
well.. this group has a lot of members with little action.
i am new to optifast, but excited and motivated.
i am in perth and looking forward to a few other members getting active on this forum


  • butterflygirl17
    butterflygirl17 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started Optifast this week and am looking for others to share this journey with. I would love to hear suggestions/motivations regarding the plan and how you stay on it. how long have you been on Optifast?
  • just started on the optifast diet!!!! very new to it-day 2, to be exact! looking for motivation and support.
  • mccraneyangels
    mccraneyangels Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm glad you posted.
    My optifast success is so different from normal. I am in bed and a wheelchair (after an auto accident and Guillian-Barre` Syndrome) , exercising is limited to walking on my walker for 10/15 minutes. And wii fitness workouts from my chair. I am on 28 different medications .
    I lost 41 lbs. the 1st 9 weeks on the program. Then had some medical complications that causes me unable to exercise. I gained a pound and have now plateaued. But I am starting to feel a little better and have been move a bit.
    I chose Optifast because my cousin lost 107lbs in 20 weeks on the program. She kind of cheated because they wanted to start her off with 8 products a day. She used only 5 , with plenty of pickles, sugarfree jello, MIO sugarfree drinks , lots of green tea w/sugar substitutes and lemon. She swam for 45 mins. 3 times a a week. So I know it can be done.
    Good luck to you. .
  • sammielyn77
    sammielyn77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, Just finishing week two on full fast on the product...Doctor allowed me 9 products but I have only been eating 7 or 8...Weighing in for the second time tonight...I lost 9 pounds last week...I have more then one hundred to lose, want to get healthier and get my body ready to have a baby...my hubby is doing the program with me....so we have no food in the house it really helps...I have very few cravings except when watching television with the numerous commercials selling food...looking for any advice or tips...blood pressure has returned to normal a positive side effect! I will check in later with an update after I weigh in...:happy:
  • MzzAmbitious
    MzzAmbitious Posts: 15 Member
    Hello All,

    I started my Optifast journey today. My plan requires that I eat 5-6 small meals a day with 3 of those being Optifast meals (1250 calorie diet). I have to admit, the shake I had for breakfast filled me up; however, I am now starving. I ate a bananna as a snack but I am worried that feeling hungry will make me fall off track. Do any of you have any suggestions? Do any of you wish to share meal plans?
  • MzzAmbitious
    MzzAmbitious Posts: 15 Member
    Hello there! How is the plan working for you? Have you lost any weight? Are you eating all Optifast products or does your plan allow you to have one normal mean/snack a day? I've started today and am also looking for motivation and advice.
  • good luck on your journey...I only eat optifast products-on week 3!!! I eat 5 products a day. make sure you drink your water!!! the more the better!!! my 1st week I lost 7.4lbs and my 2nd week I lost 5.2lbs!!! it works...keep at it!!!
  • i'm eating food yet, but would love to share meal ideas/recipes when I get that far in the program!!! one option I do with my shakes is-mix 1/2 choc 1/2 vanilla, put in a blender with ice!!! gets thick like a milk shake!!!
  • hope you had another great weigh in!!!! I wish I didn't have to deal with food in the house!!! my hubby is 6'3" and 190lbs!!! tall and skinny-SUCKS!!! but I also have 3 kids at home too!!! I still do all the grocery shopping, but did stop preparing as much as possible. when I get hungry, I go to my room like i'm grounded or something!!! :happy:
  • PHF58
    PHF58 Posts: 23 Member
    Not sure why there's so little action on this site but it made me laugh, lexljonahaddi, when you said you go to your room when you get hungry- I do the same thing! It's really harder for me in the eves when my husband and 17 y.o. daughter are home cooking and eating and snacking,,,,makes me have to disappear and wait for the next day to come. It's much easier for me in the mornings and mid-day to just do what I have to do.... Celery does help in the eves, or raw broccoli....

    I did start adding in real food after 6 wks on the shakes and bar, now have 5 eating events per day but I add in food and subtract the bar and 1 or 2 shakes...trying to do interval walking on treadmill too (change the speed every 2 or 3 minutes and then go in reverse to cool down...triggers metabolism they say- less boring too :)
  • CalMom60
    CalMom60 Posts: 3 Member
    I started on Optifast on Feb 26. I'm loving it and doing very well.
  • Hi I started Optifast 800 20 days ago and I lost 20 lbs my first week I lost 18lbs doing 6 shakes a day then my second week I stalled and then I decided to reduce my shakes down to 5 day and I have started loosing again but slowly. I would like to communicate with anyone that has been on optifast and would like to encourage others as well
  • HI. Today was my first day on Optifast Transitional Plan 1. I am doing this through the weight management center at a hospital. My doctor recommended the 4 meal replacement/1 meal approach since I am in charge of meals for my family. I think this will make it easier to stick with the program. I will be trying to lose 115 pounds over the 1 year program.
    I hope to find some ideas and support here.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there,

    Looks like a small but successful group! I''m just finishing week 2 of Optifast 70 through my health plan. I take only 5 shakes a day and no food. After the first week, my body had adjusted pretty well and the weight is coming off. That is very motivating. I have to cook for my family and I've had a few social situations, but all is well! I'm writing more in a blog; optifastadventurer.blogspot.com I'm linking to other great Optifast bloggers, including a wonderful blog written by an Australian woman: wilandwig.blogspot.com

    Good luck ladies, we can do ti!
