What happens after 21 days....

Anmariee Posts: 31 Member
I'm 25 days closer to a healthier me and I went without fast food, soda, candy or anything deemed unhealthy until my recent set back. Where do you go from there? Does it mean all my recent work was in vain or do I just continue on in the right direction and do better as I continue on this journey to a healthier, better me. All advice welcomed


  • sphill633
    sphill633 Posts: 2 Member
    Anmariee First I'd like to commnd you for your decision to eat healthy. Secondly Absolutely definately keep going. One day does not totally derail you and can sometimes be good I stopped drinking soda about 4 years ago I stopped buying it was gradual for me first switched to just buying gingerale and then I just stopped bringing it in the house. But every now and then I get a taste for it or i'm out hanging out and I just have what everyone else is having but then I get gas and bloated or its just too strong and then I remember why I stopped drinking it. Its the same with fast food I eat it every now ant then but I alway get nausious from it its like my body rejects certain bad foods now so I know Im doing right. So keep at it you will feel healthy and be healthier!
  • Anmariee
    Anmariee Posts: 31 Member
    Anmariee First I'd like to commnd you for your decision to eat healthy. Secondly Absolutely definately keep going. One day does not totally derail you and can sometimes be good I stopped drinking soda about 4 years ago I stopped buying it was gradual for me first switched to just buying gingerale and then I just stopped bringing it in the house. But every now and then I get a taste for it or i'm out hanging out and I just have what everyone else is having but then I get gas and bloated or its just too strong and then I remember why I stopped drinking it. Its the same with fast food I eat it every now ant then but I alway get nausious from it its like my body rejects certain bad foods now so I know Im doing right. So keep at it you will feel healthy and be healthier!

    Thank you I needed your experience
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    keep going! you got this! :)