5th Week Milestone Beginning



  • laura920
    I think part of our problem is the February blahs!

    Let's all remember brighter days are ahead and we all want to be looking and feeling our best this spring!

    Buglindsey197.......I think you might have a good plan. Daily challenges and trying something new.

    I agree but I was just thinking last night as I was driving home at 5:00 that it was still light out and that made me very happy!

    I also agree a daily challenge might be a good help for me :happy:
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    My daily goals are 10,000 steps, 10 flights of stairs and to behave eating. I have been lax on my stairs and steps this week. I have to pull my boot straps up and get back at it. I'm just so tired. Stress has been beating me lately...thank you for your support it is helping me a lot.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I found a great pin on Pinterest that suggests doing these exercise before every shower.......
    50 Jumping jacks, 5 push ups, 20 crunches, 20 Mountain Climbers, and 30 second plank.

    My thought is to pick one of these exercised to do before you shower. Maybe do this for one week and then add another, and so on! Thoughts???????
  • Tammi140
    Tammi140 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Group,

    I have to say I have surprised myself and lost 1.8 pounds since my last weigh in. I only weigh once a week (throw back to my weight watcher days) I thought for sure I screwed myself on Sunday. Although I ate junk, I did so with portion control and didn't leave the bowl of chips etc on the coffee table all night. I still thought I would stay the same or even gain a bit so I am really happy!

    I need a swift kick in the butt when it comes to activity. Everyone in this group has given me amazing suggestions but something in my head is stopping me! This isn't new to me, I can honestly say that I can remember back to elementary school and hating recess which turned into hating gym class that continued through jr and sr high. I would do everything I could to lay low, keep my head down and just get through class. I never once participated in a sport. I have lots of workout tools at my house, I have the support of this group and I have the support of my best friend who is a fitness fanatic and the support of my husband. I told him I think I need some therapy to figure this one out. It is absolutely amazing that I don't weigh 100 lbs more than I do!

    I have done great with logging my food, my water intake still isn't there but I do work at it. I am also proud of myself for sticking with our group.

    Certainly, not going to give up on this journey! I am changing my life for the better, I will continue to work toward finding out why I am holding myself back with regard to activity!

    I hope everyone has a great week!


    OMG, you sound sooooo much like me! I also hated gym class and did whatever I could to just get through it. I never played sport either. I atribute that to my total lack of co-ordination and my loner tendencies.

    I also need help with my activity level. Some days I do well, some days I don't. I'm finding what works best for me is to chop it up in little chunks......a 15 minutes walk here, a 20 minute walk there. Plus using the stairs every chance I get a work. I used to force myself to do 30 - 60 minute long workout DVDs but to me, that isn't any fun and frankly, I just don't have the time nor want to make the time for them.

    Do you own a fitbit? (Check them out at fitbit.com) I just got one and man do they help keep you motivated! Been using mine for a week and a half and I can tell my activity level has greatly increased already. Just an idea. I know they won't motivate everyone but it is helping me be aware to MOVE more throughout the day.

    BINGO!! Everyone has to find what works for them. Some peoples bodies crave the the long hard workouts, because they have been doing them so long. They have been doing them so long because that is what works for THEM. Please try not to get discouraged, you are much stronger than you know. Start small, find out what you like (or can accept) and build on them.

    Also, there may be something nutritionally that you can change. Look at your eating habits and see if there is something you eat or drink regularly that you can change to a light or fat free version. You will get used to the taste change, and some people can save some seriuos calories which = less exercise or more weight loss, which ever you choose.

    Ok so I can talk smart, but this past week has been awful for me. I have been bombarded at work, and clashing with my husband after work. Ugh! It took all the willpower I had to not drink in the evenings this week. That is not my typical routine, but it was certainly on my mind. My eating has been ok, but I haven't been logging my foods. Thank God for Marla staying ahead of me on the fitbit. You may not know it girl, but even though I did not make the 10K steps and 10 flights of stairs on some of the days, I really, really tried. So thank you, keep up the good work :-)

    Linda, I LOVE your idea about doing a daily exercise! Not being able to take a shower until an exercise is done is a good motivator, either that or my co-workers wont like you much because of the awful smell around my office :-) I think I am going to do a different exercise every day, kind of a weekly total body workout. Man, you guys are great!
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I have to admit I have not been weighing myself. I just can't bear to look at that number on the scale. If it is up, I'm upset the rest of the day and beat myself up for eating too much or not working out enough and yes, I know how silly that sounds.

    I have been working out diligently, wear my FITBIT daily and have been staying under my calorie goals. I was able to get into and WEAR a pair of jeans yesterday that I have not been able to get into or wear for the past 6 - 9 months. That is a huge milestone (at least to me). My clothes fit better, I feel better and I can see my collar bones.

    Maybe I can muster up the courage to weigh in tomorrow...