Hi everyone. From this Tennessee trucker.

lazylt Posts: 1 Member
I wasn't getting much traction from my low carb diet.
Thought I'ld try low cal for a change. I started the diet two
weeks ago and found the myfitnesspal app last week. What
an awesome tool. Its already got me to lower my daily calorie
threshold and even include some exercise I normally wouldn't
have done. That and finding a good selection of low cal food.
Has me really encouraged. I'm 5' 10" and started at 293 lbs.
Wish me luck. Good luck to you also. If you're looking for
a diet friend. Add me.


  • smk1219
    I too am a truck driver of 15 years. I moved to eastern TN 4 years ago from PHX. What a change. I ran a trucking company in PHX for many years. Then closed up shop and moved my whole family to TN. I was the heaviest I have ever been when I moved here. I'm 6'3" and 466lbs. I have used this website for more than a year on and off. My wife and I started back in July and it's lots easier with a support system in place. I have 6 kids and a grandaughter on the way. I have lost 77 lbs since I started and want to get to 240lbs. Wow I have never wrote that number before. 226lbs sounds crazy but I'm going to do it. I gave myself short term goals as well as long term. So far so good. I have hit 2 mini goals already. I have a 325# goal for the end of the year. Subway is the easiest on the road. 6" Turkey double meat on wheat no cheese or mayo with all veggies comes in just under 300 calories. Fills you up and keeps you going. Fiber one bars at Walmart are good snacks as are apples too. Both easy to store and tote without a fridge. Sit down dinners are easy too. Salad Bars ask for fat free dressings. Grilled chicken dinners no bread and double up on the veggies. Egg white breakfast sandwiches with ham or turkey on English muffins work good too. Body Fortress Protein Shakes work great too. You can get the powder at Walmart for $14. Get a shaker bottle and mix and drink as you drive. Tons of protein and hold me for around 4 hrs. Park in the back row at the truck stops and walk in. If you feel like walking take a couple of laps around the parking lot 2 or 3 times a week it will really help. Good luck and write me if you need more tips. Thxs Steve
  • duichaser
    duichaser Posts: 172 Member
    I travel around the country giving driver safety seminars as well as writing safety newsletters and have been trying to give drivers some tips for healthy living, even on the road. I have seen too many guys in poor health, with bad backs, etc. My hope is that I can help them out. I also struggle to watch what I eat while traveling or sitting in my patrol car for a whole shift.
  • TrojanAge
    Well I'm not a trucker but I'm a field marketing sales rep and drive about 3,000 miles per month. I'm just trying to get back home as fast as I can so anything with a drive thru is where I eat (and I don't even like french fries!). Here I am, 7 years later and 50 pounds heavier. I really need to just get a grip and realize what Cookie Monster did "Cookies are a sometimes food."