Started this week

I started Ripped yesterday and I am SORE! Just finished Day 2. Help my planks a little longer. Can't wait for the end results!


  • melliebelly77
    Today is Day 4 for me and soreness is starting to go away. The first 2 days my hamstrings and lower back killed me!
    I cant wait for the results!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I have been doing Ripped in 30 for a little while now. I am finished day 4 of week 3 this morning. Though I haven't just started like you guys, I would love to be able to support each other cuz it doesn't seem like there are many people that are doing this DVD and that want to chat about it. I have been enjoying it a lot. It's really challenging for me and I am sore pretty much every day, but that makes me feel good because I know I am accomplishing something. Over the past eight months I have lost over 90 pounds (not sure of exact number because I only weigh once a month). Though I am pretty sure I am at the goal weight that I set for myself (I was only 2 pounds away three weeks ago), I have A LOT of toning up to do. I decided to up the exercise intensity so that maybe I could get into better shape and look better naked LOL. I would love it if I had some people on this group that I could talk to about exercising and just to have some extra support. I'm going to keep coming back and seeing if anyone is posting and hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • melliebelly77
    I just finished 30 Day Shred and now doing Ripped. JIllian kicks your butt, but it is so effective!
    I plan on doing Turbo Fire after this. Feel free to add me!
    Support and motivation of others is key for me and helps a lot!
  • xUminx
    xUminx Posts: 5 Member
    I actually started on Saturday, but then I kind of strained my calf, so I took a workout break for some days - Today I re-started Ripped in 30 and will be counting days again from now on :) I finished the 30 Day Shred before that, so I'm already a bit used to the exercises. Week 1 seems just about right for me.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I just finished day 5 of Week 3. I have also been doing some Body Rock work outs and cardio after work, so this morning I was pretty sore when I woke up. After I got moving with Jillian though it wasn't so bad. I think I need to keep remembering that when I have days that I don't want to get out of bed. I plan on doing one more day of Week 3 (tomorrow), take a day off and then start Week 4 on Sunday. It will be nice next week when I am all done and I accomplished a goal that I set for myself. I started 30 Day Shred before this, got two weeks into it and had to stop due to health issues. Though I know that my health comes first, I was disappointed that I didn't finish my goal. Not this time! Good luck to everyone who is watching this post. Keep at it and stay motivated!
  • kennisha84
    kennisha84 Posts: 8 Member
    I just finished Week 1 Day 4. I was able to get through the planks!! This is my first Jillian video. I like her style. I also ordered BFBM that I plan on doing after I complete Ripped. I just started working out again after having my son. I did Zumba and walking/jogging for about a month and was ready for more of a challenge. She definitely is giving me that! I still do a half hour of cardio on 3 days and I'm doing Ripped for 6 days.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Good Morning Rippers! I finished Week 3 today (Day 6) and I have to say that I am relieved. This wasn't my favorite week and of course I did it the most days for added torture. There were a few things that I had to modify because they hurt too bad (I have a tear in my shoulder right now that won't get worse with exercise, it just hurts a lot when I do certain things) like the table top tricep dips. This week did have my favorite abs workout though, which was the toe tappers and twisting leg lift things that come afterwards. Those REALLY felt like I was accomplishing something and I think I am going to continue doing them with my other workouts. I am looking forward to starting Week 4 on Sunday (tomorrow is my day off, WOOHOO!) and also finishing the DVD and the challenge I set for myself. I am hoping that I feel really accomplished and when I take my measurements and weight next Thursday, I hope there is a significant change! Good Luck to everyone today! Kick Jillian's *kitten*!
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    Today is my 4th day of ripped in 30! ! Im also doing insanity.. Shaun T is crazy, he works out while talking.. Jillian takes breaks, I really like jillian, especially when she says that makes her angry!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Monday!
    I did Day 2 of Week 4 this morning. Though it is really difficult and I have a hard time doing some of the advanced moves, I am finding I like this workout a lot better and Weeks 2 and 3. I plan on doing this every morning till Friday and then I am all done! I'm not sure exactly what my fitness plan is going to be after that, but I am definitely going to be doing some Body Rock workouts. I have been doing them along with the Jillian workouts and some cardio on days I can fit it in and everything is really kicking my butt. Hopefully if I remember I will post my results on Friday. If not, definitely next week. Good Luck everyone! Stay Strong!
  • kennisha84
    kennisha84 Posts: 8 Member
    I did Week 2 Day 2 today. Just when I thought I had my planks down from Week 1 she throws some more in on me! Good challenge though. I like Week 2 better than Week 1. Can't wait to see the results in the end!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I finished Day 4 of Week 4 this morning. As much as I love Jillian, I am getting a little irritated hearing the same small talk with Basheera and Shelly every day. I wish there was a way to turn that off but still be able to hear when you should change exercises. Because a lot of the exercises has you down on the floor or facing the floor, I need the vocals unfortunately so I know what to do. Other than that, things are still going good. I'm a good sore all over and really feeling accomplished. I weigh in tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to report back with good news! Have a great day!
  • kennisha84
    kennisha84 Posts: 8 Member
    Week 3 Day 1...Jillian has lost her mind! This is a workout!
  • kimw913
    I ordered my copy last weekend and should be receiving early next week. I hope to have some fellow MFPs to share my journey with! Wish me luck!
  • casheri1
    Hey guys! I just started the workout last Monday and I figured Id look up a support group. Like a lot of you have said, there aren't a lot of results online as I think people give up. I'm trying to eat better as well as work out at least five times a week, though I will say today, my shins are killing me after one of my calves freaking out earlier in the week. Good luck to us all!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    oh you guys are scaring me! I'm on Day 22 of 30 Day Shred, and heading to Ripped in 30 after I'm done.Will catch up with you all then.
  • janadecker
    janadecker Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished week 1 yesterday therefore today, I rest. lol. The first week was definetely intense, but after three or four days, I felt a little give. For me the forward lunges with bicep curl was the hardest of them all. The second day I fell. Like, butt on the floor fell. The top of my right thigh just couldn't take it anymore. BUT...I finished week 1. And survived to tell about it.
  • jleppard1
    Hi everyone,

    I just started Ripped in 30 today and I thought it was going to kill me haha. I was nauseaus for about an hour afterwards but I'm looking forward to sticking it out! It was nice to read everyones on their experiences! I'll let everyone know how it goes for me! :)
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Join me in the DAILY CHECK IN topic to support each other. I'm doing Day 3 - week 1 today. Love it. :wink: