loosing weight/gluten free



  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    I have lost weight (13 pounds), but I have also changed up the way I do g-f now. When baking, I try to incorporate higher fiber flours that have lower GI's. For example rice flour is just as bad as white flour when you look at it on the GI scale. But almond and coconut flour are so much better...higher in protein and fiber and lower GI. I have also gone from being a vegetarian (of 18 years) to eating meat again. I eat protein at every meal. I use less sugar, more honey and stevia. I have lost weight, and not because I am trying particularly. I think it is because eating higher fiber and more protein keeps me satiated longer. What matters is that I feel better. So, I plan to just eating the foods that work for me and not call it a "Paleo diet" or "G-F diet"...it is just the way I eat.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I have lost weight (13 pounds), but I have also changed up the way I do g-f now. When baking, I try to incorporate higher fiber flours that have lower GI's. For example rice flour is just as bad as white flour when you look at it on the GI scale. But almond and coconut flour are so much better...higher in protein and fiber and lower GI. I have also gone from being a vegetarian (of 18 years) to eating meat again. I eat protein at every meal. I use less sugar, more honey and stevia. I have lost weight, and not because I am trying particularly. I think it is because eating higher fiber and more protein keeps me satiated longer. What matters is that I feel better. So, I plan to just eating the foods that work for me and not call it a "Paleo diet" or "G-F diet"...it is just the way I eat.

    What she said! ^^
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been following the GF diet for a couple months I lose then gain. Right now I am following the phase 1 of Southbeach Which is
    GfWhen i get to phase 2 i will add 1 fruit a day and maybe a slice of basic bread made with almond flour and flax meal
    For phase one i am eating beans, lean meats and eggs veggies non starches ones, yogurt Sugar free Jello, tea coffee and lots of water In the morning is my first WI since I satarted and will see how well I done.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    Le sigh. To be one of those people who gives up soda and loses a ton of weight.

  • I gained about 25lbs in the 3 years since I went gluten free. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that before I found out I had celiac I would eat huge portions because I just wasn't absorbing it and I was constantly hungry. Once I stopped eating gluten I started absorbing the calories but still had the habits of eating large portions. I don't eat a lot of pasta or bread or gluten free substitutes but I definitely have an odd relationship with food - I think about it constantly because I have to plan so carefully to make sure I have food that I can eat. Also, gluten free snack foods aren't exactly healthy. But you can do it!
  • lhapple82
    lhapple82 Posts: 16 Member
    You may be allergic to something else. It is very common for a GF person to have more than one food intolerance.

    This for sure... I did an allergen elimination diet with a nutritionist. For 30 days, I did not have gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, or nightshades. I'm not done testing, but I am totally intolerant to eggs so far.