birthing "atmosphere"

EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
So I feel like I have about 20 different things I could make new threads out of, but for now I'll start with your birthing "set up." Have you all thought about what you'd like the environment to be like while delivering?

Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

do you want it well lit or not many people?

Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?

Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?

And I'd love to hear anything else you plan to do to make the environment as loving and welcoming for your little bundle of, I sound like a hippy ;)


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I will have only my husband. The lights will be low and I have a variety of music - some that makes me laugh, some classical, basically, the same basic combination that I usually listen to. I have a portable dvd player that I'll be taking with quite a few movies and some books. I'll wear the hospital gown. I want to be able to wear my clothes again! Really, the most important thing to me is that I can stay calm and happy regardless of what happens during the delivery. There is about a 70% chance that I will end up with another c-section and I don't want that to ruin my mood.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I just want my husband there.. I don't really like any music but am planning on maybe buying some kind of magazine for the earlier labor. My labors are very intense and short once I make it to the hospital all my previous 3 births were over in about 4 hours. The contractions hit so hard and close together I usually just try to relax for the 1 min between contractions and almost fall asleep so I don't really want any distractions.

    The water tub did help a bit to keep me warm and relaxed but I kind of wanted to keep moving between it and the bed for some reason. I just prefer a very quiet atmosphere so I can try to relax as much as possible between the 4min contractions and 1 min off lol... I never thought of lowering the lights but maybe that will help, thank you for that idea :)

    I highly recommend that you ask for someone to keep your area down there really warm with hot towels just before you give birth, it helps to make the skin more elastic and stretch further, I had a 9lb 6oz baby without ripping and I totally credit the awesome dr. who put hot towels down there just before and during transition and really watched when I pushed and warmed it up again to make sure it would not rip, she also made me wait to push at some points to allow me to slowly stretch to max.

    This is another thing not really birth related but for after.. when they poked my poor baby's heels for blood, they poked and poked about 20 times and could not get ANY blood out. Finally my midwife stepped in and said to bring her some hot towels, and she warmed up the baby's body and legs for about 10 minutes and the first try to get blood after that worked. Don't let them torture your baby with repeated jabs in the heels without making sure the baby is warm and circulating well.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    Nope, I didn't the first time, and I won't this time. I was more interested in watching TV to pass the time (though my TV was stuck on HGTV or something like that), but that's because I had had an epidural and was just chilling out waiting to push.
    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

    Just my husband with me. There's nobody else I feel like showing my vagina to, not counting medical professionals who have to see it.
    do you want it well lit or not many people?

    I had regular hospital lighting. I think the lights were dimmed in the early hours of labor, since it was the middle of the night, and I was trying to rest, but for the big show, the lights were on normal (it was 10:30AM). I wasn't that concerned about lighting. Additionally, as many people as need to be there will be, as far as hospital personnel.
    Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?

    Not really! I'll just be focused on giving birth :)
    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?

    Hospital gown. It gets messy. Anything I wore would have to be thrown away, so my opinion is that there's no point in wasting clothing or money on a special birthing gown.

    I know, I am so boring!!!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I have been buying some new aromatherapy candles for my bedroom (which is also my birthing room). I will be setting up my birthing tub in front of my french doors, so I will only have natural light, unless it is nighttime, and in that case, I have dimmers to have dim lighting. My playlist is super eclectic with a lot of different music from all different genres. I will have two midwives at my house for the birth, a doula, my husband, my mom, and my kids. My daughters are really excited to see the baby born, and my mom will be keeping my son busy during the birth. I will be wearing a comfy tank dress for early labor, but when I am in the tub I will just be in a sports bra. I am just trying to create the most comfortable, relaxed and loving environment possible!
  • ToFatToBeSick
    My birthing set up includes: Doctor's, the husband and both of our mothers in a room while I am in pain. As long as a doctor is there to make sure the baby and myself make it through safely, I don't care about my surroundings.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    My main thing I am doing to make me "more comfortable" is making sure that people aren't hovering, pacing, or coming in and out of the room a whole bunch. Those are things that tend to make me anxious, and I definitely don't need that. I probably won't bring any music, though I will probably ask for the lights to be dimmed if possible. I will wear the hospital gown- I'd rather get their gown messy than mine. Honestly, I don't want to be lugging a ton of stuff around, making my husband take the time to set everything up, and putting more stuff in the way. I wouldn't get too nit-picky about the tiny details, because its just more for them to remember and more that they can forget, and therefore more than will potentially annoy you. I would get the big things laid out (like, for me, not having people hovering and pacing), and go with the flow. Yes, it is YOUR family's big moment, but trying to add a bunch of little details can potentially make it more exhausting for everyone involved. Honestly, when I am having contractions every 2 minutes, the last thing on my mind is what song is playing or what I'm wearing.:laugh:
  • ToFatToBeSick
    Why not let your son watch as well?
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    My son is only two, and wouldn't understand what is happening, so he would probably just be more stressful to have in the room because his favorite thing to do is destroy any room that he is in. My girls are a little older, so they will be able to know what is happening and be a part of the experience.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    So I feel like I have about 20 different things I could make new threads out of, but for now I'll start with your birthing "set up." Have you all thought about what you'd like the environment to be like while delivering?

    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    I don't think I will be having any music but haven't decided for sure yet - I know I definitely want the tv on as a distraction but I'm the type of person that always has the tv on at home for "background noise" so for me, the tv is soothing

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

    2 - My husband and our doula

    do you want it well lit or not many people?

    I don't mind regular lighting - as for the people, I don't mind people coming in and out but I made it clear that I do not want residents in the room. My neighbor had a resident botch her epidural recently so that did it for me.

    Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?
    No, other than maybe a magazine to look at or something for early labor.

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?
    Hospital gown. Like others have said, I don't want to get my own clothes messy and honestly don't want to associate any of my own clothes with pain or trauma after I come home (I know it sounds weird)

    And I'd love to hear anything else you plan to do to make the environment as loving and welcoming for your little bundle of, I sound like a hippy ;)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?
    Lots and lots of my favorite classical music! I've also got it in my head that I want to watch "Avatar" but that's probably not going to happen LOL. Maybe while I'm still at home in early labor!
    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?
    Just me, my husband and our doula, no one else. We are letting family know that I am in labor but there will be strict instruction to NOT come to the hospital until after the baby is born and we call them again. The nurses will also know to not let anyone into the room.
    do you want it well lit or not many people?
    I want dim lights and limited interference from nursing staff, etc.
    Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?
    I am wearing my own L&D gown, bringing my own towels and my favorite blanket, Bath & Body Works lotion, etc. along with some aromatherapy oils.
    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?
    Oops, already answered that :-)
    And I'd love to hear anything else you plan to do to make the environment as loving and welcoming for your little bundle of, I sound like a hippy ;)
    I get accused of being a hippy all the time :-) My birth plan is about a page and a half long and fairly specific. I basically just want to be as comfortable as possible and not be bothered unless absolutely necessary. I plan to labor at home as long as I can before going to the hospital, so hopefully I won't be there for a super long time but you never know!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I get accused of being a hippy all the time :-) My birth plan is about a page and a half long and fairly specific. I basically just want to be as comfortable as possible and not be bothered unless absolutely necessary. I plan to labor at home as long as I can before going to the hospital, so hopefully I won't be there for a super long time but you never know!

    You and me both. My hubby took an EMT class and I'm half way tempted to just have him deliver the baby...but he's never done that and my doctor doesn't deliver at the nearest hospital so I'm not going to risk that ;) I'm not looking forward to the pain but I tend to think that women have been doing this on our own for YEARS so why have a ton of medical intervention?
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    I get accused of being a hippy all the time :-) My birth plan is about a page and a half long and fairly specific. I basically just want to be as comfortable as possible and not be bothered unless absolutely necessary. I plan to labor at home as long as I can before going to the hospital, so hopefully I won't be there for a super long time but you never know!

    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    So I feel like I have about 20 different things I could make new threads out of, but for now I'll start with your birthing "set up." Have you all thought about what you'd like the environment to be like while delivering?

    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

    do you want it well lit or not many people?

    Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?

    And I'd love to hear anything else you plan to do to make the environment as loving and welcoming for your little bundle of, I sound like a hippy ;)

    I'm not a big music person. I like quiet when I'm in labour so probably no music. It will be my husband and the two midwives who attend homebirths here and maybe my daughter if the labour is quick or at night. She's 4 but I think she would be okay with it. I don't swear or shout when I'm labouring so I don't think she would be scared. I would really like her to be first to know the gender of the baby, but we'll see. I'll have a birthing pool in my conservatory, and the midwives will be invited to sit in the adjoining sitting room until I tell them I am ready to push. I don't want examined to see how far I am dialated. With my first I was in the worst possible pain and was told I was only 3cm and it would be another 7 hours until I had her. It was very discouraging. Well I had her 20 minutes later, so I don't care how far dialated I am this time. :)
    The conservatory lighting will be natural if it's day time and dim if it's night. I will wear a swimsuit top. No one will know I am in labour until I ring to annouce the baby had arrived. Last time we had to tell me in-laws I was in labour because we were due to go to a carol concert with them the evening Ivy was born. They text me constantly the whole time i was in labour and the bleeping of my phone was extremely irritating. It was much nicer just calling my family afterward and suprising them. No one to worry or annoy me!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I get accused of being a hippy all the time :-) My birth plan is about a page and a half long and fairly specific. I basically just want to be as comfortable as possible and not be bothered unless absolutely necessary. I plan to labor at home as long as I can before going to the hospital, so hopefully I won't be there for a super long time but you never know!

    You and me both. My hubby took an EMT class and I'm half way tempted to just have him deliver the baby...but he's never done that and my doctor doesn't deliver at the nearest hospital so I'm not going to risk that ;) I'm not looking forward to the pain but I tend to think that women have been doing this on our own for YEARS so why have a ton of medical intervention?

    WORD! I have many friends who have done natural births... I think women get psyched out about it (and despite popular belief, much of it IS mental) because interventions are mainstream now and natural birthing isn't considered the norm anymore, which is sad. My doctor told me the other day (he's so cool to just talk to) that he doesn't induce or do a C-Section without absolute medical necessity, and that's how it should be! Pitocin is given on a routine basis, along with a whole host of other things... I'm a bit extreme in my views on vaccines and stuff like that too but ultimately to each her own. You would be amazed at the comments I've received from people, that I'm not going to be able to go drug-free, and I'm naive because I've never experienced labor before... such people are lucky that I don't want to stress my baby out in utero, because under normal circumstances I would let them have it! My husband has even had people making comments like that to him. I respect everyone's decisions even if I don't personally agree with them, and I deserve the same.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    I hope I'm this fortunate, we shall see! :-)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So I feel like I have about 20 different things I could make new threads out of, but for now I'll start with your birthing "set up." Have you all thought about what you'd like the environment to be like while delivering?

    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

    do you want it well lit or not many people?

    Are you bringing anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?

    And I'd love to hear anything else you plan to do to make the environment as loving and welcoming for your little bundle of, I sound like a hippy ;)

    1) Playlist: not yet. I REALLY need to make one though. I'm due in 3 weeks (yeah, I procrastinate with the best of them apparently)

    2) 2, my husband and my grandmother. My grandmother I've asked to not be in the room during actual delivery (not comfortable with her seeing my vag really.

    3) I'm not worried about the lighting unless I get a migraine.

    4) I'm delivering at a maternity center, so we get to bring food, drinks, and pretty much anything else I want. I'm going to pack slippers, snacks, some good drinks, and maybe my own pillows.

    5) I'm using my own clothes unless I end up being transported to the hospital, then I'll use theirs.

    I'm excited to deliver at the maternity center. The birthing rooms feel like bedrooms, and they each have a huge jacuzzi birthing tub and private bathrooms with minifridge and TV's and such. It's going to be so nice to not feel like I'm in a hospital, so that will be really comforting and relaxing to me.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    For us, we'll be at a military hospital so there's no students or resident nurses; just the OB & midwife on call and regular L&D nurses. For who will be in my room though, I've made it clear that I want as few people as possible and as few interruptions as possible (only midwife, my assigned L&D nurse, my husband and doula). The rooms are equipped w/dimming lights and they have a setup where the lights everywhere can still be dimmed during delivery as they have a small spotlight they can turn on and focus on that area without disrupting the ambiance in the room.

    Haven't decided on music yet; many times when I'm focused on something or don't want to feel stressed or distracted I opt for no music and go for silence. We'll see what happens; if nothing else we'll have pandora if the room we've got has cell/data reception lol.

    I plan to bring a few card games to pass the time (if needed, not sure how quick labor will go as this is my first but with me and my brother, my mom's was less than 5 hrs), a pillow as they're not plentiful nor as thick as I'd like in the rooms, comfy socks for the floor, and a disposable L&D gown that I've already tried on and really like/look good in (this is because subconscientiously I won't feel self aware and won't be worried about how I look in the hospital gown; usually I don't care what others think, but it definitely comes out in more "stressful" or "first time" situations).

    We have a birth plan that's already in my records that will be reviewed by my assigned L&D nurse to help advocate to the midwife what I want (granted, if it's my midwife on call then it's not an issue at all!) so I hope to not have to remind anyone of anything - granted, that will be left up to my husband and doula as well - so I can focus solely on bring our daughter into this world :smile:
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    While I am specific with many things, and "go with the flow" with others, this is all giving me great ideas. I like the idea of not announcing I am in labor, and just letting people know when the baby arrives. While it would be fun to have everyone on Facebook on pins and needles, I don't want my husband or myself bombarded with texts from everyone.

    I forgot to say- as far as people in my room, its going to be only the medical staff that is necessary, my husband and hopefully my Mom (praying that she is able to make it!!!). Last time they asked if I would allow a medical intern or student in, and I was fine with that. I figured I was a good learning experience for her, because I am not a nice laborer... I am emotional and whiny. Now she knows what to expect :wink:
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Loving reading all of these! I'm so fealous of nursenikki's setup! Oneday I'll be able to have a homebirth!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    While I am specific with many things, and "go with the flow" with others, this is all giving me great ideas. I like the idea of not announcing I am in labor, and just letting people know when the baby arrives. While it would be fun to have everyone on Facebook on pins and needles, I don't want my husband or myself bombarded with texts from everyone.

    I didn't announce that I was even at the hospital. I was worried that I'd go there for a while only for them to send me home or something. The only people who found out prior to my mass birth announcement text and Facebook announcement were my employers, since I had worked right up until I went into labor (which happened in the middle of the night). They obviously needed to know that I wouldn't be there by 8AM :)

    I really didn't want anyone waiting and wanted to be able to have some time with our son without any visitors. I didn't have anyone visit until that evening (I had him in the late morning), so it worked out well, plus I had been in my regular hospital room for a while and could ask for a few things I had forgotten.