Phase 2 - Workout 6

a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
Workout 6 is a 33-minute metabolic circuit training workout focusing on the back of the body that you perform during weeks 5 & 6 of the program. Along with Workout 5, it marks the start of Phase 2 of the program in which the intensity and impact of the workouts increase. The workout follows the same pattern as the other metabolic training workouts in the system: short warm-up, 4 circuits repeated twice and a short cool down. Each circuit consists of 4 exercises performed back-to-back with a 1-minute cardio interval before repeating the circuit again. The workout consists of the following circuits:

Circuit 1 – bent-over wide grip rows, bicep curls with crossover lunge, plank rows and weighted supermans. Cardio interval: rock stars.
Circuit 2 – low row in stork stance, reverse plank, low row in stork stance and cable bicep curls. Cardio interval: plyo jumps with knee grab.
Circuit 3 – single leg squat with reverse fly, lunge chops, single leg squat with reverse fly and lunge chops. Cardio interval: running man.
Circuit 4 – lat pullover with high crunch, reverse crunch, windshield wipers and dumbbell swings. Cardio interval: zig-zag jumps.


  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Probably my least fav workout so far. I wouldn't say i hated it, i just thought it was a strange combination of moves (Imo).

    i only have 2 sets of handweights (5.5lbs and 8.8lbs) and even with my lightest weights i couldn't do superman, I've never been great at them anyway but i had to do it with just one handweight in both hands. My chest wasn't that far off the floor but i tried my best. I guess i needed a lighter set of weights to do this correctly but i gifted all my lighter ones to my sister as they were gathering dust.

    lat pull, i tried this with my 8.8s and the crunch part was fine, but i struggled slightly to get the full range of motion up and behind my head, so i used 5.5s.

    windshield wipers hurt my "saddlebag" area a bit, even though I've done these before in other JM workouts, maybe it's because i didn't use my mat today?

    my stabilising on one leg in various moves isn't 100%, i still have to occasionally tap my foot but it's not too bad.

    i think this is definitely a workout that you need a range of weights for. I think i will be raiding the cupboards for makeshift weights next time i do this routine.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Ok, I'm still struggling with the weighted superman.

    without weights i can pretty much do them ok, not to the extent of bending backwards in half like some of the guys on the dvd but i can lift my chest and legs off the floor.

    i bought some 3.3lb weights, and when i try doing it, i can lift my arms and legs off the floor but not my chest. :mad:
    i refuse to buy more lighter weights so i will either do them without weights or improvise with some tins of beans or something!

    someone suggested modified superman - swimmers? - one arm and one leg. I might try that weighted.
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    errr this was horrible

    those swan thingys i could not do on my left leg - what is with allthis one legged stuff!!

    supermans with weights - pah ha ha - okay i ened up holding one light weight with both hands!

    and sit ups with straight arms - easy peasy with my 2.5kg - tried it with the only ehavier weight i have which are 5kg and i could lift my arms off the floor!

    phase 2 is hard so far!
  • Gana1017
    Gana1017 Posts: 11 Member
    Running man makes a come back oh no! Also, almost cried during that ab super set but didn't hate the work out.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Running man makes a come back oh no! Also, almost cried during that ab super set but didn't hate the work out.

    There may be times during a workout when we struggle, when we think we can't do something..but when we push through it and reach the cool down it's the most AMAZZZZING sense of achievement!

    We are stronger than we think we are!

    Good job!
  • Yeah I cant do that weighted superman either.

    I find some of the balancing ones v hard as my muscles are so tired im all wobbly and falling about by then lol. Only on week 5 so just done Workout 6 once. Today is rest day hopefully I manage more on workout 6 2mrw :)
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Yeah I cant do that weighted superman either.

    I find some of the balancing ones v hard as my muscles are so tired im all wobbly and falling about by then lol. Only on week 5 so just done Workout 6 once. Today is rest day hopefully I manage more on workout 6 2mrw :)

    It's a relief it not just me who struggles with the weighted superman! I do get a bit annoyed at myself when i can't do something!

    I'm with you on the balancing thing... i've said it quite a few times on other people's status updates in my news feed - How on earth does she expect us to balance on one leg when our legs have been hammered with moves like plies?!! But at least she reassures us by saying it's perfectly fine to tap to regain balance!
  • Completed P2-WO6 this morning. Boy, this is tough, but I think it will be well worth it. Last night I was going over to my neighbor's and my husband looked at me and said, "Wow, you are really slimming down in your thigh area." Then he told me again this morning that he definitely noticed that my hips are becoming slimmer. Yeah!!!! Thanks Jillian. I have to admit that today when I was making veggie egg muffins that my stomach felt so strong and I was able to stand up straight and hold my abs in. It felt great and I really am starting to feel strong. Tomorrow is C2 and I am kind of excited. Have a good night everyone.:happy:
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Completed P2-WO6 this morning. Boy, this is tough, but I think it will be well worth it. Last night I was going over to my neighbor's and my husband looked at me and said, "Wow, you are really slimming down in your thigh area." Then he told me again this morning that he definitely noticed that my hips are becoming slimmer. Yeah!!!! Thanks Jillian. I have to admit that today when I was making veggie egg muffins that my stomach felt so strong and I was able to stand up straight and hold my abs in. It felt great and I really am starting to feel strong. Tomorrow is C2 and I am kind of excited. Have a good night everyone.:happy:

    Fantastic NSV! Of all the compliments i have received since losing weight, the ones from my husband are the ones that mean the most, they just make me feel so good, and so unbelievably proud of what I've achieved. They say that its harder for those people who see you every day to notice changes, so the fact he does must mean I've made big changes! Quite often he will say "look how skinny you are!", it always makes me laugh.

    i love the strong feeling too, its amazing! Keep up the brilliant work, if you have come this far already, just think how you will look and feel upon completion!!
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    I really enjoyed workout 6! I hate supermans though and the leg swing crunches were hard. I would also find it physically impossible to do the lat pull downs with my heaviest weights!
  • kiwi3374
    kiwi3374 Posts: 9 Member
    I like WO6 more than WO5. Supermans suck but looking forward to seeing results:)
  • tooshee
    tooshee Posts: 14 Member
    I definitely like Workout 6 more than Workout 5. Maybe because in Workout 5 there is a lot of work for triceps and they are not my strongest muscles. Workout 6 is not easy (especially the swing crunches), but it is fun! I just finished it and was all sweating, but also proud of myself for completing it and not skipping anything. I know that 4 weeks ago I couldn't have done it. I dont weigh in regularly ( but i did lose about 8 lbs since starting), and i don't measure myself. But being more conditioned and be able to do more--makes me incredibly happy!
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I just did workout 6 for the first time, and I couldn't do the weighted supermans either! I could use 3 lb weights, but I wasn't able to lift my chest very high then, so I ditched the weights halfway through.

    My least favourite exercise was the lunge chops, because I couldn't maintain the proper form to save my life. If I concentrated on not hurting my shoulder I totally ruined the lunge, and if I concentrated on the lunge then I would accidentally twist my shoulder too much. I was so frustrated.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I just did workout 6 for the first time, and I couldn't do the weighted supermans either! I could use 3 lb weights, but I wasn't able to lift my chest very high then, so I ditched the weights halfway through.

    My least favourite exercise was the lunge chops, because I couldn't maintain the proper form to save my life. If I concentrated on not hurting my shoulder I totally ruined the lunge, and if I concentrated on the lunge then I would accidentally twist my shoulder too much. I was so frustrated.

    Getting proper form can sometimes be tricky, especially in moves that are fast paced. Try slowing them right down, or perhaps doing them in front of a mirror, that helps me keep check my form. Good work anyway!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I definitely like Workout 6 more than Workout 5. Maybe because in Workout 5 there is a lot of work for triceps and they are not my strongest muscles. Workout 6 is not easy (especially the swing crunches), but it is fun! I just finished it and was all sweating, but also proud of myself for completing it and not skipping anything. I know that 4 weeks ago I couldn't have done it. I dont weigh in regularly ( but i did lose about 8 lbs since starting), and i don't measure myself. But being more conditioned and be able to do more--makes me incredibly happy!

    i just love reading how proud you are of yourself, its great! Alot of people (myself included!) focus purely on and stress over what they can't do, or what they have yet to do, and they often forget about the huge progress they have already made. Go you!! Its comments like yours that makes moderating this group so worthwhile for me! :flowerforyou:
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    OK, I was guilty of only posting what I couldn't do instead of mentioning that I was super proud to complete the plank rows. Plank moves have been the hardest for me from the beginning, but today I was able to do the plank rows with heavy weights without taking a break. Yay for progress!!
  • I'm having a hard time not twisting my hips during the plank rows. The lunge chop things get me too. My form stinks.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    OK, I was guilty of only posting what I couldn't do instead of mentioning that I was super proud to complete the plank rows. Plank moves have been the hardest for me from the beginning, but today I was able to do the plank rows with heavy weights without taking a break. Yay for progress!!

    I think its good to share our strains and struggles, because it makes others realise that they are not the only ones finding it difficult, but at the same time we do need to pat ourselves on the back occasionally too, we are doing something pretty amazing right here!

    very well done on mastering those plank rows, you have made brilliant progress!! Proud of you!!
  • tooshee
    tooshee Posts: 14 Member

    i just love reading how proud you are of yourself, its great! Alot of people (myself included!) focus purely on and stress over what they can't do, or what they have yet to do, and they often forget about the huge progress they have already made. Go you!! Its comments like yours that makes moderating this group so worthwhile for me! :flowerforyou:
    I consider that taking your blessing where you can is HUGELY important! It is inspirational and it gives you more motivation. Jillian always says that the most important thing is that you've SHOWED UP for yourself, that you are doing this, she allows modifications to the moves, as long as you don't quit ( i couldn't swing my legs all the way to the ground in windshields in circuit 4, but i did the most i can and for some reason im sure that with training and some time i'll be able to swing it whole way). I also weighted in today and was almost a pound heavier than on Saturday and it got me a little upset, but the fact that i was at my spinning class at 7.15am!!!!!! gives me hope that im motivated enough to reach my goal.
    Let's start believing in ourselves!:smile:
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I'm having a hard time not twisting my hips during the plank rows. The lunge chop things get me too. My form stinks.

    i think i do a very slight twist in plank rows too, just remember to keep your core and back TIGHT.

    Wood choppers, do you twist your back leg/foot? That helps you get the motion right. Pay extra attention to how the guys on the dvd do it then perhaps practice it slowly in the mirror.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    First day on workout 6 for me, it is hard! Question, is it ok in the windshield wipers for your back to come of the ground a bit? Otherwise I can't get my legs anywhere near down to only an inch of the ground!
  • lolaluv4
    lolaluv4 Posts: 36 Member
    Ouch... a good ouch though and can someone please tell natalie to llift her back leg in stork and to actually do the exercises k thanks
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Ummm... I refuse to go lower than 5s for anything. Including that ridiculous superman move. I can barely raise my arms and I didn't do nearly enough reps, but I have faith that I'll improve and be able to do more as I move on. lol I don't take my legs quite so low on the windshield wipers...

    I'm so much better with the plank rows now than when I was doing 30DS (what feels like a lifetime ago)! Proud to say I ripped through them with my 8s with no issues. I could barely do them with 3s less than a year ago. Very proud of myself. :smile:
  • lesleyworth
    lesleyworth Posts: 9 Member
    no way on the weighted superman...I tried, and dropped the weights and called it a "good effort"!

    unfortunately my balance is nowhere near where it needs to be for stork and statue of I felt I spent half the time stumbling around. Figure I'll just take it slow and see how it goes!

    other than that, enjoyed the workout...but my arms are mush today!
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    WO 6 done yesterday and my arms and back are so sore. I really pushed myself and probably should not have gone as heavy on some of the weights. I think I am as sore as I was on week one is not more! LOL
    Looking forward to improving and seeing what kind of results next 2 weeks bring! (Don't care for the "windshield wipers" :grumble:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    My hips and butt are sore today from doing workout 6 again yesterday. lol And I still suck at those supermans with my 5s, but I'll just keep trying to do another & another. :laugh:
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    My hips and butt are sore today from doing workout 6 again yesterday. lol And I still suck at those supermans with my 5s, but I'll just keep trying to do another & another. :laugh:

    lol @ the supermans with 5's, i admire your sheer determination!!