Stuck in a food rut...

nitabean47 Posts: 35 Member
Hey everyone....hoping some of you have some food ideas that could help me. On the days that I work i leave my house at 7am and return 830pm. I currently eat all of my meals and 1 snack at work. I pack my lunch everyday with the same thing.....salad, turkey meatballs, fruit, protein bar/shake. I need some variety....any ideas?

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  • HealthyDeb
    HealthyDeb Posts: 60 Member
    Wow, what a long day! I am currently unemployed and have the same problem whether working or not. I seem to eat the same things over and over. Especially when I work. If something is working I don't change it. They say variety is the spice of life so I'll be reading in hopes that someone has some great suggestions. Good luck!
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    I love those mozzarella and salami rolls for snacks. Half a roll, 4oz comes in at 160 calories, 6g of fat and 10g of protein. Sliced thin I can munch and not feel guilty. They are even good on a salad.
  • Kim061865
    I love the starkist light tuna in water pouch. It packs 80 cals! Very easy to toss in your bag.
  • nitabean47
    nitabean47 Posts: 35 Member
    My pouch seems to hate Tuna....idk why! Tuna, brocoli and carrots I still have issues with. But this gave me a idea......the lil frozen cocktail shrimp. By the time I am ready to eat them they have far so good. Thank you!