Anyone running for exercise?

I'm hoping to complete a Marathon this year and would like to be friends with anyone who runs for exercise.....also looking for friends who are around the 1200 a day calorie quota to share ideas and recipes


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I'm a runner, but the furthest I run in a half. I don't ever intend to run a full marathon. I'd rather do tough mudders.

    You can add me, but I also don't eat (and refuse to) eat lower than my bmr.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have just started doing a modified C25K programme, which involves 15 minutes of treadmill on 2% incline, walk 1 minute, run one minute. That's about as much as I can handle and my cardio limit at present, I do that and then weights.

    I am also, like mmk137, eating at least my BMR, I've tried 1200 and it just doesn't work for someone at my current weight. I am currently 83kg and eat about 1800 calories (and thinking I may need more).

    Have you read:

    HelloitsDan - In place of a Road Map: how on earth did I ever lose weight in the past? This is a must read for all MFP newbies (IMHO)

    SideSteel - Exercise Calories

    Sarauk2sf - The Basics, don't complicate it

    Actually, any of the posts under the group Eat Train Progress are pretty good. - BMR and TDEE and how to calculate. Same Same, but great post.

    Starvation Mode (why we should never eat below our BMR)

    Now, if you have read them and you still eat 1200, that's fine, I'm not telling you what to do, but after I read all the info on the bulletin boards, it changed my whole world!! I'm not having a go at you - just letting you know that I used to eat 1200 and gained weight/lost weight/gained/lost for a year and ended up the same. So frustrating.

    Good luck with the running!!!
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Most days I'm under 1200 and I'm never hungry, I'm still losing weight and have abundant energy.....I put it down to the fact that what I'm eating is the healthiest I can possibly find/source within my budget and that my running is all done outdoors....lots of vitamin D, so at this stage I think I'll stick to what's working for me....cheers
  • candirose69
    I just started a c25k program (the zombies run one :)) sooo much fun!!

    Im doign this 3 days a week and gym 4 days a week (2 days weights and 3 days cardio)

    i want to be able to do the mothers day classic with my mum, sis and her new baby this year as we all are ona health kick and wanna be a great positive role model in my nieces life :)

    (oh and about the 1200 thing, i did that for the first 6 motnhs and lost 10kgs but have found im stuck now so am attempting to slowly up to my BMR and continue to eat back exercise calories, will let you know how I go as im only 100 cals away from it right now anyways)
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Candi, I have accepted your friend request......I did the 10km Mothers Day classic last year with my two girls , I was so proud of them both.....your achievement to date is nothing short of brilliant. Well done. :heart:
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    I'm on 1200 and on and off doing C25K. I usually see a PT 2 or 3 times a week and do other stuff depending on work/ time/ energy. Feel free to friend me!!
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Have friended you too Pixie
  • onlythetancan
    Hi I am on 1200cals and I am going in the 5.5km run for the kids in March :)
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Hi, I'm on 1200 cals, did it for months while working out 6 days a week on Michelle Bridges Body Transformation, had no problems.

    I restarted C25K today - did it first in 2011 & was amazing (I am the kind of person who didn't think they could run, so it opened my eyes up), I kept the running up till mid 2012, did Mother's Day classic, but fell off the bandwagon mid year. Was going to do City to Surf but got an injury in the weeks leading up to it, so it's my goal this year to knock it on the head.
  • ixa73
    ixa73 Posts: 24 Member

    I run mostly 3x a week (a long run, a set of sprint intervals and a medium run). Completed first 16km race yesterday - awesome feeling. I use Runkeeper app on my phone (android, but also avail for iPhone) which is both motivating and keeps really good track of all my run km's. It uses GPS to track your run/ride/walk, I just wear my phone on an arm band and you can choose to have audio cues to let you know how you're going while you run. It is also a social app so you can find people in your area (or across the world) to run with or compare notes with - like MFP. You can map your routes and compare your splits and times so you really get an idea of how you're running and how you're improving. It has improved my times and helped me learn to judge my pace - which I assume is vital for marathons. If you want to friend me I'll give you my runkeeper username and we can compare notes :) I'm not training for a marathon (am considering a 1/2) but I am in training for a few 10km runs. Cheers,
    p.s. am on 1200 a day - try not to eat too many of my exercise cals but have recently put on a few kg's through eating over my exercise cals :) every day...oops. Want to get back on track now.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member

    My diary is open. I often eat 1200 or less (I'm only 4'8 though).

    I did C2S last year for the first time. This year I'm registered for 3 runs so far:

    Canberra 10km Fun Run
    Sydney Mothers Day Classic (Domain) 4km
    Nike She Runs the Night 10km

    I'm hoping to work up to the Sydney Running Festival Half Marathon in September.
  • JusGilly
    JusGilly Posts: 6

    I started running a few months ago and I have become really passionate about it... pushing myself pretty hard and MPB at the moment is 5k in 32 mins.... I would love to run 10k in under an hour.

    I have downloaded the "couch to 10k" app on my phone and I love it !

    I run outdoors and on the treadmil as I have 2 young daughters and my husband works away so when he's away I run on the treadmil and when he's home I run outdoors = )