Happy Hump Day!! (Week #4)

Hello everyone!!!

How is everyone doing? Any struggles? Please share how many pounds and inches you've lost so far? Any NSV's (non-scale victory) you may have experienced so far in this challenge! As always, share any challenge ideas with me. 6 weeks to go...YAY!!!




  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,097 Member
    I'm flustered actually. Kidna stuck right now. Been same weight / +1lb or so for 10 days now which for me is a long time with no drop. I am changing up my workout though so I hope that helps. My BF% though has dropped 1% though so can't complain on that front.

    Bought a HRM now for the gym as my fitbit doesn't cut it when lifting.
  • auto63
    auto63 Posts: 156 Member
    Week has been going well weight loss I am still up 2lbs from beginning weigh in but only me to blame. I do welll during the week and fall off deep end over the weekends. 2-3 off weekend 2-3 right back on....can you say rollercoaster ride and not a fun one.

    Tonight going spinning with daughter.
    Have a great week all.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    This month has gone by fast! My loss is continuing slowly but surely. I plan on getting a personal trainer in the next week or two, so I can start a solid weight training program. I wanted to do this earlier, but with sickness and everything else this month, just been crazy! lol.
    I have a NSV! I fit into size 6 jeans!! my 8's have been loose for awhile now, I just didn't have the courage to go try on jeans. I have not been a 6 since I was 17 and 125lbs. I'm currently 141ish, so I am stoked. :)
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I'm up a couple pounds today but I had Sunbway yesterday and some taco meat last night on a salad. Sodium always kills me. I have had a ton of water today so hopefully that will help. Like the above poster said it's a roller coaster ride. I try not to rely on the scale so much.

    I am going to count this as a NSV....I have managed to keep up with my morning workout schedule for 4 weeks now. It's now a HABIT!!!! I am not a morning person and for me to be able to do this is monumental.

    Have a great rest of the week!
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    Down just 4 lbs but still better then nothing. I have a back injurt that is going to be sidelining me for a bit but hope to be back at it soon!
  • JDavis352
    JDavis352 Posts: 84 Member
    I have managed to finally shed the last 1.6 pounds of holiday weight gain. It has taken me forever to get rid of the 3 pounds I gained. I am struggling finding time to exercise. Between work and baseball 6-7 days a week for 2 kids. I have however started drinking more water which I am happy about since I had been slacking.
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    In a slight rut this week. Struggling not to eat everything in sight, and to eat healthier foods over other choices (the only plus is I haven't bought any quick packaged foods in the last few shopping trips so they are just not at my fingertips). Starting to plan some meals so that I can prep Saturday to make things a little easier next week. Looking for a low-cal dessert/sweet that I can have when I want to indulge a little.
  • mlcharb
    mlcharb Posts: 69 Member
    A couple bad choices on the weekend has me in a rut. I'm getting back on track but it's happening slowly. I'm just taking one day at a time and will get back down, after gaining this past week. Hope everyone else is doing okay!
  • BlestLiz
    Struggling like I usually do to actually drop weight (scale says I've gained +1 since we started 4 weeks ago o_0), but going to play with my calories more. Exercise is going great, 4-5 times a week switching between chalean extreme & turbofire.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    My nutritionist switched my probiotic because I wasn't obsorbing enough of certain nutrients. The new one, which I started on Saturday, has absolutely kicked my butt. I didn't take it this morning at all, because I've had severe abdominal pain and digestion problems. I finally figured it out that it was the culprit yesterday (I'm slow, I guess). I have an appointment with him on Tuesday where I can ask for something different. I thought I was going to have to go to ER last night because I was in so much pain. My abdomen was so loud, you could hear all the stomach acid rolling around in it. It was unreal. The only reason I didn't go was: a) even with insurance, the co-pay and bill would have been over $850, b) I eventually threw up and fell asleep, and c) I knew it would have ran out of little organisms if I stopped supplying it suppliment.
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    doing ok here...
    as i dont feel like i struggle eating wise (yet up down same lbs)
    finally trying to be more consistant with excercise. which is where i have struggled.
    this week started the couch to 5k and OMG is it tough lol
    day one was ok as i did it in my house in place..
    yesterday did day 2 outside and jogging part was tough even if it was for 1 min at a time..
    but sticking with it and it can only help :)

    dont get discouraged people........that will only lead to negitive thoughts which in turn only
    lead to gaining back any progress we have made.....

    have a good rest of week :)
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 141 Member
    I do fine on my work days, but then I struggle on my days off 3-4 each week. I am trying to do better with my food and exercise.
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    Doing pretty good! just sarted a spin class today and that was awesome! I'm going to do it at least 2x week and I've lost 6 pounds this month can't complain about that!! 3 more pounds and I will be the lightest I've been in 6 years:) Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Just joined this group - tomorrow I will have accomplished 2 of my new year's resolutions:

    1) I'll have done 30 straight days of Bikram Yoga
    2) I'll have not had a sip of alcohol since 12:01am on Jan 1, 2013!

    Hoping to add one more if the scale gives me the right number!