February challenge

Ok all you Wii'ers. The new challenge is to log 14 hours for the month. Any combination of activities as long as you are not sitting on the couch just moving the controller. Log your activities for all to see.


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm in! I am on the WII a few times a week. 14 hours should be doable. I love the Just dance for the WII!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Excellent!!! LETS DO THIS!!! I'm IN.
  • angelzoya519
    I am in!!! Gotta get my butt moving. 6 lbs in Jan was great but I know I can lose more than that and still do it the healthy way. Most of my weight is water weight and I know I can do this. 14 hours that is just 30 mins a day for the entire month. We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • maggiemoak
    My birthday is coming up and my son sent me a Wii Fit 4 Life....I will try to connect it this weekend, count me in. Any suggestions on a good game to start?
  • ppaolini4340
    I only hooked my Wii Fit up last month but i have fallen in Love with it. I started with the Yoga stretches, then do a couple of the strength exercises and finish it off with a couple of the aerobics games. And if I am still in the mood to play, i do some of the balance games. Those tend to make me mad cause I always mess up:explode: . Guess I am not too balanced but it is still fun. And it is better than sitting on the couch eating.
  • ppaolini4340
    Day 1. =. 32 minutes

    Obstacle course. Took 6 tries and finally got 318 points
    Houma hoops twice. 366 points.
    Labryth I think it was called. Not very good. Only 18 points
    Snowbal fight. 3 games. 25 points
    3 yoga poses
    4 strength exercises
    Fell on the floor :ohwell:
  • ppaolini4340
    34 minutes of yoga and strength =. 106 calories
    Advanced step. High score 458. =. 21 calories

    Total time. 36 minutes
  • Pixie8504
    Pixie8504 Posts: 174 Member
    I am in.

    2/1-60 minutes free step
    2/2-10 minute run. 20 minute free step

    Total for February 90 minutes
  • Pixie8504
    Pixie8504 Posts: 174 Member
    2/1-60 minutes free step
    2/2-10 minute run. 20 minute free step
    2/3-30 minute rub, 30 minute free step

    Total for February 150 minutes
  • ppaolini4340
    Great Job Pixie . I "fell off" the Wii wagon yesterday. I usually leave time in the evenings and forgot we had a committment for a superbowl party. Left the house and 3 in the afternoon and did not get home until after midnight. Will have to work twice as hard tonight.
  • smagee1973
    smagee1973 Posts: 30 Member
    Well I know it's the 6th already but I am sure I can do this! I am going to do zumba right now on the wii for 60 minutes! Besides, when my kids are here next week this is usually what we do. I can exercise and play with them at the same time. :)

  • ppaolini4340
    finally got back on the board last night. 44 minutes total.
    11 yoga stretches
    7 strength exercises
    10 minutes of advanced free step

    Total for February 110 minutes

    only 730 more to go.
  • chillstr
    Not sure if I can get 14 hours in or not. I will try. I have built up to 30 min. doing Walk it out on the Wii and am able to do that 3x a week. I am trying to build that up to 7x a week. So, I have 4 days of WIO in and 2 days of shoveling snow. I think the shoveling was harder. LOL.
  • ppaolini4340
    54 minutes tonight. 183 calories. I also added 3 pound weight to each hand for added bonus.

    676 minutes to go.
  • Pixie8504
    Pixie8504 Posts: 174 Member
    2/1-60 minutes free step
    2/2-10 minute run. 20 minute free step
    2/3-30 minute run, 30 minute free step
    2/8-10 minute run, 20 minute free step

    Total for February 180 minutes
  • smagee1973
    smagee1973 Posts: 30 Member
    40 minutes Yoga last night and 60 minutes today with Zumba again! I really needed this to be accountable. :)
  • Pixie8504
    Pixie8504 Posts: 174 Member
    2/1-60 minutes free step
    2/2-10 minute run. 20 minute free step
    2/3-30 minute run, 30 minute free step
    2/4-30 minute run, 30 minute free step
    2/5-30 minute run
    2/6-40 minute run, 20 minute free step
    2/7-60 minute free step
    2/8-10 minute run, 20 minute free step
    2/9-10 minute run, 50 minute free step

    Total for February 390 minutes--6.5 hours
  • ppaolini4340
    32 minutes tonight

    644 to go
  • ppaolini4340
    Great job Pixie. Keep up the good work!
  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    40 mins on my wii fit

    800 mins to go