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  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Glad to see some more new faces here! Best wishes to all of you!
  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just turned 50 and have two adult children, my daughter is 30 and married with 2 kids and my son is 20 and is away at college in his 2nd year. I am an empty nest Mom and became a widow 10 years ago in 2003. I gained a lot of weight but decided in Jan 2012 I wasn't going to be fat and fifty.

    It was time to get my act together and start putting myself first and with the encouragement of my wonderful kids I have lost almost 60 lbs with another 25 or 30 to go. I live in Florida and love MFP. Good luck to all of us on this journey.
  • ijavagypsy
    Hi Everyone. I'm glad to have found this group. I'm closing in on 52 years. I'm 7 years divorced. I've got two sons that I've focused on raising since then. One is now a college grad, 22 and happily married. The other is a darling 15 year old who lives with me most of the time. Due to stress, depression, exhaustion, breast cancer and kidney mass surgery, I have gained 80 or so pounds throughout the past 6 years or so. I used to be active; biking, walking, weights and after radiation I just have no energy left. I desperately need to work out and get this turtle metabolism going again. I don't believe that menopause has to be the killer of all things slender! So enough with the downer attitude! I've got friends now to share this journey with. Keep me accountable friends!!! I need the push.

    Wow! You are an inspiration to the rest of us.

    I'm new to the group, too, but haven't written anything about myself because I'm old, fat and boring. With the help of y'all, I hope to be old, lean, strong and boring. I appreciate this group!
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Hi! I'm Kathy and I live in Euharlee, Georgia. I am soon to be 48 and my goal is to lose 65-75 lbs. I am large frames so I will decide when I get closer on how I feel and look.

    I have two sons, 27 and 24. They are my rays of sunshine. I was a divorced mother with no help from the father. I stayed single for over 16 years until I met my husband, Tim in 2005. When we married in 2006, I gained (the good kind of gain) a bonus son, who is now 30, and a bonus daughter, who is now 29. He has been the greatest thing to happen to me since the birth of my sons. So, therefore I want to get healthy so I can share many more years with him!

    I have gained 55 pounds since we married and, although he has never said anything, he loves me regardless, I don't like the way I feel. I was beginning to get winded at the simplest of things, even taking a shower and I decided, something has to give. I had noticed MFP being referred to on several of my friends' facebook posts and looked into it. I love it! Gives you the support and ACCOUNTABILITY, which keeps me honest. I bite it, I write it!

    So, here I am. Would love to be added as a friend - I am very support and would greatly appreciate the support for my journey as well! WE CAN DO THIS!

    I hope everyone has a great day !
  • ewasmund
    I am new to Ladies who lunch. I live in Gig Harbor, WA about 60 miles south of Seattle. I lost 25 lbs 2 years ago on weight watchers, but felt like I had also lost all of my muscle mass. I started to put back on the lbs quickly. In 1 year i gained 20 back. I am following a diet that you take out 7 foods that are inflammatory and then add 1 back in at a time to see if you have some intolerance to that food. I am feeling good, but am getting bored with some of the same foods that I am eating.

    I am married with 2 grown step-daughters and 2 cats. I am a research assistant at the University of Washington working on a study with people who have had a traumatic brain injury.

    I think of myself as a gourmet food and wine person, so cardboard food is out. I look forward to sharing information and stories with wonderful ladies.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello. I'm Lea, married to my second husband. We have no children living with us.
    I am edging close to 52, and been doing the peri-menopause thing since 2008. Weight gain/loss is a toughie. I never had any trouble losing weight till now. That is why I am at MFP. It seems to be a really good weightloss tool, as I can see my progress in black and white. It also adds up calories and exercise, which I wasn't very successful doing in a handwritten notebook.

    Thanks for starting the older ladies group, as I don't feel I have much in common with the younger crowd these days.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hi all, just joined MFP 27 days ago so am still stumbling about the site a bit finding my way around. My name is Brooke and I live in beautiful Colorado. I am 51 and striving toward a 65 lb. weight loss total as that is what I've gained in the 4 years since I quit smoking. I've been diligent about utilizing the food and exercise diaries and have found that they've really helped me to get a solid routine going. I'm a foodie, really love good food and exploring new cuisines/restaurants when possible and cooking new recipes whenever I can. Look forward to networking here to get ideas and recipes, not to mention encouragement and added motivation from like-minded "friends".
  • GMB2
    GMB2 Posts: 1
    Hello! New member to MFP and loving it already. Hope to get to know you!
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Hi All,

    Another newbie here. I'm 45 and live in Toronto - no kids, just 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 bird, a bunch of fish and a husband.

    I need to lose about 90 pounds to get back to fighting weight. I gained 60 of those when I moved from the US to Canada and ate my loneliness away. I've tried everything imaginable to lose weight, but it never seems to stick.

    My first target is to lose 20 pounds so that my doctor will clear me to run again (was running regularly, then started having injury after injury - doc decided it was the excess weight).

    I love food and wine - cooking is my passion - so am constantly trying to find interesting new healthy recipes.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Just joined and am excited to be a part of the group. I am 47 and been married for 27 years. We have 3 children (24, 20 and 16), all boys and all living at home. I was the only female in the house until we welcomed two female kittens a couple of years back. Between the men in my life and the cats, there is never a dull or quiet moment in my house!

    I work 2 jobs and an hour commute roundtrip to one of them. With such a busy household (people coming and going all the time) I am now trying to figure out how to add the healthy eating and exercise into the schedule.

    It is time I start taking care of myself - have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, borderline high cholesterol, and a survivor of uterine cancer. I love my family and my life and want to be around for a very, very, very long time. I feel that being around people my own age will help me reach my goals. Look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • alkinsey2007
    Hello, my name is Ava, and I live in AZ. 54 and started last July at 238, am at 210 now and started at YouFit Health Club in Jan.
    I started this with an A1C level of 6.9 which is in the Diabetes range, as of Jan this year, I am 6.0 and off meds! So, I will keep on doing what works for me and by Mar. my Dr will be even happier with the progress.

    Thank you for allowing me to be here and glean as much info as I can from the experiences you all have had.
  • JMO1969
    JMO1969 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Juliette and 43. I have five children and three grandchildren. My weight has always been up and down, but I've never felt happy with my figure. Since having my children I have been anything from a size 14 to a 20, most of the time I go between 16 and 18. I would love to be a size 12. I would ideally like to lose 52 lbs in total, I've been on this diet and exercise thing since 07.01.13 and I've lost 10lb. My daughter joined MFP and has lost over 6 stone, so I figure if she can do it, I can. But I also accept that everything get slower as you get older (except gravity!). She dragged me to a Zumba class about 3 weeks ago, something that I swore I would never do, but I love it! It's the most fun exercising that I've ever had! I'm not very good at it, but that makes me laugh even more. I've seen some people on here with huge weight losses and I would like to be one of them one day, so I'll be looking to them for inspiration, and hopefully I will be able to encourage others who, like me, will get bad days and feel like giving up.
  • Lanise_10
    Lanise_10 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks for inviting me. I'm fairly new to MFP ... just over 30 days on here. I have two beautiful, adult daughters ages 23 and 24 and we took another young girl into our home....age 22. She has helped us immensly without even knowing. She came into our home at over 400 pounds and we want to help her on her weight loss so in doing that she's helped us all lose weight and become more healthy. I can say with great pleasure she's down to 330-something pounds now. I've been married to the best husband ever for 27 years (this year)....he has loved me and thought I'm beautiful at my heaviest (250) and my lightest (130). I work full time and commute so I try to plan all our meals ahead of time and I log in my days' meal plans and calories usually ahead of time and adjust as necessary through the day. I get up at 3am to be at the gym by 3:30am then I head to work and there by 6am. I try to stay active on much as I can. I'm excited to be a part of this group!!!!
  • shelmac
    shelmac Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm Shel the yoyo dieter. Im 42 years old and live in Oxford Uk. I am recently married to my partner of 18 years, he said he didnt want to rush things lol. I have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren.

    2 years ago I was diagonosed with MS. Which was a shock, after alot of reading about it, I learned the best way to face this beast, was with a healthly diet and lots of exercise.

    I work full time in IT, Its very boring but keeps me in shoes and holidays x

    I love spending time with my family and friends. I'm abit of a party animal and very outgoing.

    Look forward to be part of this group xx
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi, my name is Linda and I live in Connecticut. I am 55 years old and joined MFP on 12/31/12. I lost my husband in March of 2011 after a 3 year illness. The last year of his life was rough as he was close to being bedridden and needed lots of care. It was difficult, but I did it because I loved him and he needed me. And before that, I was busy raising the two beautiful boys he gave me. Now I need to take care of is time. I quit smoking in July of 2012 and had a physical for the first time since I had my kids in the 80's. I've had weight issues all of my life. I've lost and gained over and over. Now I am ready to really focus on me and my life, and with the help of my family, friends and MFP, I think I can reach my goal. I want positive reinforcement and I think this group fits the bill! :smile:
  • staceymoyer1
    staceymoyer1 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello I'm Stacey and I live in Ohio. I'll be 43 this June and am married with 2 kids, Clay-18 and Abbi-15. My 18 year old son will be graduating high school and 2 weeks later leaving for bootcamp. He became part of the delayed entry program last May and seeing him get in shape has inspired me to FINALLY get serious about getting in better shape. I joined MFP in January and have lost 12 pounds so far. I love the positive (for the most part) reinforcement. I can't believe some of the negativity I've stumbled onto. This looks like a friendly informative group. Good luck to all!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hello I'm Stacey and I live in Ohio. seeing him get in shape has inspired me to FINALLY get serious about getting in better shape. I joined MFP in January and have lost 12 pounds so far.

    Excellent progress so far, I'm (trying not to be) jealous! :wink:

    Welcome, and keep up the great work!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hi, my name is Linda and I live in Connecticut. I am 55 years old and joined MFP on 12/31/12. I quit smoking in July of 2012 Now I am ready to really focus on me and my life, and with the help of my family, friends and MFP, I think I can reach my goal. I want positive reinforcement and I think this group fits the bill! :smile:

    I'm 51 and live in Colorado and quit smoking too (4 years ago next week!) but ended up putting on weight that I'm now determined to get rid of once and for all. Be proud of your progress so far and keep up the good work! Congrats on focusing on YOU now.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I get up at 3am to be at the gym by 3:30am then I head to work and there by 6am. I try to stay active on much as I can. I'm excited to be a part of this group!!!!

    Wow, that's terrific - kudos to your dedication! We can do this, with a little help from our "friends"!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member

    I work full time in IT, Its very boring but keeps me in shoes and holidays x

    LOL = gotta have the SHOES!!!! Just this week I had one of those days when NOTHING I tried on fit (too short/too long/too tight/too loose) but hey - - I found some great shoes :happy:

    I have a good friend with MS and you're right, nutrition and exercise can really make a world of difference. Welcome and good luck on your journey!