tough mudder?!?!

ive let myself get talked into entering the tough mudder event!!!! i must be crazy! lol ................... but it is giving me the extra added boost to keep on exercising and eating healthy as i have 7 months to get in shape for it! ive just downloaded the couch to 5k app on my ipod so will hopefully be able to run for the 1st time in my life! i find it easier to do it (exercise, helping people) for other people but when its for me i alwys find excuses! i dont wanna let anyone down :)


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    C25k is great- you'lll love it. Just a warning, it goes by time and for most people, they won't actually be doing 5k at the end as their pace is too slow. You can increase your distance though slowly when you get to the end of the programme. Don't try and run too fast as it will then be too hard.
  • kitsuneandy
    Good luck with Tough Mudder! I know a few people who did one of their events last year, looks stupidly tough!
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Which one are you doing? Have entered the South Coast one on 8th June.
  • loubylou3
    thanks for the advice peeps, the event im doing is in yorkshire, UK on sept 8th this year :)
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    thanks for the advice peeps, the event im doing is in yorkshire, UK on sept 8th this year :)

    Me too I got sent a £10 off voucher so thought screw it.
  • loubylou3
    i didnt research it properly before i paid for it, then i did watch the videas and thought OMFG WHAT HAVE I DONE!! lol im scared but need to focus focus focus! lol
  • loubylou3
    thanks for the advice peeps, the event im doing is in yorkshire, UK on sept 8th this year :)

    Me too I got sent a £10 off voucher so thought screw it.

    nice one might see you there! :)]
  • BikerGran
    BikerGran Posts: 11 Member
    My older daughter started running with Couch to 10k - now she runs marathons, and even organises them!
  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    my cousin just completed the one in australia. He said when he had finished he felt invincible it gave him such a rush!
  • loubylou3
    yeh this is how i wanna feel also with the transformation of my body. :)
  • DanTillson
    DanTillson Posts: 71 Member
    YES! Training for the Welsh one in Sept., first time, looks equally incredible and scary as duck. Watching the official video gets me pumped though. Can't wait :)

    EDIT: Have added those doing the event but anyone doing these or similar (tough guy/spartan), please add me, would be great to see other people with similar goals.
  • misspenfold
    misspenfold Posts: 25 Member
    I'm also signed up for the Yorkshire one, but am doing it on the 7th. It'll be my first event like that and I'm a delightful mixture of terrified and completely buzzed about it.
  • susannahsutton1
    On the couch to 5k programme, you can do it for distance from the get go. I did when I was building up to a half marathon (which I completed and I found that running 13.1 miles is really quite dull, so that's my distance running career over!)

    Anyway, IIRC the first week is 60 secs jogging and 90 secs walking, or that sort of thing. I did that for 5k and it took ages, but it made me get to 5k!
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Am signing up for the South West 22nd Sept one with my brother in law. I'm really excited, but then completely petrified about anything with water (I can't really swim) so have my work cut out for me there!

    I have 9 months to train, so no pressure yet, and would say that I'm pretty fit, but I have like zero upper body strength so I think I'll spend 9 months trying to do pull ups and press ups! lol
  • loubylou3
    im doing the saturday 7th sept not the 8th got it wrong lol! im not that fit but i ran for 3 mins solid the other day on my first ever run, i have got my work cut out to get fit for sept!
  • tinz75
    tinz75 Posts: 912 Member
    I've just watched the video - I wanna do it!

    I'm doing a 10k multi-terrain run in a few weeks so I'll see how I cope with that first :/
  • loubylou3
    good luck tinz, im really looking forward to it now :)
  • this_time_nextyear
    Im doing the North West tough mudder when the time comes (think its Oct, cant sign up yet) got a 10K in May though so trying to get fitter for that.
    If you struggle with excuses then I recommend the Zombies, Run! app, on iPhone but pretty sure on other smartphones too. They do the full version and a 5K version but it helps me knowing the only way to progress the game is to actually run!
  • tinz75
    tinz75 Posts: 912 Member
    OK... I'm kind of thinking if I can get a team together I'll do it... It looks so much fun!
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm doing the SW one on 21st September, really excited/terrified at the same time!! It's giving me a good lot of motivation to get in better shape and a lot fitter, as I don't want to embarrass myself or let my team mates down! I also want to complete it, as a percentage of people (20% I think) who enter don't complete it. Madness but a great excuse to train hard and eat well!! I'm happy for anyone else who is doing it to add me :)