Best Exercises for the Beginner with a Lot to Lose

cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
Over the years, I have been a member at Curves, bought an exercise video or two...never found anything that was either that interesting or that sustainable in terms of physical ability. Since committing to this new lifestyle, I have been trying to swim 3-4 times a week -- you get a lot of calorie burn for your buck and it is easy on all the joints, the back, etc -- which is kind of necessary until I get some of this weight off. Walking is good, I know -- but really BORING.

So -- for those of you who still have or had a lot to lose -- what exercises did you find to be the best and most interesting and doable to start with? I read about people biking and Zumba'ing and all this stuff -- and I mean, really, I know that my 400+ pound frame is not going to be able to bike right now -- and there's no way my knees (nor my ego!) will take bouncing around a dance studio at this point in time. Some day definitely -- I would love to add those types of activities to my fitness regime -- but let's be realistic for now and not risk injury to body or self-esteem! Because that will just keep me from sticking with any kind of fitness plan.

So -- do I just stick with swimming for now (and is doing just one activity okay for now in terms of future success) -- or do any of you have any other suggestions for getting started and building up?

Thanks in advance for suggestions and advice!


  • travelistadiva
    travelistadiva Posts: 52 Member
    I am a big girl and I Zumba. I do the tapes with my mom who has bad knees and does what she can in a chair. Some time I cant keep up with the video but I keep moving. We recently bought Zumba Gold a low impact carbio and toning DVD set. This is a good burn and It's only about 35-40 minutes. Hope this helps.
  • michelle0suzann
    michelle0suzann Posts: 43 Member
    Hey darlin! Looks like you are off to a great start! Swimming is a great calorie burner and also helps with toning as well! Walking is always good. As far as biking when I started getting on a bike was out of the question! I got a type of stationary bike that was just the pedals. I could sit on the couch and pedal away or I could put it on the table and get a decent arm workout. I think the one I bought was around 40 dollars and it worked great for me!

    As far as other activities - water aerobics is always easy on the body and fun to do with other people. I love to dance and would do cardio dance videos in the privacy of my living room. Nice thing about that is you can pause the video and rest of you need to!

    Best of luck to you!
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I like to put on Pandora or make a playlist for a specific length of time and "dance" around my house until the music stops. I make up moves, use moves from music videos/YouTube/exercise DVDs, and sometimes just march in place or grapevine until I think of a new move to try. I can do this in about 20-minute increments to keep it from getting too boring, and I like to do it once in the morning and once at night. If it's hard to come up with 20 minutes worth of your own moves at first, throw in a DVD (love Leslie Sansone for this!) and mute it so that you can follow along with her but use your own tunes. Best wishes!
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    These are awesome suggestions -- thank you ladies!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    When I started I walked. Treadmill and outside, small amounts slowly building up to more.

    Now I have an elliptical that I use regularly, I've done Leslie Samsone's walking and yoga. ( I may be weirdly flexible for a large lady, I don't really know). Lately I've been trying out a trial on website that offers daily workout vids. I love the boxing and a couple of the dance. My coordination sucks right now but I don't care so long as I get my heartrate up.
  • travelistadiva
    travelistadiva Posts: 52 Member
    Lately I've been trying out a trial on website that offers daily workout vids. I love the boxing and a couple of the dance. My coordination sucks right now but I don't care so long as I get my heartrate up.

    What website are you using? Is there a fee? I need something more on days where I will be in the office for long periods of time. Thanks
  • michelle0suzann
    michelle0suzann Posts: 43 Member
    You Tube has lots of free workout videos.. On days I'm stuck in the house I'll hook it to my TV. Have done everything from Jillian Michaels to Tae Bo!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Over the years, I have been a member at Curves, bought an exercise video or two...never found anything that was either that interesting or that sustainable in terms of physical ability. Since committing to this new lifestyle, I have been trying to swim 3-4 times a week -- you get a lot of calorie burn for your buck and it is easy on all the joints, the back, etc -- which is kind of necessary until I get some of this weight off. Walking is good, I know -- but really BORING.

    So -- for those of you who still have or had a lot to lose -- what exercises did you find to be the best and most interesting and doable to start with? I read about people biking and Zumba'ing and all this stuff -- and I mean, really, I know that my 400+ pound frame is not going to be able to bike right now -- and there's no way my knees (nor my ego!) will take bouncing around a dance studio at this point in time. Some day definitely -- I would love to add those types of activities to my fitness regime -- but let's be realistic for now and not risk injury to body or self-esteem! Because that will just keep me from sticking with any kind of fitness plan.

    So -- do I just stick with swimming for now (and is doing just one activity okay for now in terms of future success) -- or do any of you have any other suggestions for getting started and building up?

    Thanks in advance for suggestions and advice!
    Just having recently joined you all and catching up on reading..

    I think what you're doing now, workouts in the water are a super place to start. Even if you find a land class you would like try you can always keep the water going, it's good for our bodies in so many ways!

    I love doing water aerobics and either running in the pool for a mile or doing some swimming after the class. I also take an Aqua Pilate's and Yoga class and used to take a aqua Chi Gong one as well. That's how my day went today, I'm pleasantly exhausted and looking forward to a wonderful nights sleep!:yawn: :wink: Something about water, I find it so relaxing and calming. :happy:

    I can't say enough good about spending time in the water when larger (or ANY size!), it's what got me going and continues to be something I very much enjoy. What's great about it, is low impact on our joints and you work much much harder than it feels like so you continue to return.

    I do remember though at the beginning a couple years back when first starting out falling onto the bed and taking an unplanned nap after each workout. But, I do believe it's what my body needed because at that point I wondered if I'd live to tell about it even walking the length of the pool, let alone when she'd have us run it.. :noway:

    I felt like crawling under the covers this after noon:blushing: :bigsmile: after working out in the water longer than I planned (about 3 hrs or so) but ended up making dinner and just relaxing and getting a few things done.

    Who else is into water?

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    You Tube has lots of free workout videos.. On days I'm stuck in the house I'll hook it to my TV. Have done everything from Jillian Michaels to Tae Bo!
    Isn't it awesome how much is out there at no cost with the stroke of a couple keys? :drinker:
  • Walking & dancing are my favorites, I know walking isn't everyone's idea of fun but listening to my mp3 player and taking a stroll makes me feel good (empowered and like I'm walking towards a better future). Dancing (in the privacy of my own home) has always been one of my favorite things to do, but I really got inspired watching Youtube videos of "So You Think You Can Dance" also known as SYTYCD. If what you're doing brings you good feelings, I'd stick with it. I'm interested in fitness videos for larger people that's fairly easy on the joints, any recommendations?
  • amiable_1
    amiable_1 Posts: 11
    I started at 555 pounds. I walked with a cane and was winded every ten steps. I had and still have very bad knees.

    I started with water aerobics five days a week. After a couple months I started adding lap swimming to the water aerobics. Several months later I added a recumbent trainer (aka. seated elliptical).

    I am a HUGE advocate of starting with water aerobics. Easy on the joints and as hard of a workout as you want to make it.
  • mjg812
    mjg812 Posts: 9

    I started with swimming and aqua aerobics so there is no pressure on any of the joints. I also started at the gym with low impact exercises such as a hand bike, dumb bell curls, seated lateral pulls and chest press. Any of your local gym instructors should be able to make you a low impact workout. Or if you can only do it at home then maybe invest in a set of dumbbells, there are lots of video on youtube

    I found exercise videos with a lot of moving about were just too quick for me to keep up

    Good Luck.
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    I love the elliptical machine. Its low impact on my knees and not as harsh as the treadmill. Just take it slow at first, I’ve built up to where I can do 40 minutes on level 7 :)
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi, I just started doing more everyday activities a couple months ago and that really built up my strength. This week I started doing Slim in 6 Start it Up! and Power 90 Sweat 1 for like an hour most days. I really like the Kickboxing/Boxing emphasis of the programs.When I am active with everyday activities, it is not too difficult to do these programs, but I did find it harder yesterday. My heart rate was pretty high, around 150. I used to like Step aerobics, Tae Bo, and lifting weights and I still like all of those exercises. I love doing the weight lifting segments on workout videos. One of my favorite lines when I was thinner, but that is too hard now, was The Firm. I used to be able to do those and lift weights and I had great results. I was around 170 lbs and looked really good, but not muscular; I just had hardly any fat. Leslie Sansone is good but kind of boring for me. I feel great when I do her videos but do not find it very motivating because it does not seem like your fitness and strength improves much with them. You can look on and they have a bunch of beginner/intermediate or just beginner videos that can help you achieve different goals.

    Fitness classes at a gym could be a good choice if you find classes you like: water aerobics, step, weights and aerobics, yoga, and other activities. I like this machine called the Crosstrainer but none of the gyms where I live have that machine. I used it at a gym in Virginia. I like weight machines too if I feel like they are really working my muscles. I have not found any aqua aerobics near where I live that are decent either, so I have not done much water based exercise.
  • Journeygirl
    Journeygirl Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much for this topic. I need to get moving again after having gall bladder surgery. You all have some great ideas!
    MSSONTA Posts: 7 Member
    I love Zumba too. I have been doing as much as I can. I up to 20 minutes now!
  • vanimelda
    vanimelda Posts: 20 Member
    I see a lot of people into doing zumba. Is it really easy to get in to just starting off? I would have to buy a dvd to do at home and do with the kids but didn't want to drop the money just yet if its something that I cant get into just starting off.
    MSSONTA Posts: 7 Member
    There are lots of Zumba stuff and videos on YouTube if you don't want to buy the dvds right off. That's what I have been using and doing Tiffany Rothe Workouts on there also! :happy:
  • sysof
    sysof Posts: 21 Member
    I'm very heavy and have a very bad knee at the moment. I'm starting out with seated exercise in my office chair. You can find vids for that on Youtube too.

    I don't think there is any way I could zumba for even 3 minutes at this point. I can barely walk across my house with my knee like this.

    BUT.. I don't want it to stop me from getting some kind of exercise in, so I just do it sitting down.
  • loving_london
    loving_london Posts: 19 Member
    You have a great attitude! Every little bit helps.

    I like Zumba as well. I can't do much but I do what I can, rest, and then get back up and do more.