Start tomorrow..I will suck...Friends to encourage???

So here I am. I weight 240ish pounds and am 5 foot tall, and only 23 years old! :/ Shame on me. MY goal weight is about 120. Well, I joined a program at my YMCA and it's 150 days of wellness. Pretty much a health compitition. You get points for certain things, such as weight loss (max of 50 points/pound so if you lose more than 50 pounds you wont get anymore points for them they're just extra), going to see your doctor, going to health fair, checking in at the YMCA to workout. You are on a team (my husband and I) and then the small teams are put on big teams. The winning little team gets 1000 dollars! I will win, hopefully, and go buy new clothes as my reward! :) So part of my goal is to run a 5K so I figured why not!? I am starting the C25K tomorrow w/the 150 Days of Wellness and have been psyching myself up for it! I can do this. I will suck at it. About 2 weeks ago I tried to job 5mph and could go 40ish seconds. I will push myself super hard. I will eat right and I will do this! I am looking for encouraging people who are doing/have done/ will do the C25K program. Also Friends who have the same age/weight loss goal/starting weight or w/e as me! I just want friends! :) I will post daily how my C25K training went, so be prepaired to hear me cry about it :P


  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    You can do this!!!!! When I started C25k I was only a little lighter than you are now. I've finished the 8week program (in December) and am training for my first 5k in march right now. The first time through the program I just went for time, and ran really slowly... but I did run! Now I'm going through the program a second time, and am trying to increase my speed. It is slow going... as I'm still on week one... but I'm getting there!

    Just as an FYI... don't look ahead too far. Just trust the program, and know that YOU CAN DO IT!

    C25k is a mind over matter game. I didn't believe it until I did it myself. Now I'm that "crazy person" who goes running in the rain. Who knew?!?

    Good Luck on your challenge!!

    Edited to add: I'm 5'4" and currently 212. When I started C25k back in October I was 225.4 lbs.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    Congrats on doing the challenge! Love your mindset going into the whole process. I agree that C25K is definately mind over matter. When I started C25K I couldn't jog for more than 40 seconds either but I stuck with it and I conducted a test with myself yesterday at the gym. My test was to see how long I could run before my mind told me that my body was "quitting" on me. I was able to run at 5.3 mph on an incline of 2.0 for 4 minutes straight, I could have gone longer but I wanted to be sure I could get the whole thing done.

    I sent you a friend request too.
  • anewsam
    Go you! You can do it!! I'm on week 4 and its amazing how much you improve over such a short time! I've never been into running and could never understand why people rave about it. But since starting C25K I now get it! The achievement you make each week is such a buzz and I actually quite enjoy getting all puffed out and sweaty. As everyone says, you have to trust the programme and tell yourself you can do it, because you definitely can! Good luck!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I love the fact that you think that running at 5mph for 40 seconds is not very good - if you can do that before you've begun you will absolutely kill C25K!

    My biggest bit of advice when you start is to take it slooooooooowwwwwwww... as long as both feet are off the ground at the same time then speed is not important right now. Just get your running from right and take your time (great video here: This will ensure you don't get injured (and then give up).

    My second biggest bit of advice is to repeat as many weeks/days as you need. The programme claims to get you up to 5k in nine weeks but this can be difficult. There's absolutely no shame in repeating runs until you have them nailed. And be certain that if you do stick to it you endurance in all other exercise will improve and your legs, heart and lungs will get into their best shape ever!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Just reiterating SRH7's advice. Try to run as slowly as you can at first. Don't push yourself. You'll pick up speed comfortably later. The program will guide you to be able to do this safely and comfortably. Speed is a metric, not an evaluation.

    Sucking is when you sit on your butt slurping down soda.

    I loved this when I first started:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You can do this! Take it one day at a time and, as SRH7 says, take it very slow. Think of the program as a "time" training program and not a "distance" training program. I'm still working on jogging 5K in a consistent manner. It takes time.

    Be sure to post here. You'll find lots of encouragement.
  • missmidge84
    missmidge84 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in the middle of week 7 right now and will reiterate what others have said. Don't worry about your speed right away. All that matters is that you're doing the program! I was 240 or so when I started. For me the mental challenge has been almost as hard as the physical. I constantly doubt that I can run for any length of time and find that I do better when I distract myself during my runs (rather than watching the minutes tick by). Good luck! Add me if you'd like.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    Love this! When I started running last year I was convinced other runners would laugh at me shuffling around the park at 2mph. Instead they would nod or smile as I saw them (usually running past me twice as fast). There's a wonderful solidarity among runners of all levels which I never expected.

    From your first run you are officially a runner. Say it once, say it loud... "I'm a runner and I'm proud!"
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Sucking is sitting on the couch. If you are actively working at it, you do not suck. When I started, my "run" intervals were MAYBE at 4.5MPH. Speed comes with time. Keep us posted on how it goes!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    From your first run you are officially a runner. Say it once, say it loud... "I'm a runner and I'm proud!"

    Lol... - I remember you having to remind me of this more than once..... :)
  • saunderl
    saunderl Posts: 12 Member
    You will NOT SUCK, I am on week 5 and when i started I thought I was going to die. I do my workouts on the treadmill so for me I lock my ipod so i dont see the clock ticking down, and I try not to check the time on the treadmill. Also for me i chant in my head ``you got this!!!!`` ``you can do this!!!!`` ``only one more set left!!!`` These small things really seem to help me. I have also made it a habit to do my work out. I have realized that supper can wait it does not have to been on the table when my b/f gets home because I NEED me time. I need to start putting my health first before others needs.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    You can do will be amazed how it works up and if you push yourself you will be surprise at how you can improve.
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks guys. I am leaving in about 20 min. to go weigh in and do W1D1...can't wait to see....well maybe I can :/ lol
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Thanks guys. I am leaving in about 20 min. to go weigh in and do W1D1...can't wait to see....well maybe I can :/ lol

    So, I'm dying... how did you do?
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    I just started and completed week 1 last week... tonight just did w2d2...
    so a couple thoughts from me since I'm so new at this:
    - try to gain a positive perspective... the way you're going to reach goal is by believing in yourself... most especially when you stumble or reach a plateau
    - try not to worry about speed to begin with... try to find a level of comfort that allows you to get you work through the program you will continue to build your endurance and stamina... it takes time to get there...
    - you can do this. you deserve
    e this. you will feel happy and strong and unstoppable as you progress!!!

    Rock it OUT!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    (the follow up is in another post)
  • DaisyDi65
    DaisyDi65 Posts: 70 Member
    I am on week 2 and still intimidated by this. I am 290ish and am really an expert at the couch. I would love to join in the journey. Love the advice. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    That is amazing, I will have to check in with my Y! Money is a good motivator for weight loss, right ;)
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    Hey! Sorry I didn't follow up! :/ I posted it in my blog, you can add me as a friend if you guys want! I did great I think. I went 1.46miles I walked at a pace of roughly 3mph and ran at a pace of roughtly 5.5mph till the 2nd half i walked 2mph and ran 4.5mph. I only had to walk early 1x. Today I am doing day two and we'll see if i can not stop early! It would be awesome! :) But like I said, add me! :)