I'm so scared right now.

So today I binged.

But unlike my usual binges, I ate pure sugar this time. Everything was sweet. I had 2 sugar cookies, 3 cupcakes, 5 chocolate chip cookies, a cup of ice cream, biscotti, brownie, cake... etc. etc.

and now I have a headache. It's scaring me so much because I am in so much pain. I'm alone right now and so scared-- for my body, my health, everything. I'm terrified and I just need someone to talk to. I regret this binge so much...

I feel so sick I could throw up. I'm just so scared I want to cry.


  • KatelinIsArmyStrong
    Eat some protein to slow the sugar rush down. Have a chicken breast and some broccoli or something. You're going to be hungry as hell the next day or two, but it's okay.
    Sweety, I've even 3 pints of ice cream, a huge pack of oreos, and 4 pb&j sandwhiches in one night. I bounced back, so will you. <3
  • berumotto
    I'm just so scared I've destroyed my health, which I know I have at this point.

    I'm terrified of digestive problems... diabetes...

    My body is still young, but I treat it like junk and I wish I didn't....
  • KatelinIsArmyStrong
    But unlike most Americans, you're doing something about it. Believe in yourself. Beating yourself up wont change you. Hating yourself just makes it worse. You're worth it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I agree with KateLin. When you have had a sugar binge (the only kind I ever have, and believe me, I know how you feel as I spent over 6 weeks doing the same thing as you, only with up to 6000 calories worth of food, every day and suffered the stomach aches and even some pain in my chest) it is best to get down some good, 'clean' food like chicken or salmon or eggs and vegetables to balance out the carbs, and as soon as you feel well enough, get in some moderate to intense exercise, as that will eliminate some of the glucose and rebalance your body so you can carry on again without the awful cravings and hunger.

    Each time you feel like binging, remember how bad it feels, and the impact it has on your body, and try and hold off, do something else, or have something sweet but in a controlled portion. I am finding allowing myself a chocolate bar or some ice cream or a single treat item each or most days helps a lot.
  • nadinebl
    Gosh, how I needed to read this today. Too many cookies; too much guilt. Back on the horse with protein. Thank you!