NSV (Non scale victories)



  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Scrubs were loose today!!

  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    My dress pants kept needing to be pulled up today!
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    That is awesome!!!
  • aleciamio
    aleciamio Posts: 6 Member
    Scrubs were loose today!!
    Oooh, I'm waiting for the day I can get new scrubs, mine are still a little tight...Good Job!
  • aleciamio
    aleciamio Posts: 6 Member
    I kept up with the Zumba instructor at last night's class. Every kick, turn and shimmy! Usually I have to pause for part of a song somewheres in the middle, and I phone it in for one or two at the end...but not last night!
  • Sweetpickles99
    Good for you thats great!
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    I *love* seeing everyone's NSVs!!

    A while ago I got some workout clothes at Salvation Army, including a stretchy tank with a racer back and built in shelf bra. I tried it on and Could Not Breathe. I'm wearing it today comfortably!
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    people are noticing :) I've lost 13 pounds since Jan 1. and people are noticing. I haven't said much to anyone except my family and my bestie but people are noticing a difference :D
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    My Deputy Commander said it looked like I was losing weight yesterday!!! YES!!!!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I put on a shirt today that is a little clingy. I asked hubby if it seemed to fit better today and he agreed it did!
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    My jeans are starting to look & feel baggy in the hips and thighs. They still fit ok, way more comfortably, in the waist but since I had my daughter that's where I hold most of my weight. I'm claiming that baggy butt as a victory! Smaller pants are in my near future!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I had 2 victories today and 1 yesterday! i'm on fire!

    lol today I managed to jog 3 1/2 mins on c25k - not a lot but I wasnt joghing at all 2 weeks ago PLUS at the very end of my route is a big old hill. Normally on my walks I stop a few times on the hill to catch my breath but today I made it all the way up, after 30 mins of woggleing! I must be getting fitter.

    Yesterday my sister bought over a heap of clothes she is too small for. The 20 tops fit wonderfully (I was a size 26) and I can get my bum and thighs into a pair of 18 pants, although my belly is still too big, but oh my lord my thighs fit into an 18! lol.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    My dress pants kept needing to be pulled up today!

    i didn't see that before -- WTG!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I've been able to influence some of my co-workers to get healthy. My office is 10 women. All but two are over over 200 pounds. A couple of us are over 300. (Well, I was until last week!) The two that are under 200, are not under by much. And they are both diabetic and have lost quite a bit of weight over the past couple of years. There are also a dozen or so therapists (speech, OT) that work with us. (I work in early intervention---birth to three).

    Anyway, we've talked about exercising before, but 2 weeks ago one of my friends did a Zumba class for us. As of today, all but one of my coworkers has been to at least one class. The one co-worker who hasn't come has serious knee issues and a rod in her leg. Two of the girls are over 60! 6 of the girls and two therapists have committed (as in paid $20) to continue coming to class.

    We are meeting twice a week (Monday and Friday). I'm hoping we can all get healthy together.
  • prchrwfe02
    I have not had a cigarette in 26 days and have still lost 7 lbs!!!!! My weight has really ballooned over the past year and I was really worried that it would just keep rising when I quit smoking but I have been able to control it so far and exercising is so much more enjoyable when you can breathe.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I have not had a cigarette in 26 days and have still lost 7 lbs!!!!!

    Wooo Hooo! Great job!
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    Three non scale victories....
    I have not had any pop for 29 days, I use to be a four diet pepsi a day drinker.
    I made it thru my first Zumba class at the YMCA last night. I never stopped, other than to laugh when I totally could not get my feet and arms to go in sync with the instructor. I laughed at myself then got it together.
    Today my husband went to the YMCA. Normally I have just been walking and then throw in a lap or two of jogging. Today after about 4 warm up laps I started a run walk sequence of jog one walk two. I made two miles in 30 minutes.
    Combine last nights zumba and todays walk/jog, and my calves are not liking me. Just happy that I have made it this far into the year and my hubby and I have tracked everyday.
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    I squeezed into some size 16 jeans today. They actually fit comfortably in the hips & thighs but my dang stomach... I have a little bit of a muffin top in the jeans. But I couldn't button them a month ago, so I'll take it!
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Totally vain, but my butt used to be big and flat. Now it is big and round. My butt has muscles now :) Working on smaller and round, but I'll take round over flat any day!!!
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    My NSV is that I have lost 11.25 inches in the first month on MFP. I am so glad I measured when I started this. Just wish I had take a picture the first day. Will have the hubby take a picture tonight so that I have a one month in photo!