Valentine's Day Challenge (Jan 3 - Feb 14)



  • jak227
    jak227 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. Just saw this challenge. A little late, but I'm up for 3 weeks of a loss (hope!). I go to WW this afternoon, so I will get a definite weigh in. Last month I was 195, looking to get to 190, and keep on going. Started watching what I'm eating (better choices) and am exercising. Going to gym during the week after work and getting on treadmill for 25 mins and then the bike for 15. So far, I'm feeling better. I wish everyone luck! You can do it :) Julie
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Starting Stats: 270, 32 inches, exercise 25-30 minutes daily
    Week 1: 270, 35 inches, exercise 40-45 minutes daily
    Week 2: 265, 35 inches, exercise 35-45 minutes daily
  • I would like to join ..
    currently 159
    goal 150
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    I was super excited last week because I had a big loss. so I changed my goal. this week: 1lb loss. not discouraged though. maybe I will have a bigger loss next week.
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    I have forgotten to update this...

    Starting weight: 260lbs - Goal: 245lbs
    1/21/13 - 257lbs (-3lb loss)

    Exercise goal was 30 minutes a day / 6 days a week.
    This past week I completed 298 minutes of exercise & burned 4491 calories! Woot!
  • I'm in too

    Current weight. 79 kgs Goal for valentines day. 75 kgs

    Walk dog for at least an hour every day

    I have a physical job so I will move more purposefully for core work
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    2/14/13 goal 135

    1/3/13 weighed in at 149.7.
    1/10/13 weighed in at 147.50 loss of 2.20 pounds
    1/17/13 weighed in at 147 UGH only lost .50 pounds.
    1/23/13 weighed in at 145.7 loss of 1.30 pounds
    Finally some scale movement!!

    I got a FitBit One on 1/12/13 and it really has helped improved me to move more! I did 72,127 steps last week, average was 10,304 a day, 30.95 miles, average was 4.42 miles a day & burned 13,448 cals, average was 1921 a day burned. I love the fitbit and try to beat my steps and miles each day and cals burned.
    Started up at Planet Fitness on Friday, 1/18 and went Sun, Mon and Tues also. I love the gym. Did mainly cardio on treadmill, bike and ellipitcal machine but did weight machines on Sun and Mon. Going to do weight machines every other day and then cardio every day. I still do my walking at home at 5:30 am with my walking dvd and have been walking 1 mile in 20 minutes at lunch time in my office hallways and will continue to do that M-F also along with going to the gym.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I have the Fitbit Ultra, and love it for all the reasons you described. It's a great tool.
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    1/11/13: 204.5
    1/23/13: 196
    goal: 189
    not sure i'm gonna make this goal. started off really strong & now 1lb lost last week. 1lb the week before. I could def use more exercise though. running a 5k Feb 23 & I have only been on the treadmill 3 times in the last 3 weeks.
  • I am in!!!
    Current 205
    Goal 195
    Go to the gym 3 days a week for 30 min cardio and Toning
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Starting Stats: 270, 32 inches, exercise 25-30 minutes daily
    Week 1: 270, 35 inches, exercise 40-45 minutes daily
    Week 2: 265, 35 inches, exercise 35-45 minutes daily
    Week 3: 264, 35 inches, exercise 45 minutes walking daily
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    still PLATEAU!!!!!!!!!!!! 165 and holding strong....I don't know - I have tried increasing - decreasing - lifting weights - extra workouts....nothing!!!! My body has found it's happy place I guess and I can't complain!!! but I did do 5 real pushups yesterday so that was 1 of my goals for this time frame!!!!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm in!

    Weight goal: 240 - Currently 258
    Exercise goal - Start strength training
    Stress Reduction - Stretch and breath at least twice a week

    Weight 1-25-13 248.4
    Exercise goal-no progress
    Stress reduction-Stretching once a week and breathing three times a week
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Finally Broke the 165/166 plateau. So now down to 163!! 3 lbs away from 1/2 the woman I used to be!! and I can do a regular pushup!!!!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    Great job Ragslittle!!
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    Starting weight: 260lbs - Goal: 245lbs
    1/21/13 - 257lbs (-3lb loss)
    1/28/13 - 255lbs (-2lbs loss)

    Exercise goal was 30 minutes a day / 6 days a week.
    1/21/13 This past week I completed 298 minutes of exercise & burned 4491 calories! Woot!
    1/28/13 This week I completed 407 minutes of exercise & burned 4125 calories! Woot!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    2/14/13 goal 135

    1/3/13 weighed in at 149.7.
    1/10/13 weighed in at 147.50 loss of 2.20 pounds
    1/17/13 weighed in at 147 UGH only lost .50 pounds.
    1/23/13 weighed in at 145.7 loss of 1.30 pounds
    1/31/13 weighed in at 144 loss of 1.70 pounds.
    Not for sure if I am gonna make my goal of 135 by 2/14/13. That's 9 pounds in about 2 weeks!

    I have been loving going to the gym. Was ill Tues and Wed of this week so didn't go but planning on going today after work.
    I have been exercising daily usually 2 miles walked in 20 minutes at 5:30am, walking a mile or more in 20 minutes on my lunch hour at work and then going to the gym 3 days a week and one or two times during the weekends.
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Starting Stats: 270, 32 inches, exercise 25-30 minutes daily
    Week 1: 270, 35 inches, exercise 40-45 minutes daily
    Week 2: 265, 35 inches, exercise 35-45 minutes daily
    Week 3: 264, 35 inches, exercise 45 minutes walking daily
    Week 4: 260, 37 inches, exercise 45 min walking - was cleared for weights and yoga, just couldn't fit it into my schedule this week. I don't know if I will meet my 250 pound goal, but I am hopeful!
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    GOOOAAAALLL!!!!! - Met my weight goal!!! 159.6 this morning...and I can do a few regular pushups - nothing too exciting :ohwell: goal is 154 (my trainers goal weight for me) - but I am perfectly satisfied where I am - if I can keep my self in the 155 - 160 range that will work!!! Maybe build some more muscle and lose some body fat %.

    Do we ever reach a place of contentment?
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    GOOOAAAALLL!!!!! - Met my weight goal!!! 159.6 this morning...and I can do a few regular pushups - nothing too exciting :ohwell: goal is 154 (my trainers goal weight for me) - but I am perfectly satisfied where I am - if I can keep my self in the 155 - 160 range that will work!!! Maybe build some more muscle and lose some body fat %.

    Do we ever reach a place of contentment?

    Congrats to you! Yippee!!!