Team Dolvett- Week 3 Challenge



  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Sorry this is late:

    Tuesday: 331 (30 day shred)
    Wednesday 465 (walking 3.5 mph for 63 min)
    Thursday: no workout :( Sorry guys pulled a muscle and decided to rest.)

    I have not been able to plan my meals this week. I really need to go grocery shopping!!
  • Soyaknow
    Soyaknow Posts: 23 Member
    Boy, I just can not get myself motivated to workout this week. What do you all do in that situation? I really know I need to just get up and go but I can think of every excuse not too. I keep saying - tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow. . I just started dieting, limiting calories watching my meals, packing meals and maybe did too much to get started. I did work out 5 out of 7 days of each of the last three weeks.....
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    My goal of calories burned is 2500 this week. :)

    Tuesday - 375
    Wednesday -401
    Thursday- 411
    Friday 490
    Saturday -270

    1407 total calories...eek..i hope i make it to 2500! I think i overestimated my ability. Not sure I can do 1400+ in two days.

    It sounded so mild mannered when I said it.

    Tuesday: - shakeology breakfast/ stir fry lunch/ Greek chicken pita for dinner
    Wednesday - shakeology breakfast/ salad lunch/ date nite out
    Thursday - shakeology breakfast/ chicken thigh lunch/ fish dinner
    Friday - shakeology breakfast/ tuna for lunch/ salad with chicken for dinner..
    Saturday =shakeology breakfast/salad lunch/steak & veggies for dinner.
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Boy, I just can not get myself motivated to workout this week. What do you all do in that situation? I really know I need to just get up and go but I can think of every excuse not too. I keep saying - tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow. . I just started dieting, limiting calories watching my meals, packing meals and maybe did too much to get started. I did work out 5 out of 7 days of each of the last three weeks.....

    Just do it, cupcake.

    Honestly -we all have days that it sucks and you have to push thru that mentality.

    Do something for 15 minutes and then decide if you want to quit. That's what I do.

    No change can be made without that first step. You will amaze yourself!
  • LittleLucy23
    Calories burned so far:
    1/26 - 300
    1/25 - 150
    1/24 - 150
    1/23 - 220
    1/22 - 300
    1/21 - 300
  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Boy, I just can not get myself motivated to workout this week. What do you all do in that situation? I really know I need to just get up and go but I can think of every excuse not too. I keep saying - tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow. . I just started dieting, limiting calories watching my meals, packing meals and maybe did too much to get started. I did work out 5 out of 7 days of each of the last three weeks.....

    You just have to push yourself to do it!! Yes it is hard but you have to tell yourself no excuse is worth it!! Sometimes I will make threats to myself (lol)...such as if you don't do at least 30 minutes today you will have to do at least an hour tomorrow and that is without a break in between. It's the mental hurdle that we all have to push through but you can do it. I didn't work out 2 days this week because of a pulled muscle. I am gonna make up for it today though. I worked out this morning for 40 minutes and I plan to do something else this evening. I am not gonna put too much stress on my body by overdoing it but I am determined to reach my goal and not even I am going to get in the way of that!!! I wish you the best of luck!!! Maybe you should try a new routine. Check out you tube, they have some great exercise videos on there and that may give you motivation. The 30 day shred is on there from Jillian Michaels. Maybe something new will give you a little boost. Do something nice for yourself after you have exercised a week. I just bought myself a waist belt to use during workouts and that motivated me because I really wanted to wear it. Just a few suggestions. Hope it helps!!
  • Soyaknow
    Soyaknow Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks mfp friends. I appreciate your words. I made it to the gym today 25 minutes good treadmill work out and 25 minutes weights.
  • BridgetForFitness
    I'm doing Turbo Fire and Jamie Eason's LiveFit programs

    Tues: 649
    Wed: Rest!!
    Thurs: 671
    Fri: 706
    Sat: 1,066
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    1/22- 431 burned
    1/23- 969
    1/24 289
    1/27 388

    total so far: 2077 so 723 remaining to reach my weekly goal!
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    My goal of calories burned is 2500 this week. :)

    Tuesday - 375
    Wednesday -401
    Thursday- 411
    Friday 490
    Saturday -270
    Sunday-rest day
    Monday- 460

    I am at 2407 calories...guess I didn't count right before. I will be dong the last 93 calories on the treadmill today to get to my challenge of 2500 for the week!

    Tuesday: - shakeology breakfast/ stir fry lunch/ Greek chicken pita for dinner
    Wednesday - shakeology breakfast/ salad lunch/ date nite out
    Thursday - shakeology breakfast/ chicken thigh lunch/ fish dinner
    Friday - shakeology breakfast/ tuna for lunch/ salad with chicken for dinner..
    Saturday =shakeology breakfast/salad lunch/steak & veggies for dinner.
    Sunday - egg & toast/ salad & soup lunch/ grilled pork, vegies and orzo for dinner
    Monday - egg & toast/ tuna lunch/ taco salad dinner
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    Tues: -
    Wed: 865
    Thurs: 555
    Fri: 600
    Sat: -
    Sun: -

    Challenge was for me to burn 2500 and I burned a total of 3070
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Tues: -
    Wed: 865
    Thurs: 555
    Fri: 600
    Sat: -
    Sun: -

    Challenge was for me to burn 2500 and I burned a total of 3070

    You are a beast!!! WTG!!!!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    I didn't meet my fitness goal this week. I plan on doing much better for week four.
    My fitness goal was 2500 calories, I was only able to get in 1854.
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    I forgot to reply yesterday but I reached my goal for 2800 calories burned. I burned 2988 calories for the week.