Summer 2013 brides?

Hey guys are there any Brides getting married in July 2013? I'm in need of motiviation and Im just now starting back on my diet...


  • MamaFern2014
    Hello! I'm also getting married in July 2013 and don't worry - I just got back on the healthy train too. I lost about 20-30 lbs for a friend's wedding, I was still looking pretty healthy for my engagement photos but lately due to tons of stress (I'm a stress eater) and a lack of time of exercise, I've gained about half of the weight I lost back. My fitness plan is to exercise whenever I get the chance - mainly 30-45 mins of cardio. I've found that walking for 60 seconds and running for 90 seconds for a few miles is a great way to get through it for a non-runner like me. Basically, I'm going to try to do cardio 3 times a week and eat very little carbs--mostly veggies, sometimes meat. That's how I lost last time, plus drinking A TON of water! Congrats on your upcoming wedding :)
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi, my wedding is June 22, 2013. I'm less concerned about losing weight specifically for the wedding, more like just trying to continuously improve, and I've found tha tthe best way for me to continuously improve is if I exercise regularly rather than sporadically. It makes such a huge difference in my overall level of fitness. When I do a weight lifting circuit regularly, for example, I can maintain or increase my weight and reps each time I do it. But if I don't do it for even a couple of weeks, I always backslide on my weight and reps.

    So for me personally, consistency is key. Logging what I eat every single day. Exercising at least 5 days a week, or at least getting a nice long walk on the days when I don't exercise. And exercise is a great cure for stress, so I hope I remember that as I get closer to June.

    I think if I keep it up I should be tight like a tiger on wedding day :)

    Good luck to you! Be consistent!
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    yes my wedding is in july! just joined hoping to get back on the right track. started insanity this week.
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    Im getting married on 26th July. At 5"5 and 15stone i'd love to lose 2stone by then. Started the 30DS this morning!
  • rahholland
    rahholland Posts: 8 Member
    I am getting married on july 26! So excited! I started working out in January and have not lost much but toned a lot so far. I don't really have a weight goal I just want to be healthier and more fit.
  • sass0720
    I am getting married July 20th. I just started getting serious about the weight loss thing. I have bounced back and forth, completely giving up and then going hard for a week, then giving up for 3 lol

    I have been eating healthy for a while now, and just started turbo fire - i love it!!!
    I'm hoping to drop 50-60 pounds by our wedding day.... eeeeyyyyikes
  • grenua3823
    grenua3823 Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulation and Yes I am getting married, July 28th to be exact.
  • grenua3823
    grenua3823 Posts: 6 Member
    Can you talk a bit more about what you mean stone? What is it, i'm curious possibly interested?
  • thebrazenhead
    thebrazenhead Posts: 10 Member
    I'm getting married July 20th!
    I've been trying hard to fit in exercise and healthy eating but its been a challenge with wedding planning, working full time and going to night school. My class just finished though so I'm ready to commit!

    I do barre ballet fitness a few times a week, I have a dance class once a week and will be doing the P90x and Insanity hybrid workout with my hubby2B starting in Feb (and going until July). We aren't trying to lose so much as we just want to look good- firm and tight and healthy in our pics and on our honeymoon.
  • thebrazenhead
    thebrazenhead Posts: 10 Member
    Can you talk a bit more about what you mean stone? What is it, i'm curious possibly interested?

    Stone is weight measurement in the UK. 1 stone is 14 lbs
  • grenua3823
    grenua3823 Posts: 6 Member

    Stone is weight measurement in the UK. 1 stone is 14 lbs

    Thanks for the clarification.
  • amybruce13
    You are ahead of me! I am getting married 7/27...and just starting NOW. :-/
  • BetheLight
    BetheLight Posts: 18 Member
    We are starting our marriage July 6th!! I haven't really jumped on the bandwagon to eat or exercise consistently, so here I am!
  • CJAlade
    Wedding July 27th!! Started 01/01/13 but gained 3 lbs :-/ Hopefully it's muscle!! I need motivation gals!!
  • Thinknight
    Thinknight Posts: 35 Member
    Also getting marrried on the 27th of July and im determined to be nice and thin for it!
    I havent been doing any exercise and i know that will come back at me soon so today is day one and im trying out yoga!
    I have lost 8kgs so far and im aiming for another 5. I have already bought the dress so I dont want to have to take it in too much!
    Good luck with losing it! I find the best thing to do is stick to your calorie intake...i have basically lost 1kg a week doing that. I feel very lucky its working!
  • newburgh32
    July 20th to my high school sweetheart
  • grenua3823
    grenua3823 Posts: 6 Member
    So seems my body doesn't want to let go of the weight so I'm getting back on the diet that worked for me. Anyone want to join me you can find the info here:

    They are having a BOGO sale. When in checkout remember the following: 1. Add your Body Reset Program to the cart 2. Change the Quantity to 2 3. Click "Update Shopping Cart" 4. Coupon Code: BOGO15, BOGO30, or BOGO45 5. Click "Proceed to Checkout"!!!

    I've personally tried this in the past and lost 24 lbs. I have only a few months to look good in the dress so I'm doing this again.
  • KatieP_85
    KatieP_85 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm getting married August 10th of this year. I originally started tracking on this site a couple years ago and with tracking and exercise I went from 188 to 148, however within this last year of engagement I've gained and am back up to 161.5. I want to get down to 140, any smaller will be bonus. For now i'm working out with a dvd and weights, and doing cardio here or there. I know that staying on a good work out routine will get me to my goal weight. I need the motivation so add me! I only started tracking again within the last two weeks.
  • RobogirlDax
    RobogirlDax Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats to all of you. I am getting married the 22nd of June 2013. I need to loose about 10 kilograms (22 pounds)
    Also I wanna loose 10 cm (4 inch) of my bellyfat and 6-7 cm (2.5 inch) around my hips :))
    Yuo, that's a lot, but I really hope I can do it :)))
  • ekta1985
    ekta1985 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! My wedding is on July 20th 2013 and I am planning on losing about 25 more lbs.. About a month ago the realization hit me that the wedding would be here soon and I started 'The Eat Clean Diet'. So far I've lost 10 lbs without even focusing on working out. This month I want to keep up eating clean and workout 3-4 times a week. My biggest motivation is just thinking that I probably only have 3 more months until my first dress fitting and only 5 months total. That pretty much keeps me on track.

    It seems like most of you are pretty focused! Good luck. :smile: