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  • ashurstrena
    ashurstrena Posts: 4 Member
    How much is 3 kilos? Sorry for the ignorance....and well done by the way. If you dont mind I will cheer ya on
  • Hello Ladies. My name is Samantha and my goal is to lose 50 lb by July. Not sure if that is an unreasonable amount to lose in 6 months but I am going to give it my best. Was wondering if anyone else in this group has done or is doing the no flour, no sugar diet? And if so, how did it work out for you??
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Laura and just found this group. I am hoping to loose at least 30lbs by summer then will set a new goal then. I am currently doing a round of P90X Classic. Feel free to add me!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Hi Ladies I am Shelly, I have been separated for a year after a 30 year marriage.:ohwell: I have lost one pound for each of those years :happy: and now need to get rid of all the jiggly bits left over. :tongue: Stress, cold weather, and lack of motivation are my excuses for now :embarassed: so I'm using MFP to better track my caloric intake, measurements and exercise. I look forward to hearing what is working for you and learning new tips and ideas.
    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • hockeymom_19
    hockeymom_19 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there, I will be 43 in August and joined MFP this month. I am not new to the whole diet thing but I am hoping that checking in everyday and keeping track of my food will help me to stay on the path to being healthy. I really feel that 2013 is going to be the year that I focus on myself and get healthy and fit FOR ME!!!!!! Add me if you like.....cheers to the fab 40's
  • shellz65
    shellz65 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies, my name is Shelly & I will be 48 in March. :) I have struggled with my weight for over 25 yrs riding that roller coaster ride going up and down from a size 13 to an 18. Time to get of that roller coaster & not get back on. Three years ago I worked hard to go from a 18 to a size 9, I have gained my weight back this last year. UGH!!! Jan 22 we started biggest looser at work. We weighed in on Tuesday Jan. 22, I weighed in at 175. This Tuesday I weighed in at 173. My goal is to weigh 125. Looking forward to get to know you all, and share stories, ideas, & what works. 2013 is going to be a great year to get fit & healthy!!!
  • Hello Im Shelley I am 42 and about to be 43 in March and I need to do something about my weight NOW!!! The lack of Motivation is the thing especially when you feel you are bigger than all your friends and no one can understand your struggle. I am 5'10 and have always had a nice shape I am just getting bigger.. in a size 18 now :(
  • Motria
    Motria Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I'm 42, married, with two little kids after many years of fertility treatment. :grumble: My weight is okay, but I need some moral support to stay on track with a healthy diet and exercise routine. I was a member of the office gym, but had to quit because I *never* went. I just started doing exercise DVDs at home and aim to keep it up 3-4 times a week. :happy:
  • heathnj
    heathnj Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 45 and just started with My Fitness Pal. So far I really like the site- so easy to use. I was using sparkpeople, but it was too busy. I was very successful with the south beach diet website and plan 5 years ago but gained it all back over time. Stress is a diet buster. The support I got in the groups was a huge help for me then so I am hoping MFP will do the same.

    One thing I still have to figure out is if I can adjust my starting weight to show what I lost in the last month before joining .
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Holy smokes... lots is Shelly's!!
    Welcome to you all:flowerforyou:

    Heathnj, try going back into your settings a redo your profile to set your weight to the amount you want and then the next day do a check in with your current weight? Dunno if you can reset your weight but worth a try!
    I've lost 53lbs since I started my lifestyle overhaul a year ago but I have only been in MFP since November.
  • Hello, I'm 42, soon to be 43 at the end of Feb. Want to make this the last time of dieting and just make the changes to eat better foods. Got a husband and 2 kids. Started last week on MFP doing it alongside WW to see the calories as opposed to pro points.
    Weigh in on Tuesdays. Started January and in 3 weeks have lost 3lb. Not sure if I would have lost anything tomorrow as my points for the week are well over but my calories suggest I should lose something, very confused on this..
    Anyway good luck to everyone on their journey for a better life.
  • Hello to all. I am 44 and joined the site a few weeks ago. My motivation is part vanity and part health. Vanity part - I quit smoking three weeks ago (after 27 years) and am TERRIFIED of gaining any weight at all and want to lose the ten pounds I put on over the last few years. Health wise, need to lose the extra weight now and keep it off. Am doing the Couch to 5k with some co-workers but joined this groupd for unbiased support/butt kicking.:bigsmile: when needed.
  • deileen64
    deileen64 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I am here and look forward to exchanging dialogue and learning from everyone.
  • connie21605
    connie21605 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am 48yrs and went off the rails a few months ago and boy I certianly feel it now. I want to lose 10lbs by June for holidays, wedding etc. Looking for a bit of help and support from fellow members, so that we can help motivate each other.
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to the group and very excited to get serious about being 40 and fabulous! I have about 19 lbs to lose to get to my goal and I'm ready to do what I need to do to make that happen!
  • kerribrumley
    kerribrumley Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined your group! I will be 43 in March, I'm a mom and grandma and a wife and work full time! I have lost 16 lbs since 12/29/13 and I have about 17 lbs to go. This will be my first time to try to lose weight and get fit since I've been "over 40" so we'll see how different it is! My husband and most of my friends are about 10 years younger than I am so I am tired of comparing myself to them and being disappointed! I don't want to be a frumpy tired old lady! It is time to lose this weight for good and stop gaining and losing the same old 15-2o lbs every few years! I need some encouragement and friendship from those in my same shoes!
  • kerribrumley
    kerribrumley Posts: 10 Member
    I quit smoking last week! and I had the same fears! luckily, i have been "vaping" and it has really helped with the side effects of quitting! i'll gradually cut down my nicotine to 0 and just be done with it!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    welcome ladies :flowerforyou:

    kerri, I quit smoking in July of 2012, the hardest part for me was the social aspect, having a couple drinks with friends, that sort of thing. Good luck to you, you got this!!
  • rlp5711
    rlp5711 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone ~ I am 45 and a mother of 3 boys (21,19,12). I recently have become a mom mom but don't want to look like one:wink: I lost 35 lbs last year then gained back 15. I was going through some hormonal changes. Decided to get back on track and have lost 6 lbs so far. Would like to lose 13 more. ~Becky
  • onmyweigh115
    onmyweigh115 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I'm Kristen, 48 years old, from New Jersey. I've been on MFP for a while, and am ditching the diets and listening to my body. I dropped about 15 pounds a year and a half ago, and since then, my weight stays in the same 5 pound range, no matter what. Seriously considering walking off the scale for the next several months and going by how I'm eating and improving my performance in exercise, and how my clothes fit. So good to see so many 40-somethings talk about hormone issues, I can definitely tell my body is changing! I'm also recovering from a brain injury and surgery. I was hit by a car about 9 months ago, and recovery is slow. Brains don't heal quite as fast as other parts of the body, but I'm improving. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!