Blizzard help

sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
Ok, we are in the middle of the blizzard and I am trying not to eat all the comfort food in the next 2 days that we are snowbound. Help! Any suggestions? 60 + mile per hour winds and snow so heavy I can't see the house across the street. What's a girl to do but read a book and eat chocolate chip cookies?


  • roundtherink
    Do you have Fitness OnDemand with your cable? Mine has all kinds of classes (for free). Might be a fun time to try something new.
    Card games, board games, crafty things (do you knit crochet, needlepoint?)
    Do you have a Kindle? Lots of great books for 99 cents, so it won't cost you a fortune.
    Any books- or series of books you want to re-read? I did that with the Harry Potter books once when I was trapped at home.
    Clean out closets.....get rid of too big clothes, organize your smaller stuff and see what fits now!
    Deep clean your house. Perfect time for it, and you burn calories that you can log! (all the better to enjoy a cookie or 2) :)
    Any photos you've been meaning to put in albums?
    Make a list of goals to help keep you motivated.

    I actually have a list of things I can do besides eat, since sometimes I eat out of boredom. When I get out my list, I rea;ize there's always stuff for me to do. LOL
    Stay safe!
    I used to live up north, but abandoned it for sunny FL a few years ago.
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    You are a wise woman. Thank you for all the tips. My friends from MIssissippi can't even begin to imagine what 3 feet of snow looks like. I wish I didn't! I am thinking Florida is the place to be!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    ooo, the crafty things! That is what I would do!