Official Week 4 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Feb 4th)

Let the weigh-ins begin!! Keep up the great work!!! Feel free to message me if you need additional encouragement and support!! I am here for each one of you!!!!

Google spreadsheet link:




  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    I've lost another 0.6 pounds. Was a tad discouraged, but then I took measurements. I'm down about 2 inches total in the past two weeks.
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    CW: 148.0
    LW: 150.0
    I lost 2 lbs this week!
    Total lbs lost:6 lbs
  • Majal10
    Majal10 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't understand what happen this week ate the same, but gained a pound. I started weight training this week , can that be a factor?
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I don't understand what happen this week ate the same, but gained a pound. I started weight training this week , can that be a factor?

    I think it could be the same thing happend when I starte working out two weeks ago
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 140 Member
    Last week: 225.8
    Cw: feb2 224.2

    Loss: 1.6 pd
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
  • No loss or gain..I am okay with that. Decided to change up my diet and workout routine -- I am hoping this helps!!
  • TTotM = 0 pounds lost this week.
    So glad not to have gained anything this month, though. :o)
  • luna16belle
    luna16belle Posts: 47 Member
    Im still 162lb, but recently I havent been counting cals or working out except a zumba class once a week, so Im happy with that weight for now.
    I will be stepping it up again now though! My goal looks pretty unachievable right now, but I'd still like to get to 155 in the 6 weeks we have left. 7lb. Bring it on :)
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Lost 1.4 this week.
    Challenge total:14.8

    Good Luck this week everyone!
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    I lost 2.4lbs this week, the most ive lost in all the other weeks.
  • Majal10
    Majal10 Posts: 79 Member
    I have no idea what happen. I started incorporating weight training and I gained weight instead of losing weight. Very discouraged
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member
    Starting Weight: 168
    Last week: 160.8
    This Week: 160.6
  • My starting weig in was 154.2 overall pounds and today I'm 150.8 pounds
    This week I lost 0.6 pounds overall.
    Currently I'm 27.8% fat. But that's down 0.8% since last week.
    Right now 41.8 pounds of me is fat which is down 1.4 pounds since last week.
    And as of today 108.5 pounds of me is lean mass which is up 0.8 pounds since last week.
    I feel like I can call this week a win overall.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    SW: 190.2
    CW: 183.0
    GW: 175? (I think lol)
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I will definitely not win this challenge. Decided to bulk instead of losing and I won't finish in time to start cutting before the 10 weeks are up. Oh well.

    Another 2 lb gain. It's scary to be bulking but I want more muscle so a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
  • kissmisskate
    kissmisskate Posts: 92 Member
    Despite it being my TOM and eating pretty well anything I pleased this week, I still lost 1.2lbs! Super hooray!
    Total loss so far: 5.6lbs!!!
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    SW 1/6/13 - 207.4
    W1 1/13/13 - 197.6
    W2 1/20/13 - 201.3
    W3 1/27/13 - 199.9
    W4 2/3/13 - 197.5

    One month in, now to stick with the changes made in my life style. I know I will keep seeing changes if I do.
  • seligcrystal
    seligcrystal Posts: 34 Member
    Up a pound to 225.5 a little discouraging but expected! Time to get back on track this week