New to the group

queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
Hello all,

My name is Courtney. Here's a little about me. I've had the Lap-Band, and lost around 60 lbs. Then it broke, and I regained almost all of that weight. I had two surgeries to fix it, but it never worked right afterwards. I also had extremely bad GERD, and was told it was what I was eating. I went to another doctor for a 2nd opinion, and was told that the problems I was having were likely due to the band (especially since the brand I had had a known defect, and they had come out with a better brand by this time). It was recommended that I get it removed, and get a revision to the gastric sleeve. I got the sleeve in May 2012, and so far I have lost about 20-30 lbs (back to where I was before the Lap-Band broke). I've stalled in my weight loss, and I am trying to find a way to get those numbers to go down. On the plus side, I do seem to have lost inches, and can fit into much smaller jeans at regular store (no more Lane Bryant!). Any advice is greatly appreciated, and please feel free to add me.


  • mommycline
    mommycline Posts: 106 Member
    Hope this time around is much easier on you. Woo-Hoo for no more Lane Bryant....that is awesome! :)