375lbs c25k



  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    I just completed W5D1But by the end I couldn't keep the same pace as I was in week 4, I did do all of week 4 in the morning right after i woke up but did not have time this morning.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You're doing great! Slowing down to help yourself is good. It'll help you reach the daily goal.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    At 375lbs I have to strongly recommend talking to your doctor before launching into C25k. When running, every pound on your body is equivalent to 5 pounds of force on your knees every time your foot falls. You'll also be putting a massive burden on your heart. Go to the doc and get as many assessments done as your insurance will cover.

    I say this out of concern, and not in any way trying to discourage you. I absolutely feel you should pursue your dream, just as safely possible.

    As others have said, invest in your shoes. Go one step further than this - get a consult with a pedorthist and check how you distribute your weight. I had horrific knee problems when I started (and that was at only 200lbs) and a doctor recommended visit to the New Balance pedorthist showed that I supinate horribly, and have ludicrously high arches. A new pair of shoes + wedge inserts + arch supports and my knee issues all but disappeared. 20lbs of weight loss later, and I feel like I have new knees. Short cut the whole process, and assume up front that you are probably going to have knee problems. Especially since the pedorthist consult is free.
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member