YOU are my hero! Please read :-)

primpinxoxo Posts: 20 Member
I've been going through this message board for hours....the tips, the links, the recipes, and the pictures and I have never been so inspired by strangers.

Please feel free to add me because I need all the support I can get.

Low carb/gluten free was suggested to me over a year ago by my doctor because of my PCOS and under active thyroid. I'm fairly certain I looked at him like he had two heads and told him to just write me the RX for synthroid. After every checkup he always increased my dosage and continued to tell me how important it is I look into lowering my carb intake. I'd fill the script and have a sandwich for lunch. Four weeks ago I decided to get serious about my WEIGHT (not my health, as it should have been) and after eating healthier and working out, I realized I still felt terrible. How is that possible? Lethargic, bloated, and massive headaches after eating whole grain bread and fruit? It's time for a change...

I would love to hear your stories, similar to mine or not. Did you find it difficult in the beginning? What's your carb intake for the day?

This isn't just a "diet" for me. If it helps me to feel better, this will be something I do for the rest of my life.
I want to feel better, not just look better.


  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Glad to hear you're taking your health seriously.

    For the last several years I've been feeling like crap mostly because of bloating and moderate to severe acid reflux problems (along with heart troubles lately) and made the decision to try a 30-day wheat/grain/sugar-free challenge this month. I am now on day 28 and I feel soooo much better. I've added you.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Hiya, I eat a low carb paleo/primal diet and I'm doing great. I've been eating this way since July 2012 and have lost 50 lbs during that time. I stopped eating sugar, grains, and any sort of starchy carbs all at once. That first week was kinda rough, I can't lie. I had two days where I felt like utter garbage...I mean nonstop terrible headache, lethargic, homicidal...haha. I was so thirsty, so was drinking tons of water and running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Somewhere I read that if you're feeling really terrible, you should try eating a little bit of a healthy carb and it should help. So I baked a sweet potato and had that with a nice pat of coconut oil and some cinnamon. It was like magic and I was FINE from there on out. Didn't need to do that again and have been feeling great.

    I think the really great thing about eating this way is that you don't have to deal with all the bloodsugar spikes--so your moods become much more even and you don't have to fight weird carb/sugar cravings. Eating healthy fats and a decent amount of protein keeps you feeling very satisfied and full, and you don't find yourself with hunger pangs to battle, either. It's been pretty perfect for me. I like eating this way--feels very natural and sustainable for me. The food is great and I've healed lots of little weird health issues I had in the past (stuff like arthritis, plantar fasciitis, poor complexion, sleep troubles, digestive troubles).

    I feel a zillion times better, have tons of energy and a great attitude--total change for me. Feel free to add me if you'd like another friend! xx

    ETA: I eat about 75g/carbs per day. Sometimes a little more or less, depending on how I feel.
  • Sasmin40
    I've been on a low carb life style on and off for a few years. always feld great on it, but the carbs kept on dragging me to the wrong side.. last year I found out I have a slow tyroid, and started with tyrax. But instead of upping the doses of the tyrax I lowered my carbs. Feel pretty good with the combi now. Still need a lot to lose, but at least I don't feel bloated, gassy, and grumpy...! So try it, and see how you feel. But remember it's kind of a lifestyle and not really a quick fix diet. Will send you a request.
  • stl_nana
    stl_nana Posts: 99 Member
    Friend request sent :smile:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I eat ketogenic primal (heading more paleo over time). I've resolved a very long list of health problems. I'm sure everyone here is sick of seeing my story, but my health improvements truly have been miraculous. Because I was so sick when I started (went cold turkey) I did not feel bad at all. Maybe a little bit of irritability, but that's normal for me anyway.

    The quality of food is foremost to me, but due to my isolated location, I have to do the best I can with what I have. I make most things from scratch and spend a lot of time locating healthy ingredients (coconut oil is my staple) online.

    While my health has been good since August, when I started this lifestyle, I have experienced even more improvements by increasing my fat intake from 60% to 75%. I do try for 80% though. I keep my carbs at 10%, but I'm always way below that and I try to keep net carbs below 5% (under 20g). My protein is adequate at 10-15%, but I do frequently exceed it. I try not to do that since the increase is at the expense of fat. I love how I eat and I even save money because, though my food is more expensive, I eat a much smaller volume. No gigantic salads just to "fill up".

    Yes, my secret to committing to this lifestyle is that it had to be about my HEALTH. While it was only about my weight I couldn't commit to anything for any length of time and of course all the ways I tried to diet were the opposite of what is truly healthy. How can anyone succeed like that?
  • hedgehogia
    hedgehogia Posts: 40 Member
    I actually had a total thyroidectomy on thurs! I can't lift for another 3 weeks or do anything much upper body. I'm going back to low carb starting on the 1st. I find I do eat healthier and lose quite a bit of weight while I'm following high protein, low carb nutrition. I might have to stop my synthroid to get radioactive iodine :(. That will suck but cancer sucks more, so I'm putting on my big girl pants. Friend request sent.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Wow, I'm jealous of your doctor! Mine just wants to tell me to eat 1200 cal and give me RX's.

    I eat more of a grain-free, primal diet. My carbs vary, depending on activity level, but usually in the 50-100 range. I've done lower, but when I'm more active (heavy lifting, sprints, rugby) I eat more. I started my new grain/gluten-free, primal type WOE (way of eating) in August 2011, and since then, my health has improved drastically. I really only did it initially for weight loss benefits, but I've gained so much more. I stopped taking so many medicines I don't need any longer - after 7 years of acid reflux (Prilosec/Protonix/Aciphex -I can eat all those fatty, spicy foods, chocolate, caffeine, etc that I was always told to avoid!! It was the gluten), GONE. No more birth control (I would go typically 3-4 months, once 6!!, without a period thanks to PCOS), I have a normal, regular period on my own now (NORMAL and REGULAR are key words there, lol), stopped the spiro I was taking for PCOS, stopped the Metformin, too. My eczema has also gone away!!

    Best of luck to you! :)
  • katidid213
    katidid213 Posts: 17 Member
    Sent friend request!:flowerforyou:

    I lost 50 lbs on Atkins back in 2010 (took 6 mos) only to gain it back from 2 failed cycles of IVF. Those hormone shots are killer on your body! I found out I also have PCOS and the only way I lose weight is low carbing. I've tried them all! Jenny Craig, WW, Slim Fast, you name it I've done it. I just never saw any improvement.

    Now I am back on Atkins (induction phase) so I do 20 net grams of carbs a day or less. After the first few tired, headachey days I started to feel better than I can remember feeling in a long time. It has regulated my cycle and I ovulated on my own for the first time in forever.

    It works so hang in there and your life and health will improve!