    I less than 90 pounds to go.
    I've been staying within my daily calorie goals (1200-1550, depending on when I run)
    I've been using the treadmill every other day, including the weekends.
  • rissaloses
    rissaloses Posts: 38 Member
    I have lost 7.2 pounds.
    I have trimmed 2 inches off my waist, and another 2 off my hips.
    I have been drinking at least 64 oz of water a day.
    I have started under my calories everyday but one (a splurge I allowed myself).
    I have started walking on my breaks at work = 2 miles per day.
    I have been cooking healthier meals for my family and making better choices for myself.
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I am almost at the three month mark for my re-start. Here is where I am:

    Lost 34.7 pounds (even thought it only looks like 22 here)
    Lost 9.5 inches according to the professional at our YMCA
    Won the GIFT challenge at our Y with a 15% loss between inches and pounds
    Maintained at or below calorie intake
    Can swim 1 mile and 100 yards in an hour
    Can stay on the elliptical for an hour at a time
    Average 4700 calories/week burned

    I am dealing with a health issue which just cropped up. I had an ultrasound yesterday and was called back in for a biopsy before I even made it home. Now, I wait for results. In the meantime, I am under restriction for my physical activity until a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is made/completed. So, for now, this is about staying in my calorie restrictions and the limited activity I have until this is in a better place. It is never good when something like this comes up, but I am going to focus on the fact I am more concerned about how this is impacting my overall health journey and less concerned about the results of the biopsy. Whatever it is, we can deal with it once we know what "it" is.
  • I've left the 300 club and headed toward the 280s..12.4 since Jan 1st and over all loss of 28lbs. I'm exercising more and making better food choices most of the time. Drinking more water:drinker:And I'm wishing you all the best..hugs:heart: Wanda
  • Well i didnt start on new yrs day, but i did restart here exactly 10 days ago and i have

    Lost 6 lbs
    Lost 8 inches
    Walked 40 miles minimum
    Joined a gym which i love
    Have been under my cal goal every single day
    Have eated out only once.
    Have had only 3 cans of soda ( compare to 6 per day)
    Came back to mfp and met some great people.
    I have more energy now then i have had in years and im so proud of myself i could burst.
    Ty for all mfp freinds support love u guys!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    11 pounds lost
    on week 3 of c25k
    I can walk up the big hill without stopping to catch my breath
    tried zumba (hated it) and boxing (fun but too many hits to the head)
    I have dropped a dress size
    I get a lot of comments on how well i look
  • sianll
    sianll Posts: 30 Member
    Holy cow - you buried the lead. Congrats on QUITTING SMOKING!
  • sianll
    sianll Posts: 30 Member
    I've lost 11 lbs since Jan 1st and 16 total from my heaviest weight.
    After 2 days of migraines, I accomplished giving up Dr Pepper and switched to lightly sweetened iced tea.
    I cut out 2 high calorie meals a week and replaced it with low cal low fat fish meals.
    I've gone from only being able to do 10 minutes on the elliptical to 25 minutes.
    I haven't put on my size 24s in over a week. I'm not even sure where they are. My 22s are fitting just fine, if not a little loose.

    Holy cow - you buried the lead. Congrats on QUITTING SMOKING!
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost 7lbs (3kg to us Aussies) so far!
    Have stayed under my calorie count every day for the whole 3 weeks.
    Have cut out pretty much all junk food - bread, chips, soft drink and (sob!) chocolate (tho I plan to reward myself with a freddo frog at the end of the month).
    Have done some kind of exercise almost every day and managed to swim 4 full laps at the pools the other day :)
    I feel so much healthier already - I've got more energy and my skin looks much clearer.

    Bonus: I've met some amazing new friends on mfp that have been motivating and supporting me every step of the way - thank you all so much!!! You all rock!
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    I've lost 9lbs
    I've lost 17 inches over all
    I've cut out sodas
    I've stayed at or below my calorie goal every day
    I've exercised consistently at least 3x/week
    I've checked in to MFP daily to keep myself in check
    I've had an energy boost
    My clothes are getting loose!!
    I've regained strength in my calf after being in a cast and off of my feet for 4 months.
    I'm stressing less about my health and instead actively changing it.
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    Oh....I forgot to add....I am under the 100lb to lose:) I have 97lbs to go. YAY

    ooh! You just made me realize that I am too! 96 to go!
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    Yay!!! We can & are doing this:) It's exciting!!!!

    Girls we are rocking this!!!!!!