Not Losing

lesliejtg Posts: 6 Member
Would anyone be interested in taking a look and see where I can make changes to get the scale moving. Thanks!


  • BlessedWith3
    Hi lesliejtg! I would love to give you some suggestions, but before I do, I was wondering if you are following a particular low carb plan of just trying to lower your carb intake on your own.

    Don't lose the faith!

  • lesliejtg
    lesliejtg Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, thanks! No plan really. I was just trying to get the carbs down.
  • BlessedWith3
    Please let me preface, what works for one doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for another. So what I am going to write is based on what has worked for me. I also want to note that I do follow Atkins WOE.

    My first suggestion is to read up on low carb lifestyle and weightloss. I think you are definitely on the right track!!! There are many sites out there that offer free information and plans, plus you can check them out at the library. If you are interested in some sites, let me know and I will message them to you. Some plans (Atkins and South Beach) have a 2 week low carb/restricted foods to get your metabolism reset. While it is tough, it is well worth it. After the two weeks, should you choose, you would move on to add in foods that don’t affect insulin.

    I took a look at your diary and what sticks out to me is that your carbs do seem to be on the high side. Disclaimer, I keep mine between 20-25gr per day for consistent weight loss. We each lose at a different rate. Low carb is generally considered below 50gr per day (again, some can lose at a higher carb rate).

    If you want to chat more in detail, send me a message : ) Also, there are some great posts in here with amazing insight and advice.

    Take a look at
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Leslie,
    If you are following a Low carb plan, calories do matter to a point, from looking at your diary it really looks like you may not be eating enough. When I started the low carb Atkins I was still trying to stay at 1200 calories and it just didn't work, try focusing more on the carb count logging your food versus the amount of calories you are consuming by alwatys trying to stay at 1200 calories you're body may need more energy.
    Justa suggestions!
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Sorry just one more comment: A lot of the items that you are eating that are labeled as "Low Carb" are often noted to stall weight loss.
    Example: Light & Fit Dannon yogurt, lots of carbs
    Protein Powder Lots of carbs (known to stall weight loss)
    Low Carb Toritllas (known to stall)

    Maybe try sticking to more vegetables and meats, whole real foods versus pre-packed "low Carb" items and see what happens.
    I know you aren's on a specific low carb plan but most all of the low carb plans talk about sticking with real foods and staying away from the pre-packed low carb items.
    Can't hurt to try it.
    Good luck... weight loss is a journey!:happy:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Grains, "low carb" and low fat foods, McDonalds iced coffee (those fats are likely NOT healthy fats), processed food in general. Lack of abundant natural and fatty foods.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm mystified as to why you're not losing. You're exercising and keeping your calories low. Your ticker says you have 100 pounds to lose? Are you weighing and measuring all your food, not just eyeballing it?

    There are a few different odd things that can happen with weight loss. Sometimes you will lose inches before pounds. Are your clothes fitting better? Or sometimes you won't lose anything for a while, then lose several pounds at once. Woosh. One other thing I've heard that can happen is if you're exercising more than normal, your body can retain water weight to heal you muscles.

    So I'm not sure I have an answer for you. Don't give up, though, it will happen.

    The only thing I can suggest from looking at your diary is try to eat more vegetables. Yes, they have carbs, but you need them.

    If you want to peak at my diary, it's open.
  • lesliejtg
    lesliejtg Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! I finally started losing a little weight. It is coming off, so cool to step on the scale and see it moving. I am cleaning up my menu, getting rid of the yogurt, protein powder, and tortillas and eating simpler.
    Blessedwith3 thank you! That really made my day. I have 5 kids and eating low carb and working out is an adventure with little ones.
  • nyclowcarb
    nyclowcarb Posts: 9 Member
    I can't see your diet but agree..low carb anything that resembles bread, tortilla a no no in the beginning and glad to see your doing that..I wish FP would actually show net carbs in the meal and weekly does not..only in the invidual meals does it show net carbs...still a good tool...keep carbs to under 25 and you should be fine..Dr. Atkins wrote 20 carbs in his book because through his work he found that just about everyone lost weight at 20..I think 25 net carbs is safe.