Diet tricks

There are these little things a person can do which I call "diet tricks'....little things to trick the body into thinking it's full faster or that you can stay full longer. I'm sure everyone knows or has tried something so please feel free to add,

1.) Drink a full glass of water before each meal, the premise being that your stomach will feel full faster and that you will eat
less food.

2.) Eat an apple before each meal, again the premise is that the fiber contained in the apple will fill you up, therefore you will be-
come full faster and stay full longer.

3.) Each time you take a bite, make sure to chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing. This technique forces a
person to take the time between each bite to properly chew the food, therefore improving digestion and nutrient absorption
also with the increased time between chews, a person eats much, much slower and gets full faster and eats less food.
(This really works, but it's really hard for a person who is used to eating and swallowing really fast to do. takes practice!!)

I'm sure there are many other things, please post other ideas so we can keep each other motivated.


  • mrudick74
    i haven't heard of the apple one, sounds good though. i have to watch my fruit intake though. due to the high sugar content. high fiber foods do feel you up and keep you feeling full longer. also, don't have caffine when eating your eating your meals. caffine is a stimulate, so you feel hungry even though you are at your limit. slow down when eating, take your time and enjoy your meal. it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you are full. love that you brought this subject up.
  • sura987
    sura987 Posts: 30
    I'm glad. I'm sure there are alot more things out there. Sometimes when losing weight seems so hard and takes so long, maybe trying one of these little tricks will keep motivation up. I really find increasing the number of chews for each bite of food, really works, because I'm a super fast eater, I practically inhale my food, but when I "slow chew for 20 bites before swallowing, my digestion seems to improve, and I also eat less/stay full longer, it is not easy for me to do at all...and alot of times people are asking me what's wrong? Is my food ok? Why is it taking me so long to eat? I really hope we can keep helping each other, motivating and supporting thru this. I'm so grateful I found you on here.