new to group

:happy: Hello all members. I have no trouble losing weight. However I have problems with routine exercise. So I joined for support. I started my program on Monday. Help me stay on the exercise course. Thanks in advance!


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    If you have no trouble losing weight I would like to hear how but if you are still working as a nurse I understand. I was skinny and ate like a horse when I was working as a nurse!
  • missourinurse
    missourinurse Posts: 51 Member
    I am still working as a nurse. When I don't watch what I eat, I do gain weight. When I take care every day to monitor my intake, then I can loose, no matter what program I choose. As I said, I am not an exercise person. I like sewing projects, crochet and knitting, photography. I don't lose weight doing those things. I need motivation to exercise.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Try to find something you like to do. I love the water so I do water aerobics 5 days a week. I really don't think of it as "exercising". I'm just playing in the water. After you do it long enough you don't want to miss it. The endorphins make you feel so good. Would some kind of class keep you interested? There are so many fun things like Zumba and Yoga.
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    I am much more inclined to lose weight when I watch my calories. I do exercise and maybe I will be surprised to find out that it really has helped me lose the weight but....

    When I moved to the coast watched what I ate most of the time but seriously bumped up my exercise routine with demanding hikes and some gym time. After 6 months my doc mentioned a 10 lb weight gain!!! Watching what I eat seems to be the key and anything with sugar is bad bad bad for me!! It seems to turn to fat within 5 minutes!! :smile:
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    When I moved here I joined a couple of free exercise classes at the local activity center. What I saw there really bumped up my motivation to exercise. There are people moving freely and some younger people showing difficulty. The teachers talked about what to do for strength... flexibility.... and balance as we age. I recently retired and I want to go into the next phase of my life with agility and energy... and that did it for me. I shared the floor with people who had made 2 different choices and clearly... one was better than the other.

    So.... that is why I exercise! Like the old Nike commercials... just do it :smile:
  • missourinurse
    missourinurse Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I live in the rurals and travel to such activities is difficult especially when I work night shift. I will keep on the look out though.
  • missourinurse
    missourinurse Posts: 51 Member
    Groups are not really an option at this time. I need the motivation to keep up on my own. Thanks for the food for thought.
  • shaldra
    Exercise is something I have always gotten a lot of in the past. Then, I was in a van accident which totaled the van and I walked away from thinking I had no injuries. Turned out had major damage to my lower spine and exercise as well as a large part of my income dissappeared from my life. I have always been heavy, but due to my lifestyle it was mainly muscle and I was flexible, had lots of energy and was doing ok. When my back made it problems known, one day I could not move, I found myself depressed and inmobile so gained 30 lbs, lost muscle, gained a lot of fat. Once I saw doctors, I was told to swim - actually to join a water aerobics class preferrably 5 days a week, follow diet plan, take meds and behave. I was "suddenly" a type 2 diabetic with a high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism and kidney stones. Given 4 diet plans, by the nutrition folks, I discovered there was little I should be eating. Only water and chocolate (very dark) were on all lists as acceptable. So I sold part of my business, the part that required a lot of physical activity, moved to FL and went swimming. All of my exercise except for walking takes place in water, mostly at least shoulder deep. Things have improved so 1 1/2 to 2 hours is easy. I do attend a water aerobics class 3 days a week when I can and do the rest of the work on my own or with a couple of friends when they are available.. I have lost 104 lbs, am now a diet controlled diabetic, lowered my cholesterol to under 200 and meds take care of residual blood pressure, thyroid problems and hopefully diet changes will keep kidney stones away. To lose the last excess weight, I will have to keep calories under 1500 everyday and probably lower so it will be a struggle because I like to eat. Eating at home most days is a must, swimming and walking are also musts.