Week 3 Progress



Hey guys,

Here is the new thread to check on everyone's progress for Week 3. You are welcome to post workouts you are doing, diet plan, how you're feeling, etc. We are here to support each other, so please share your thoughts :)


  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    This week is not off to the best start, will probably end the day on a 100 calories over goal and NO exercise today (hectic schedule that left no time to breathe let alone run).

    But, I plan to join the gym close to my work tomorrow which should make getting the requisite exercise in, a lot easier :)

    Hope you all have a GREAT week, and remember it's not about how long it takes to reach the goal, it's about how we went about reaching it :)

    Big love to all!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Well I totally missed last week's weigh-in. We ended up going out of town to visit a family member that is in the hospital. My eating was horrible as most was on the road (read gas station) and restaurants, including chinese buffet yesterday for lunch. SOOOOO much sodium my body is screaming at me right now UGH!!

    Anyways... so I am probably up some due to that. Drinking as much water as I can stomach the next few days to recover.

    Hope you all had a great weigh-in and I look forward to seeing Week 2 results!!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    So far this Monday has been good, just finished 100oz of water before leaving work and will be getting in another 40oz or so this evening with dinner and during my workout.

    Have a great day!!!
  • red128
    red128 Posts: 27
    I've just realized how I need to be conscious of what I'm eating. When I'm stressed, I just start eating what is ever in front of me and don't think about it. It has been a way stressful day. I wasn't too good in the afternoon, but stopped myself and really watched what I ate in the evening. Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Today IS a better day.

    Red, I am a stress eater too, and a boredom eater and any other kind of eater so I can understand where you are coming from.

    I was able to get 140oz in yesterday and I've already started drinking my water this morning. Looking forward to breaking that 140oz if possible!
    Have a great day everyone!!
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    So far this week has been going great, I have been burning over 1,000 calories per day. Hopefully I can keep it up. Doing circuit training and 35 minutes of cardio everyday. Keep up the good work guys :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    So far this week has been going great, I have been burning over 1,000 calories per day. Hopefully I can keep it up. Doing circuit training and 35 minutes of cardio everyday. Keep up the good work guys :)

    Great job Monique! I havent worked out since last week. We were away for the weekend and last night was running errands. 1000 cals a day... Wow! You rock girl!
  • robynw143
    robynw143 Posts: 65 Member
    got my butt kicked last night from the trainer
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    So far this week has been going great, I have been burning over 1,000 calories per day. Hopefully I can keep it up. Doing circuit training and 35 minutes of cardio everyday. Keep up the good work guys :)

    Great job Monique! I havent worked out since last week. We were away for the weekend and last night was running errands. 1000 cals a day... Wow! You rock girl!

    Thanks lol I'm trying to turn it up a notch...but hopefully you get to work out this week to maximize your weight loss :)
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    got my butt kicked last night from the trainer

    Wish I could say the same but I'm doing it on my own...hopefully one day I can become one myself lol...I'm sure you got a great workout.
  • robynw143
    robynw143 Posts: 65 Member
    That's a great goal to become a trainer! I often think I want to become a spin instructor. I love taking these classes and I think as I am spinning wow it would be nice to get paid to workout.
    Quite a few more pounds to lose before I can consider it.

    Good Luck
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wow! You guys are much more ambitious than I. But I'm probably not at the level of fitness that you are yet. I'm getting there.

    I remember long time ago trying to join a spin class, when I was just plain fat and not anywhere near the fitness level I am now. I'm thinkin... how hard can riding a bike be?!? OMG it was nuts! I was so embarrassed.

    I dont know that I'd be ready yet for that either but I'd like to try again some day. However, I dont know that I'll ever belong to one of those big fitness center/health club joints again. Terrible hours, way to busy, never ending peak times, just too hard to find a good time to go when there aren't 15,000 other people trying to get their sweat on too.

    I like the little 24 hour place we go to now. There's nothin for classes, no locker room, no pool, or anything like that but often when we go there is practically no one else there. Sometimes it feels like our own personal gym.

    Anyways, I hope you both are able to fulfill your dreams someday, that would just be awesome!
  • Consequints
    Consequints Posts: 3 Member
    Started back with a personal trainer Monday... He worked the crap out of us. Took Tuesday off, then did a pretty good cardio work out this morning. I'm feeling pretty positive about how this is going to turn out.
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Each and every one of you are doing awesome. Happy to see everyone posting, can't wait to see your results for this week. Hump day, so make the best of it.

    @sherrirb...thanks, I hope to accomplish it. And as far as spinning goes I can only imagine. I have not tried it yet, but I hope to do so one day. Heard its a great butt kicker lol

    @consequints...lucky you with personal trainer. I'm sure you will do a great this week. Glad to see that your are positive. Good things are coming love :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm pretty happy today despite my weight being up. I've been on steroids the last 5 days to help reduce the inflammation in my lungs from the bad bronchitis I have had. The steriods have worked and I am coughing much less (no barking anymore! Yay!) and I can breath easier.
    Weight is up due to several factors: steriods cause increased appetite and can cause weight gain, I ate horrible this last weekend as we were out of town/on the road all weekend to go visit my husband's uncle who was in the hospital (read gas station food and restaurant dining all weekened).

    But I'm excited nonetheless! I was able to run C25K last night without much difficulty at all. I was able to take the incline up to 2 and my speed is almost at what I was running before the bronchitis. Got a decent 400 calorie burn out of it and that makes me happy. I havent worked out in about a week and my body really needed it. The "dreaded" Week 5 Day 3 is coming this Friday but I'm excited because I know I can conquer it this time around. W5D3 is your first 20 min consecutive run, no intervals at all - for those that are not familiar.

    Gonna walk with Leslie Sansone tonight, not sure if I will have the energy for the 5 mile but I'm gonna give it a shot cuz I really need it.

    I just really wish I could train myself to get out of bed earlier and workout before getting ready to work. I'm not a morning person but I know I would feel so much better and see better results if I did, just cant seem to get to the point of doing it regularly. Don't know how to defeat that inner voice and conquer the morning! Hopefully I will some day.
  • red128
    red128 Posts: 27
    I'm in trouble this week . . . why is it that whenever we socialize or get together with friends there is food involved!? I try to only eat out at a restaurant once a week. Now it has been 3 times this week and its on Thursday! No more the rest of the week.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Red, just pick yourself and keep going. We will always have set backs. It has become second nature after years and years of doing it, to celebrate with food.

    We can still do it, but we have to remember to make better choices when doing it and first and foremost is portion sizes.

    You'll get through this, look at how far you've come already!!
  • red128
    red128 Posts: 27
    So true. Thank you!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    This week is my 'screw it' week. TOM is here and my weight loss instead of up and down a few oz every day, or a lb here and there (normal), it went up a little before TOM and it has been steady RIGHT at 194.8 lbs for 3 days now lol. I was 193.4 last week so it's a bit up, but I know after TOM is over, I'll drop back down.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hang in there Nareena! TOM is only a few days. Drink plenty of water, that will help sometimes since TOM just causes a little bloating/water weight gain. It will come off quick enough.