Indianapolis Runs or Walks



  • heatherlsi
    heatherlsi Posts: 90 Member
    Eagle Creek and Ft. Ben both sound great! Thanks!
  • ThatLori
    ThatLori Posts: 5 Member
    Not sure if it was said already or not, but I like running on the Monon, I generally start around the 64th street entrance in Broad Ripple and run North.
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member

    Southeastway park is beautiful in the fall, but this may be even better. All alone on a super day.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    Southeastway park is beautiful in the fall, but this may be even better.  All alone on a super day.

    Very cool!
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    If anyone is interested in doing the Spartan Race in Laurel, IN on April 27th, there is a groupon for $39 entry. - available until Wednesday. There are other fees when you register and you have to pay for parking as well - exact cost should be listed at :
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Southeastway Park is nice. No teens causing problems. Just families and old folks walking dogs. Outer loop is 2.25 miles. Pretty much flat with a few slight rolling hills.

    The loop around the pond at Ft. Ben has a gigantic hill. It's a nice challenge for runners. The wooded trails are often choked with mountain bikes throughout the warmer months though.
  • Nay77
    Nay77 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! I just joined this group thanks to Coolhand. One of my goals was to try and do as many walks as I could this year and would like to try a mini marathon but like some of you, I do not like running (my quote is "the only time you will see me is if I'm running for my life!!":wink: ) but it would be a nice challenge. I will look at all the link you all have posted and see if I can tag along with some of you and make this a group inspiration/effort!!

    BTW I live in Brownsburg.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    would like to try a mini marathon but like some of you, I do not like running (my quote is "the only time you will see me is if I'm running for my life!!":wink: ) but it would be a nice challenge.

    BTW I live in Brownsburg.

    Exactly my attitude prior to last spring when I'd been on MFP for awhile and decided to try the couchto5k (c25k) program.... Now it's an entirely different story... I'm looking to get some 10k's later this year, and hopefully a half marathon next year. :)
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    Same boat here. Started on the eliptical to loose weight, then one day I went to the Y and all the machines were taken. I decided to try something new...the treadmill. It kicked my butt. However I had this feeling come over me that I would not be owned. In 8 months I went from running 2 to 5 mins and walking the remaining for 20 mins to a personal best at the Santa Hustle of 26.28 in the 5K. I once hated running but strangely I now find that I kind of have a love affair with it.
  • trai67
    trai67 Posts: 1
    When the weather inproves My wife and I walk White River Canal every night. 1 lap around the canal is 3 miles. We usually walk it and up around the Zoo and IUPUI. That equals about 5 miles.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined the group - I've been on MFP since November but just started using the community. There is a Warrior Dash in Crawfordsville in August that I'm signing up for with a few friends. I don't like running - even when I'm in shape. But this looks like a fun way to break up the running and will require full body training.

    I wanted to do the warrior dash last year but my doctor wouldnt release me, so my son & his friend did was hard but they loved it. That is one of my goals to do...and the mini!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group..well it's the first group I have ever joined! I have done 3 5k's already, One was at Fort Ben, run from the Sun, and two were down in Franklin-Run for Rex.
    I am on this site to lose weight, have lost 88 already but still have about 50 more to go. I love South Eastway but it's a drive for me so I don't go a lot.

    Thanks for the invite!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Doing the DirtyGirl Mud run with friend in May. Super excited for this!! I may have my little one join me for the Color Me rad later this year.
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Doing the DirtyGirl Mud run with friend in May. Super excited for this!! I may have my little one join me for the Color Me rad later this year.

    I did the dirty girl mud run last year! It was a lot of fun. Very fun laid back atmosphere. Great costumes/tshirts too.

  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    Wow, Mary, congratulations on your weight loss and fitness sucess. I loved the warrior dash and if you doctor releases you, I highly recommend doing it!

    The DirtyGirl Mud run looks like a lot of fun, too! I'm also planning to have my son join me for either Color Me Rad or the Color Run, we were going to do the Color Me Rad last year but the timing didn't work out.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Did the Groundhog 7 up in Zionsville today. Fun running in the snow, plus I still have over 800 calories left for snacking during the Super Bowl. :smile:
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    Did the Groundhog 7 up in Zionsville today. Fun running in the snow, plus I still have over 800 calories left for snacking during the Super Bowl. :smile:

    Nice! That's the way to plan ahead for those Superbowl parties! :)
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member

    Thanks for the link, it's the opening link in the 2013 Indiana runs pinned thread though... This thread is theoretically more about places to run or walk instead of events...
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    This thread seemed like a good place to stash the following link donated by Aesop101 (much better than his new member thread anyway):