Personal Milestones!

mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share that I did my first handstand EVER today. It may not sound like much, but to me, it's a sign that I'm getting stronger and braver. I'm not letting fear stop me from trying things I want to try. I'm growing and accomplishing more than I ever thought, and each new acquired skill takes me one step further towards my goals!

What's your personal milestone??


  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share that I did my first handstand EVER today. It may not sound like much, but to me, it's a sign that I'm getting stronger and braver. I'm not letting fear stop me from trying things I want to try. I'm growing and accomplishing more than I ever thought, and each new acquired skill takes me one step further towards my goals!

    What's your personal milestone??

    That is great, congrats! For me Ive had bad rotator cuffs for years and couldnt even play catch with my kids. Recently I was able to do 15 pullups in a row. Good day for me
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    Oh man, that's rough! Great work! I'll be peeing myself the day I can do a real pullup!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Congratulations that's awesome!

    I started CrossFit a week before Christmas. Today I had my first Rx, I was frickin psyched :) Granted there was not much room for modification in the WOD anyway, but I will TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!! It's nice to see it on the whiteboard!

    Goals I'm striving for:
    Double Unders
    Regular Pullup
    50 burpees under 4:20 (right now I'm consistently at 4:35ish)
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I got over my fear of 20 inch box jumps last week. I hurt myself doing box jumps earlier last year, and had a mental block about them... until last week. Yay!
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I got over my fear of 20 inch box jumps last week. I hurt myself doing box jumps earlier last year, and had a mental block about them... until last week. Yay!

    Good for you! I start getting nervous about box jumps around 8" from my max height
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    For some reason I was afraid of double-unders, until our WOD last week called for 50 in each rep of a WOD for time. I surprised myself by being able to do as many as 10 in a row!

    My goal is a pull-up but I think I'm a very long way off. I'll keep you posted!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I did 20 pull-ups today with the purple band!!! I also didn't finish last in a WOD for once, did hang cleans and thrusters with #55 (was just using the bar before) and I got my first battle wound. A HUGE bruise on my thigh from hangs cleans.

    Goals by then of Feb

    Deadlift 115#
    OHS 55# (last time I had to do them with the pvc pipe = / )
    1 MU
    30 straight toes to rings
    1 toes to bar

    might try and move up height on my box jump...kind of scares me though
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I did 20 pull-ups today with the purple band!!! I also didn't finish last in a WOD for once, did hang cleans and thrusters with #55 (was just using the bar before) and I got my first battle wound. A HUGE bruise on my thigh from hangs cleans.

    Goals by then of Feb

    Deadlift 115#
    OHS 55# (last time I had to do them with the pvc pipe = / )
    1 MU
    30 straight toes to rings
    1 toes to bar

    might try and move up height on my box jump...kind of scares me though

    How close are you to that muscle up? That one is going to take me a while. For me the OHS is all about flexibility in my shoulders. I broke my upper arm and it healed wonky so one arm can go back a lot more than the other. Turning my knees out helps me
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    For me it was being able to get proper depth on an overhead squat. Took me forever and I had gotten so discouraged. When I did it I was tooo hyped. Now if I could just get those darn muscle ups!!!
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    Wow! Those are great goals! I'm right there with you, and congrats on your first RX! I LOVE when that happens, but I'm still a long way from RXing regularly.
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    I got over my fear of 20 inch box jumps last week. I hurt myself doing box jumps earlier last year, and had a mental block about them... until last week. Yay!

    That's wonderful! Box jumps give me butterflies too. I'm always a LITTLE worried that I'm going to miss the box and tear up my shins, or bust my face, or something of the like. :)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Did 4 Hand Stand Push Ups last night.
    Only strung 2 together at each attempt but they were RX!!!!

    Goal for February:
    Double Unders!
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    Did 4 Hand Stand Push Ups last night.
    Only strung 2 together at each attempt but they were RX!!!!

    Goal for February:
    Double Unders!

    That's awesome! Now that I can do handstands, I want to start working up to HSPUs! I saw a great video on that showed you how to progress and still protect your skull. ;)
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Did 4 Hand Stand Push Ups last night.
    Only strung 2 together at each attempt but they were RX!!!!

    Goal for February:
    Double Unders!

    That's phenomenal! No handstands for me yet. Damn double unders are a goal of mine for February as well.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    Did 4 Hand Stand Push Ups last night.
    Only strung 2 together at each attempt but they were RX!!!!

    Goal for February:
    Double Unders!

    Nice work! I have a hard time coming off the wall when I do them. It's something I'll have to make a monthly goal one of these months
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    lol, I'm not ANYWHERE near a MU. Like wwaayyyy off haha
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    5 strict pull ups before April, nearly have one, so pleased with myself also 100kg DL before April am on 97.5 for 1 and 95 for three..... I can do this x
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Posted in my profile the other day that I want to accomplish 50 burpees in 4:20 or under. We have 100 days of burpee challenge since the new year - it's 50 burpees or 5 min cutoff. I had been hanging around 4:30ish, but managed to bust them out at 4:22 today so I was psyched :)

    However I think I'm going to change my profile to say 4:20 I'm not sure when this 4:22 will happen again.

    Have a good day!
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    I was able to do pistols yesterday w/o holding a ten pound plate out in front of me!
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    I was able to do pistols yesterday w/o holding a ten pound plate out in front of me!

    Wow! That's beastly!