New to group

I am a 65 year old female (I guess that qualifies me for over 50) with some medical problems but I am willing to work at this to the best of my ability. Some of the meds I am on cause weight gain and I suspect that a lot of my weight problems are due to the meds. I need to learn to eat properly for someone who has had cancer and needs to pack their diet full of antioxidents. Glad there is a group here for people over 50 as I am not sure I will ever be able to run a marathon but it is something that I am willing to put on my bucket list. I have an auto-immune disease which causes alot of pain throughout my body, so I try to exercise to my personal limits. I am hoping to find and give hope inspiration and motivation to others who are over 50 and want to be as fit as they possibly can. Thanks.


  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Hi June. I am not quite 50 yet, but will be in less than two weeks. I have had my fair share of wt gain and loss and meds, and am finally on a mission and journey of eating clean. I recently started the JJ Virgin Diet and it's been a god send. Concentrating on Fresh Fruits Vegies and Lean cuts of meat. Seems to be the key. Elimination of: Soy, Corn, Gluten, Sugars, Dairy, Eggs, and Peanuts. It's working like a dream. lost 13 lbs in 16 days so far on this one. JJ is a world renowned nutritionist and seems to have a handle on what's good for your body. She promotes the elimination diet for 21 days then add things back one at a time to determine sensitivities or intollerance to foods. Some food for thought! I hope you like MFP. I love it.
  • rusan1
    rusan1 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone ! I'm probably the newest member of the group so I should probably blurb a bit of nonsense about myself. Firstly, I really am computer illiterate and would much rather be outside on long walks than sitting trying to type but as the weather is blisteringly cold , well here we are . I joined just this week and quite by accident . I really don't have any weight to lose per se but I see the scales tipping up and I wanted to be accountable.
    I'm 57, retired RN with a bucket load of medical issues that stopped me working 7 years ago. I LOVE to be active , am not a patient patient and unless I'm dead on my bed ,you'll find me out walking my cherished 100lb German Shepherd Torrin ! I had to give up the Gym but now try to do some routines at home while watching Grey's Anatomy ...just that little bit hard to give up the medical profession !
    Anyway , I too have a fitbit and they are the greatest invention since the original pedometers came out many years ago ..I'm totally a slave to it and if its just too cold in the evening , you'll find me on my treadmill ...cannot and will not let my husband beat me . I find that sticking to a routine ( or regime ) is sooo important when one is on any sort of difficult journey and now that I can track and see what I am eating , maybe this will make me want to keep perservering ....hope it works in my attempts to quit smoking too !!! PS if blistering cold didn't give it away, I am from the Eastern coast of Canada
  • Gorman12
    Gorman12 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey out there, so I turned 50 back November and I lost +20 lbs in 2012. Almost a year to do it but had some foot injuries that curbed my activity last fall. Anyhow, still on my diet, and now back on the treadmill. I amhoping to lose another 25 lbs this year. I REALLY want to. I'm gluten free, dairy, soy, yeast free. Carbs late afternoon or evening. Eating clean, cooking from scratch. Here in Wisconsin it's bitter, bitter cold and indoors is about it for exercise until this actic blast passes. We do snowshoe and ski some, but not weekly. What else? Oh, I have an 8 yr old daughter. If I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing it for her.
  • Debbiesue37
    Debbiesue37 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name is Debbie. I am 57 and am in good health. I want to stay that way. I have been a Slow runner for years, my knees don't tolerate as many runs as I would like. I love the my fitness pal app and lost 10 lbs using it last year.. Gained most of it back so this time I ,really would like to make changes for life. I live in Florida,, I am in awe of all you northerner's who still work out when it is soo cold! I not only want to be able to run and play with my grand kids, but I want to go to bed at night knowing I lived that day to the fullest! My family doesn't share my passion for trying to eat healthy and exercise, so I am hoping you guys will help inspire me when I need it!
  • mandythewalker
    mandythewalker Posts: 12 Member
    i'm 56 and i am DETERMINED to lose a stone and get fit. I'm a vegetarian and i have not been bothering enough about what i eat and how much i exercise. But all that is going to change! I need friends to support me, so add me and i will add anyone who wants me to support them back! I think My fitness pal is brilliant!
  • Debbiesue37
    Debbiesue37 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Mandy, I am with you! Fitness Pal helped me a year and 1/2 ago lose 10 lbs, but I just tracked calories/exercise. Slowly fell off the wagon, so this time, I need friends like YOU to keep me motivated! Have a happy, healthy Sunday to All of You!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Hi! I'm Frank. 54 years old. Joined MFP last fall and have lost about 15 lb so far. So far i haven't been able to figure out how to get used to eating less. I figure if I keep working at it, I'll get it figured out. I'd like to finish this year at a Normal vs Obese weight, something that i can sustain into my 60's. Hoping to have a long and healthy retirement. lol

    I used to commute to work on a bicycle for most of the year and I'd like to get back to that.

    I'd enjoy talking with anyone in this group about challenges/success or just life past 50 in general.
  • Just Joined fitness pal, I just turned 50, My brain says I'm 29 and my body reminds me I'm not...I moved 2 years ago to a new area and left my best friend and walking buddy behind and gained 10 pounds! I hate to exercise, I work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week for a busy Pulmomary clinic, come home fix supper, wash clothes, clean house and go to bed!! I know I need to exercise.....but I have no motivation!!
  • Just Joined fitness pal, I just turned 50, My brain says I'm 29 and my body reminds me I'm not...I moved 2 years ago to a new area and left my best friend and walking buddy behind and gained 10 pounds! I hate to exercise, I work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week for a busy Pulmomary clinic, come home fix supper, wash clothes, clean house and go to bed!! I know I need to exercise.....but I have no motivation!!
  • Pressed the wrong button...Ooops!.
    Cathy, the same happened to me a couple of years ago. New area, no family or friends and a new job. I too put on loads of weight and lost all motivation to look after myself ( no need, not going out, no one to visit, no best friend to motivate me, husband loves me any size) I too work long hours and no time or inclination to exercise when I get home from work. In the end I took the bull by the horns and decided to exercise BEFORE work. I set the alarm 1 hour earlier and get up and do 1 hour Zumba at home with the X Box Kinnect. Its changed my life. I go to work feeling wide awake. I'm happier and i'm losing weight as well. It was hard to get up at first, especially over the past few weeks with the freezing mornings and the ice and snow but I set my mind to it and I must admit that I am enjoying every minute. I got myself a few friends on MFP and we motivate each other to stick to a healthy diet. I love this site. Feel free to add me for some moral support. You DO have a friend Cathy. Nice to meet you.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Hmmm.... Not much activity here. Is that because we are all over 50 and out running, volunteering, chasing grandchildren, world travelling, etc... I thought that with 50 members I might see something posted more than once a week.
  • Hello to all!

    I joined MFP a while back and soon after, my father died. I guess I've used his passing as an excuse for long enough now, and I know he'll be up there somewhere, tutting at me to get on with it :smile:

    Over the last few years, I've lost 70-odd pounds, and I'd really like to get back on track (mentally) to start losing more. I have a lot more to lose, so I need to start sooner rather than later.

    I have mobility issues due to having had operations on one of my legs, and I'm really interested in the Wii workouts. I'm not up to joining a class yet; prefer to puff and pant and cry with frustration at myself .... alone!

    I need a good kick up the behind, so if anyone has big boots, please feel free to add me :happy:
  • Hi, my name is Lynne, I am 51. I am just 1lb from my target and when I get there I will have lost 5st 6lb since 2nd January 2013. I do little, if any exercise and my goal for next year is to get fit and attempt to tighten up some of the loose skin I have as a result of my weight loss.

    I have been using MFP regularly for about 3 months although have dipped in and out of it for a couple of years - I intend to use it every day to keep me well and truly on track and will probably need to do so forever LOL !!!!
  • Hi, its June again. Now I can add to my list of bad health achievements that I have been diagnosed with diabetes. They found it while I was in the hospital two weeks ago for infectious colitis. They can't put me on meds yet until they get the infection all cleared up and back to normal and my white count comes down. Meanwhile, I have to test my blood sugar every morning and go to a diabetes class and consult with a dietician in January. I still have to be conscious of eating to beat cancer on top of everything. Anyhow, I needed to come back and make some modifications to my daily log to lower my carb intake to 30 per meal and 15 per snack (allowed 2 per day). Needless to say I need some support and am happy to be giving back in return.