Anyone else ever feel this way???

It is week 4 of the challenge, however it is also week 4 of the changes I made in my lifestyle. I can feel myself slipping. I have done this before. I have said, oh one weekend night won't hurt me and I go out with friends care free and over indulge a little (or a lot). I get right back on track the next day, but the weekend comes again and I indulge a little more (or a lot). Then the 4th week starts and my motivation is lacking, I want to eat everything in sight. I don't feel up to cooking like I was before, and to top it off this time I am having spasms in my back (which I have seen a doctor for).
How do I make it past this bump?
How did you make it past this bump if you have ever experienced it before?


  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Well for me, having an accountability friend is what keeps me on track. We've never met (I live in Jamaica and she is in the US) but we have gotten to know a lot about each other through MFP. We check in with each other at least once a day, and talk about everything related to this fitness journey. We are doing the same strength training program so we compare notes. We also look at each other's diary and give advice. When I have someone scrutinizing me, it gives me the motivation to make the right choices. I just say to myself, "I bet Darlene is doing better than I am" and it gets me back on track.

    One morning when the alarm went off and I was to go to the gym I didn't want to get up at all. So I said to myself, "I bet Darlene is working out right now" and it got me out of bed quick :laugh: Told her about it later that day and she laughed and said I made her feel bad because she HADN'T worked out that morning and so she made sure she did that evening so she would keep up with me :)

    Point of the story: find an accountability friend on here. She doesn't have to be doing exactly what you are doing, but it helps.
  • auto63
    auto63 Posts: 156 Member
    Weekends are ruff for me also it so much easier during week when I am at work and on a schedule. I can lose 1-2lbs during week and put it right back on the weekend and then have to start over. I think is a great idea to have a accountable buddy makes sense.
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    I Have pep talks with myself..i read the success stories on MFP alot for motivation and want to be one of those
    stories! tell myself "im either gonna do it or not" i choose to keep going.......
    coming here, or wherever else you can get support is great......but also in the end its up to us to want it..
    dont stand in the way of your goals :)
  • AtoZminus44
    I hear you. They are truly valid feelings. I tend to loose motivation at times, especially if the scale isn't moving as fast as I like. but then I come to sites like this, look at before/after photos, and read of success and know if those real people can, so can I. So can you. You can still go out and party with friends, just eat a taste, not the whole thing, and when you are aware you are eating a lot of something fattening, stop right then, remember your goal and have a glass of water or something healhty to eat instead. You will be glad you did in the end when you have your own "after" picture.
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    Thank you all for giving me some insight. I am definitely ready to just keep moving forward.
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I do have accountability this time through a biggest loser competition at work and we're constantly emailing each other about how we're doing, what our struggles are etc. This is probably the 5th or 6th time I've committed to making diet and exercise changes for weightloss...but this time will be the LAST time!!! Lol. I'm really sticking with it this time. I do feel so much better when I stay committed and eat better. I didn't want to get out of bed and am still having problems getting up early to do a workout in the morning but I do get a workout in before dinner and I try to walk on my lunch at work. So, still progress but if I want to beat these chicks in the biggest loser competition at work...I gotta step it up! :bigsmile:
    But, food is my enemy and the weekends are the catalyst for unhealthy food choices. I would say maybe set aside one cheat day or meal a week to keep you from just endulging too much? I have one meal on the weekend that I still put in MFP but I don't beat myself up about. Like last weekend was at a local pizza place I had few boneless buffalo wings (baked) and a cheesy breadstick, but I made sure I got in a huge salad first! And then right now is TOM for chocolate and peanut butter is all I can think about. :grumble: I let myself have one chocolate marshmellow heart, but only after I did my workout. And I had one tbsp of honey peanut butter with an apple for a snack!
    I don't know these are just some things I'm trying to do...trying to overcome my cravings. Hope this helps. But, know you are NOT ALONE! :flowerforyou: I'm right there with ya! But we got this! So lets get a burn in today, kill some calories, then eat a few healthy ones! :drinker: ~Charity