Group, here is the thread for Week 6's weight tracking. Good luck to everyone! MAKE GOOD CHOICES! You will be thankful later...


  • Lauralei36
    Lauralei36 Posts: 61 Member
    I lost 2lb this week, that's 8lb in 5 weeks. :-)
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    SW: 218.8
    CW: 215.2
    GW: 170

    1/3 217.8 down 1
    1/10 214 down 3.8
    1/17 214.4 up .4
    1/24 214.6 up .2
    1/31 216 up 1.4
    2/7 215.2 down .8

    total weight loss 3.6
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    No weight loss this week - still at 161!
  • neudeb12
    neudeb12 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm down 2.1 lbs. this week
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Down one more pound - whew!

    1/15 201.5
    1/25 200
    2/1 199
    2/8 198
  • Last week: 201.8 lbs.
    This week: 201.6 lbs.

    So thankful because I was up 3lbs after super bowl weekend. So I really did lose this week but didn't count. :happy:
  • MystFire117
    MystFire117 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow Week 6 already!!

    Week 6 (2/6-2/12):
    SW -- 220
    LW -- 215.2
    CW -- 216.0
    GW -- 145 +- 5

    Weekly Loss: +0.8lbs! ;-(
    Total Loss: 4lbs!

    A bit sad, that trend turned upside down on me. I lost a bunch quickly but then haven't budged. Any suggestions???
  • Heaven829
    Heaven829 Posts: 38 Member
    1.2lbs down

    SW~ 253
    CW~245.4~1.2 lbs this week
    GW~ 180~ 65lbs left

    5.4 more lbs to my next mini goal
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    Down another 1.6 pounds for me this week! Woohoo! That's three weeks in a row of the scale going in the right direction! Go me!!

    Heaviest Weight - 264
    SW on MFP - 245.8
    LW - 224.8
    CW - 223.2
    GW - 135
  • rblesd
    rblesd Posts: 28
    No loss this week
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    Lost 2 pounds this week.

    Total of 9 since challenge started and 40 overall.
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    My weight loss is really slowing down now... sniff, sniff... but I did manage to lose a pound though. YIPPEE!!!!
  • Pattis11
    Pattis11 Posts: 34 Member
  • having hard time pulling it together up .7 this week 217. :/
  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    2 lbs Down. :happy:
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
  • RonJr88
    RonJr88 Posts: 56 Member
    SW 195
    LW 178
    CW 178
    no loss this week :grumble:
  • cherll
    cherll Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone.
  • GSAllumbaugh
    GSAllumbaugh Posts: 70 Member
    Down 1.8 this week!
  • down 8.2 this week. goodness me! makes up for last week! I've been sick this week so we'll see if this loss sticks next week.