Intro (Kind of graphic but want to share my story) Lol

Hi Everyone,

I'm Joanie (joaniegirl1324). I'm 32, with one very spirited 4 year old. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 although I have probably had it since I was 11. As a result my hormones were completely screwed up and I put on almost 100 pounds in less than 6 months when I was 21. I was unsuccessful in conceiving a child for years after marriage in 2005, and it was in '07 when I got the formal diagnosis from an RE. I went on WW to lose 15lbs to help get pregnant, ended up losing 40 in 3 months (Jan-March '08) and found out in April I was pregnant. I had a healthy, perfect pregnancy and only gained 36 lbs.

My daughter was born in Dec 2008. Mid 2011 my husband and I decided we would start trying to have another baby. My weight (which had gotten down to 197 from 242 to get preg- I got down to 204 after I had the baby) was back up to 250 at this point, although it was more gradual, it was still hard to deal with.

So, I went back on a diet and got down to 232-236 (I'm 5'9" and am told I carry the weight well but still...) to try to get pregnant again. I should mention I had an IUD put in 6 months after my daughter was born, to prevent any accidentals. (Removed 2011).

That's when everything started going wrong. I instantly had a miscarriage that was upsetting - very early onset but still. Struggled with irregular periods followed by gushings. Fast forward to January 2012.

At this point we had been trying for almost 6 months with no luck. Then I had a sever early miscarriage. And the bleeding didn't stop. Blood clots the size of softballs every time I stood up, or sat down. I was severely anemic, my hair was falling out, and the bleeding didn't stop for 6 weeks. I finally went to the OB/GYN chief of the hospital and was told I needed at the least an ablasion, at the most a hysterectomy. I opted for the hyster after there was no guarantee the ablasion would be successful and I would have to get it anyway if it failed.

So in April 2012, I had a hysterectomy. I kept my cervix and ovaries to avoid premature-menopause. My ovaries had to be dramatically bisected because of all of the cysts on each and I had a 2lb mass removed along with fibroids.

I do not regret the decision to have the surgery and can say with 100% sincerity and certainty that even if I didn't have a child, I would have done it. Although it does make it more bearable. Not easier. I can't have another child, ever. Secondary infertility is just as painful, especially when all of your friends and cousins are having babies left and right.

But I digress.

I've been there, I'm still going through it (the hair on my face all the time is proof enough - laser hair removal here I come).

I went back on WW last May and lost 20lbs, I've lost 10 in the month and a half I've been on MFP just doing a more low calorie diet. I work out 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes, and I'm seeing good results.

PCOS sucks. No two ways about it. But we can get through it, we're not alone. We are stronger than we think. Trust me.

Hope to hear from some/all of you soon!!!

Thanks for listening!



  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Ugh, I know what you're talking about with that horrible bleeding. I will go months with nothing, then suddenly very heavy and blood clots. I had that happen at Disney World!!

    I'm on Spironolactone- which blocks testosterone. It has helped quite a bit with the hair issues. I've noticed a difference in how much I have to pluck. I also take Glucophage XR for insulin resistance, and am on Yaz birth control. I don't have periods at all now, even with all that stuff.

    But, I have managed to drop 50 pounds in the past year. It is possible, just slower than for the average person. I have another 15 lbs. to go.

    Just wanted to give you some hope. Also, I really didn't want to take the meds, but they have made a big difference for me. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!