Weekly Challenge 21-28 January 2013


Exercise Minutes:
PJYoung2012mk 480
ijs_leggo 245
WhiteCloud09 120
Leeloominai01 103
shorty313 118

Water goal:
ijs_leggo 6/7
WhiteCloud09 5/7
Leeloominai01 5/7
PJYoung2012mk 3.5/7
shorty313 3/7

I don't have the rest of the stats yet - please post how you did? Once I have it all I'll ask Debbie to edit the post (can you do that Debbie?)

For this week, none of us makde the water target, so let's keep that one for another week. I propose that herbal teas (without milk, sugar or honey) can also count toward the water goal as it's kind of difficult in the cold to drink that much water. What do you say?

Getting back to the previous type of challenges, post what you're aiming for in terms of exercise minutes in this thread and at the end of the week we'll check off if you've made your goal:

- Fitness Enthusiasts (Beginners): Log 110 minutes of exercise

- Fitness Buffs (Intermediate): Log 235 minutes of exercise

- Fitness Elites (Advanced): Log 360 minutes of exercise

So in summary: 7 days of 8 glasses of water each, and then choose where you want to be in terms of Fitness for the enxt week.


  • Leeloominai01
    Leeloominai01 Posts: 93 Member
    In for the water challenge (I'm much better but not quite there yet) and then I'm aiming for Fitness enthusiast.
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm definately going for 8 glasses of water everyday, and I am going to aim for Fitness Buff. If I can exercise as much as I'm planning for the week then I may get in enough time for Buff anyway!
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    I hit 100 minutes today alone, and 12 glasses a day minimum every day for me. C'mon ya'll you can totally do this!!!
  • I missed the water goal by a hair, so that won't be an issue this week. I'm going for Fitness Buff. Shooting for 45 mins x 5 days. Already got my 45 minutes in for today. GET IT IN!!
  • Leeloominai01
    Leeloominai01 Posts: 93 Member
    This has already helped me as well: We just went walking with the kids but my son kept on telling me to slow down :tongue:
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Last week I got 118 minutes of exercise. I'm going to try and get back to my previous levels and get to buff again.
  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm aiming for the Enthusiast this week. I've already logged 58 minutes from Monday. I haven't been able to keep to the 8 glasses a day, usually around 6, but will try to up it this week.
  • Alright group....Heading into the home stretch for this week's challenge. Finish strong!

    **If it's important, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse**

  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    I didn't get to exercise as much as I needed to but I did get in 180 minutes. I also only made 6 out of the 7 days on the water goal but that was better than the week before!
  • Last week was horrible. I've only been doing this for about a month and I officially fell off the wagon, rolled down the street and landed in a big pile of bad habits :) Needless to say, I did not meet any of the targets for the challenge. But I'm back in the saddle and ready for this week!
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    Good to see you get back up and try again! I have made weekly goals all month long and have yet to meet every one of them. All of this is hard but I'm going to keep pushing through!
  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    I got in 260 minutes of exercise for last week! However, I only made the water goal on 2 days I think.