Introduce Yourself



  • cquinones83
    cquinones83 Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 29
    State: Texas
    Start Weight: 242 after having twins
    Height: 5'10
    Current Weight: 135
    Goal Weight: 135
    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples with Peanut Butter
    Favorite Exercise: P90X
  • patsysue01
    patsysue01 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Patsy . I am a Hairstylist, wife and mother. I am starting myfitnesspal for the second time and hopefully the last time. I have gained since I quit over 8 months ago and I need the support of some great girls like you all.

    Age: 39

    Location: Kent, Washington

    Start Weight/Current Weight: 227.2

    Goal Weight: 155

    Favorite healthy snack: Raw Almonds and dried Cranberries (no sugar added) mixed.

    Favorite exercise: Walking and Free weights
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Age: 24

    Location: NC

    Start Weight: 174

    Current Weight 168

    Goal Weight: For now 145, ultimate goal weight is 120

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Celery and hummus

    Favorite Exercise: Elliptical and beginning to enjoy lifting - plan to get more into is soon.
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    Age: 27
    Location: Charleston, South Carolina
    Start Weight: 197
    Current Weight 144
    Goal Weight: 135
    Favorite Healthy Snack: Bananas
  • mztoyahall
    mztoyahall Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All!

    Age: 35

    Location: Florida

    Start Weight: 257

    Current Weight 234

    Goal Weight: 167

    Favorite Healthy Snack: spinach
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Age: 27

    Location: Iowa/Nebraska

    Start Weight: 282

    Current Weight 279

    Goal Weight: 140-150

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples and green juice
  • Hello!
    CW: 190
    GW: 175

    I'm reaching for a goal weight of 175lbs as I'm currently 190lbs and a tight size 10, comfortable size 12. My problem is I'm a 38G cup with back issues. Successfully endured back surgery in July and now I'm able to start exercising :) I'm doing Winsor Pilates and its a fantastic workout to build lean muscle. I've decided when I reach 175lb I'll see what I look like in a bikini and go from
  • gbminigirl
    gbminigirl Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me too!

    Age: 40

    State: Texas

    Current Weight: 151

    Goal Weight: 140

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Chocolate (it's rich in magnesium!)

    Favorite Exercise: Rowing crew and cycling

    I got "sick" last year and gained about 10 lbs from meds and they need to GO, but I'm having a hard time doing it. It's not from lack of trying...far from it! The pounds are just being stubborn, I guess. Obviously, they don't care that I wear spandex on the weekends.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Age: 44

    Location : Canada

    Start Weight: 160?

    Current Weight 148.0

    Goal Weight: 135-140

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Popcorn.
  • Age: 21

    Location : Washington State

    Start Weight: 147

    Current Weight 137

    Goal Weight: 120-130

    Favorite Healthy Snack: salt and peppered cucumbers and nonfat greek yogurt with honey :)

    I don't really care about the numbers at this point. I just want to get fit again like my track/tennis/basketball days of high school. I got asthma in junior high which conflicted with my sports severely. Also, college has made me lazy. My actual goals are to bulk up my arms, tone my stomach, and shave the excess fat off my legs and hips. I know once I gain more muscle I will end up weighing more but that is not something I'm going to concern myself with.
  • hi everyone im emma

    location: newcastle, england
    hieght 5 ft 7
    heaviest weight 175 lb
    current: 163 lb
    goal weight 147 lb

    favourite healthy snack: bananas, cashew nuts, greek yogurt
    favourite exercise: spinning or circuit training

    im looking for some friends on here for support and encouragement because none of my freinds here are into fitness at all, ive just started doing the insanity dvds and i am on day 9 today.

    please feel free to add me :)
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Age: 34

    Location: Calgary, Canada

    HW: 210 (after baby)

    CW: 142

    Goal weight: 135

    Favorite healthy snack: Almonds

    Exercise: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Foxy Kickboxing
  • mrsoski
    mrsoski Posts: 19 Member
    Age: 41

    Location: Milwaukee, WI

    HW: 235

    CW: 198 (woot woot!)

    GW: probably 175. Currently in a comfortable size 12, shooting for an 8.

    Favorite healthy snack: string cheese, smoothies, hummus.

    Exercise: Lifting heavy stuff, run/walking, biking, golfing.
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    HI Im Jaclyn... 27 1 son 1 step daughter... starting weight 208 now 173 ... and i am 5'9
  • Kgarcia1981
    Kgarcia1981 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm Kendra

    Age: 31

    Height: 5'9

    Location Nashville, TN

    Start Weight: 167.8

    Current Weight 166.8

    Goal Weight: 150

    Favorite Healthy Clementines! (small, sweet and juicy oranges)

    Mother and wife (I have 4 very active boys)
  • VibrantKrystle
    VibrantKrystle Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Krystle

    Hometown: Rohnert Park, CA

    Height: 5' 7.5"

    Heaviest Weight: 188 (2005) never dieted. Lived by move it to lose it. That didn't really work for me though...LOL

    Current Weight: 158 (reached in 2010) started Weight Watchers and watched eating differently melt my lbs.

    Goal/Happy weight: 155 (Maintain my size 6 clothes!)

    Favorite snack: Cottage cheese

    Favorite workout: running followed by weight lifting. Love Body Pump classes where we blast through over 800 reps of full body!

    Goal: To be stronger and more toned...everywhere!
  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Brenda Lynn

    Hometown: Wpg, Canada

    Height: 5'8"

    Age: 33

    Start weight: 140

    Current weight: 129

    Goal weight: 126

    Fave healthy snack: greek yogurt with bran buds sprinkled on top!
  • Hey everyone, great forum - GO TEAM TALL!!

    I'm super excited to meet people with similar goals to me - ie not necessarily over weight but trying to shed those last infuriating 12 pounds.

    Height: 5 8"
    Start Weight: 136
    Current Weight: 136
    Goal weight: 122

    Feel free to add me as I'm new!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Sarah.

    Age: 24

    Height: 5'7 1/2

    Location: Georgia, USA

    Start Weight: 168

    Current Weight: 152

    Goal Weight: 145ish

    Favorite Healthy Snack(s): apples, dried apricots, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapes... I am a huge fruit eater! :)

    I also like to take a walk outside everyday (I have a FitBit pedometer that I am currently obsessed with!) and I am currently do Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred. After I finish that (I have about twelve days left), I plan on doing either her 6 week 6 pack or extreme shred along with her killer buns and thighs!
  • My name is Jenn

    Hometown: near the Poconos in PA

    Height: 5' 8"

    Heaviest Weight: 277 in August of 2010.

    Current Weight: 149

    Goal/Happy weight: 135

    Favorite snack: Almonds

    Favorite workout: I just got into the kettlebells. I love them! I also love to use the elliptical. I hike frequently and to a few backpacking trips.

    Goal: Maintain a healthy weight and keep my energy up.